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2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
Copyright : Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
Licensed under the Oculus SDK License Version 3.4.1 (the "License");
you may not use the Oculus SDK except in compliance with the License,
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus SDK
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Callbacks;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
class OVRPluginUpdater
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
enum PluginPlatform
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
class PluginPackage
public string RootPath;
public System.Version Version;
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
public Dictionary<PluginPlatform, string> Plugins = new Dictionary<PluginPlatform, string>();
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
public bool IsBundledPluginPackage()
return (RootPath == GetBundledPluginRootPath());
public bool IsEnabled()
// TODO: Check each individual platform rather than using the Win64 DLL status for the overall package status.
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
string path = "";
if (Plugins.TryGetValue(PluginPlatform.Win64, out path))
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
return File.Exists(path);
return false;
public bool IsAndroidUniversalEnabled()
string path = "";
if (Plugins.TryGetValue(PluginPlatform.AndroidUniversal, out path))
if (File.Exists(path))
string basePath = GetCurrentProjectPath();
string relPath = path.Substring(basePath.Length + 1);
PluginImporter pi = PluginImporter.GetAtPath(relPath) as PluginImporter;
if (pi != null)
return pi.GetCompatibleWithPlatform(BuildTarget.Android);
return false;
public bool IsAndroidUniversalPresent()
string path = "";
if (Plugins.TryGetValue(PluginPlatform.AndroidUniversal, out path))
string disabledPath = path + GetDisabledPluginSuffix();
if (File.Exists(path) || File.Exists(disabledPath))
return true;
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
return false;
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
private static bool restartPending = false;
private static bool unityVersionSupportsAndroidUniversal = false;
private static bool enableAndroidUniversalSupport = true;
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
static OVRPluginUpdater()
EditorApplication.delayCall += OnDelayCall;
static void OnDelayCall()
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
if (enableAndroidUniversalSupport)
#if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER
// Temporarily disable the AndroidUniversal plugin because of a plugin copying error in Unity
unityVersionSupportsAndroidUniversal = false;
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
if (ShouldAttemptPluginUpdate())
private static PluginPackage GetPluginPackage(string rootPath)
return new PluginPackage()
RootPath = rootPath,
Version = GetPluginVersion(rootPath),
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
Plugins = new Dictionary<PluginPlatform, string>()
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
{ PluginPlatform.Android, rootPath + GetPluginBuildTargetSubPath(PluginPlatform.Android) },
{ PluginPlatform.AndroidUniversal, rootPath + GetPluginBuildTargetSubPath(PluginPlatform.AndroidUniversal) },
{ PluginPlatform.OSXUniversal, rootPath + GetPluginBuildTargetSubPath(PluginPlatform.OSXUniversal) },
{ PluginPlatform.Win, rootPath + GetPluginBuildTargetSubPath(PluginPlatform.Win) },
{ PluginPlatform.Win64, rootPath + GetPluginBuildTargetSubPath(PluginPlatform.Win64) },
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
private static PluginPackage GetBundledPluginPackage()
return GetPluginPackage(GetBundledPluginRootPath());
private static List<PluginPackage> GetAllUtilitiesPluginPackages()
string pluginRootPath = GetUtilitiesPluginRootPath();
List<PluginPackage> packages = new List<PluginPackage>();
if (Directory.Exists(pluginRootPath))
var dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(pluginRootPath);
foreach(string dir in dirs)
return packages;
private static string GetCurrentProjectPath()
return Directory.GetParent(Application.dataPath).FullName;
private static string GetUtilitiesPluginRootPath()
return GetUtilitiesRootPath() + @"/Plugins";
private static string GetUtilitiesRootPath()
var so = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(OVRPluginUpdaterStub));
var script = MonoScript.FromScriptableObject(so);
string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(script);
string editorDir = Directory.GetParent(assetPath).FullName;
string ovrDir = Directory.GetParent(editorDir).FullName;
return ovrDir;
private static string GetBundledPluginRootPath()
string basePath = EditorApplication.applicationContentsPath;
string pluginPath = @"/UnityExtensions/Unity/VR";
return basePath + pluginPath;
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
private static string GetPluginBuildTargetSubPath(PluginPlatform target)
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
string path = string.Empty;
switch (target)
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
case PluginPlatform.Android:
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
path = @"/Android/OVRPlugin.aar";
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
case PluginPlatform.AndroidUniversal:
path = @"/AndroidUniversal/OVRPlugin.aar";
case PluginPlatform.OSXUniversal:
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
path = @"/OSXUniversal/OVRPlugin.bundle";
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
case PluginPlatform.Win:
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
path = @"/Win/OVRPlugin.dll";
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
case PluginPlatform.Win64:
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
path = @"/Win64/OVRPlugin.dll";
throw new ArgumentException("Attempted GetPluginBuildTargetSubPath() for unsupported BuildTarget: " + target);
return path;
private static string GetDisabledPluginSuffix()
return @".disabled";
private static System.Version GetPluginVersion(string path)
System.Version invalidVersion = new System.Version("0.0.0");
System.Version pluginVersion = invalidVersion;
pluginVersion = new System.Version(Path.GetFileName(path));
pluginVersion = invalidVersion;
if (pluginVersion == invalidVersion)
//Unable to determine version from path, fallback to Win64 DLL meta data
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
path += GetPluginBuildTargetSubPath(PluginPlatform.Win64);
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
if (!File.Exists(path))
path += GetDisabledPluginSuffix();
if (!File.Exists(path))
return invalidVersion;
FileVersionInfo pluginVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(path);
if (pluginVersionInfo == null || pluginVersionInfo.ProductVersion == null || pluginVersionInfo.ProductVersion == "")
return invalidVersion;
pluginVersion = new System.Version(pluginVersionInfo.ProductVersion);
return pluginVersion;
private static bool ShouldAttemptPluginUpdate()
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
return !UnitySupportsEnabledAndroidPlugin() || (autoUpdateEnabled && !restartPending && !Application.isPlaying);
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
private static void DisableAllUtilitiesPluginPackages()
List<PluginPackage> allUtilsPluginPkgs = GetAllUtilitiesPluginPackages();
foreach(PluginPackage pluginPkg in allUtilsPluginPkgs)
foreach(string path in pluginPkg.Plugins.Values)
if ((Directory.Exists(path)) || (File.Exists(path)))
string basePath = GetCurrentProjectPath();
string relPath = path.Substring(basePath.Length + 1);
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
string relDisabledPath = relPath + GetDisabledPluginSuffix();
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
AssetDatabase.MoveAsset(relPath, relDisabledPath);
AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(relDisabledPath, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate);
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
private static void EnablePluginPackage(PluginPackage pluginPkg)
foreach(var kvp in pluginPkg.Plugins)
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
PluginPlatform platform = kvp.Key;
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
string path = kvp.Value;
if ((Directory.Exists(path + GetDisabledPluginSuffix())) || (File.Exists(path + GetDisabledPluginSuffix())))
string basePath = GetCurrentProjectPath();
string relPath = path.Substring(basePath.Length + 1);
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
string relDisabledPath = relPath + GetDisabledPluginSuffix();
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
AssetDatabase.MoveAsset(relDisabledPath, relPath);
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(relPath, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate);
PluginImporter pi = PluginImporter.GetAtPath(relPath) as PluginImporter;
if (pi == null)
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
// Disable support for all platforms, then conditionally enable desired support below
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
pi.SetCompatibleWithPlatform(BuildTarget.Android, false);
pi.SetCompatibleWithPlatform(BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows, false);
pi.SetCompatibleWithPlatform(BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64, false);
#if UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER
pi.SetCompatibleWithPlatform(BuildTarget.StandaloneOSX, false);
pi.SetCompatibleWithPlatform(BuildTarget.StandaloneOSXUniversal, false);
pi.SetCompatibleWithPlatform(BuildTarget.StandaloneOSXIntel, false);
pi.SetCompatibleWithPlatform(BuildTarget.StandaloneOSXIntel64, false);
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
switch (platform)
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
case PluginPlatform.Android:
pi.SetCompatibleWithPlatform(BuildTarget.Android, !unityVersionSupportsAndroidUniversal);
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
pi.SetPlatformData(BuildTarget.Android, "CPU", "ARMv7");
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
case PluginPlatform.AndroidUniversal:
pi.SetCompatibleWithPlatform(BuildTarget.Android, unityVersionSupportsAndroidUniversal);
pi.SetPlatformData(BuildTarget.Android, "CPU", "ARM64");
case PluginPlatform.OSXUniversal:
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
#if UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER
pi.SetCompatibleWithPlatform(BuildTarget.StandaloneOSX, true);
pi.SetCompatibleWithPlatform(BuildTarget.StandaloneOSXUniversal, true);
pi.SetCompatibleWithPlatform(BuildTarget.StandaloneOSXIntel, true);
pi.SetCompatibleWithPlatform(BuildTarget.StandaloneOSXIntel64, true);
pi.SetEditorData("CPU", "AnyCPU");
pi.SetEditorData("OS", "OSX");
pi.SetPlatformData("Editor", "CPU", "AnyCPU");
pi.SetPlatformData("Editor", "OS", "OSX");
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
case PluginPlatform.Win:
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
pi.SetCompatibleWithPlatform(BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows, true);
pi.SetEditorData("CPU", "X86");
pi.SetEditorData("OS", "Windows");
pi.SetPlatformData("Editor", "CPU", "X86");
pi.SetPlatformData("Editor", "OS", "Windows");
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
case PluginPlatform.Win64:
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
pi.SetCompatibleWithPlatform(BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64, true);
pi.SetEditorData("CPU", "X86_64");
pi.SetEditorData("OS", "Windows");
pi.SetPlatformData("Editor", "CPU", "X86_64");
pi.SetPlatformData("Editor", "OS", "Windows");
throw new ArgumentException("Attempted EnablePluginPackage() for unsupported BuildTarget: " + platform);
AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(relPath, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate);
private static readonly string autoUpdateEnabledKey = "Oculus_Utilities_OVRPluginUpdater_AutoUpdate_" + OVRManager.utilitiesVersion;
private static bool autoUpdateEnabled
get {
return PlayerPrefs.GetInt(autoUpdateEnabledKey, 1) == 1;
set {
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(autoUpdateEnabledKey, value ? 1 : 0);
[MenuItem("Tools/Oculus/Disable OVR Utilities Plugin")]
private static void AttemptPluginDisable()
PluginPackage bundledPluginPkg = GetBundledPluginPackage();
List<PluginPackage> allUtilsPluginPkgs = GetAllUtilitiesPluginPackages();
PluginPackage enabledUtilsPluginPkg = null;
foreach(PluginPackage pluginPkg in allUtilsPluginPkgs)
if (pluginPkg.IsEnabled())
if ((enabledUtilsPluginPkg == null) || (pluginPkg.Version > enabledUtilsPluginPkg.Version))
enabledUtilsPluginPkg = pluginPkg;
if (enabledUtilsPluginPkg == null)
if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Disable Oculus Utilities Plugin", "The OVRPlugin included with Oculus Utilities is already disabled. The OVRPlugin bundled with the Unity Editor will continue to be used.\n\nBundled version: " + bundledPluginPkg.Version, "Ok", ""))
if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Disable Oculus Utilities Plugin", "Do you want to disable the OVRPlugin included with Oculus Utilities and revert to the OVRPlugin bundled with the Unity Editor?\n\nCurrent version: " + enabledUtilsPluginPkg.Version + "\nBundled version: " + bundledPluginPkg.Version, "Yes", "No"))
if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Restart Unity", "OVRPlugin has been updated to " + bundledPluginPkg.Version + ".\n\nPlease restart the Unity Editor to complete the update process. You may need to manually relaunch Unity if you are using Unity 5.6 and higher.", "Restart", "Not Now"))
[MenuItem("Tools/Oculus/Update OVR Utilities Plugin")]
private static void RunPluginUpdate()
private static void AttemptPluginUpdate(bool triggeredByAutoUpdate)
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
OVRPlugin.SendEvent("attempt_plugin_update_auto", triggeredByAutoUpdate.ToString());
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
autoUpdateEnabled = true;
PluginPackage bundledPluginPkg = GetBundledPluginPackage();
List<PluginPackage> allUtilsPluginPkgs = GetAllUtilitiesPluginPackages();
PluginPackage enabledUtilsPluginPkg = null;
PluginPackage newestUtilsPluginPkg = null;
foreach(PluginPackage pluginPkg in allUtilsPluginPkgs)
if ((newestUtilsPluginPkg == null) || (pluginPkg.Version > newestUtilsPluginPkg.Version))
newestUtilsPluginPkg = pluginPkg;
if (pluginPkg.IsEnabled())
if ((enabledUtilsPluginPkg == null) || (pluginPkg.Version > enabledUtilsPluginPkg.Version))
enabledUtilsPluginPkg = pluginPkg;
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
bool reenableCurrentPluginPkg = false;
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
PluginPackage targetPluginPkg = null;
if ((newestUtilsPluginPkg != null) && (newestUtilsPluginPkg.Version > bundledPluginPkg.Version))
if ((enabledUtilsPluginPkg == null) || (enabledUtilsPluginPkg.Version != newestUtilsPluginPkg.Version))
targetPluginPkg = newestUtilsPluginPkg;
else if ((enabledUtilsPluginPkg != null) && (enabledUtilsPluginPkg.Version < bundledPluginPkg.Version))
targetPluginPkg = bundledPluginPkg;
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
PluginPackage currentPluginPkg = (enabledUtilsPluginPkg != null) ? enabledUtilsPluginPkg : bundledPluginPkg;
if ((targetPluginPkg == null) && !UnitySupportsEnabledAndroidPlugin())
// Force reenabling the current package to configure the correct android plugin for this unity version.
reenableCurrentPluginPkg = true;
targetPluginPkg = currentPluginPkg;
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
if (targetPluginPkg == null)
if (!triggeredByAutoUpdate)
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Update Oculus Utilities Plugin", "OVRPlugin is already up to date.\n\nCurrent version: " + currentPluginPkg.Version + "\nBundled version: " + bundledPluginPkg.Version, "Ok", "");
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
return; // No update necessary.
System.Version targetVersion = targetPluginPkg.Version;
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
string dialogBody = "Oculus Utilities has detected that a newer OVRPlugin is available. Using the newest version is recommended. Do you want to enable it?\n\nCurrent version: "
+ currentPluginPkg.Version
+ "\nAvailable version: "
+ targetVersion;
if (reenableCurrentPluginPkg)
dialogBody = "Oculus Utilities has detected a configuration change that requires re-enabling the current OVRPlugin. Do you want to proceed?\n\nCurrent version: "
+ currentPluginPkg.Version;
int dialogResult = EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex("Update Oculus Utilities Plugin", dialogBody, "Yes", "No, Don't Ask Again", "No");
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
bool userAcceptsUpdate = false;
switch (dialogResult)
case 0: // "Yes"
userAcceptsUpdate = true;
case 1: // "No, Don't Ask Again"
autoUpdateEnabled = false;
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Oculus Utilities OVRPlugin", "To manually update in the future, use the following menu option:\n\n[Tools -> Oculus -> Update OVR Utilities Plugin]", "Ok", "");
case 2: // "No"
if (userAcceptsUpdate)
if (!targetPluginPkg.IsBundledPluginPackage())
if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Restart Unity", "OVRPlugin has been updated to " + targetPluginPkg.Version + ".\n\nPlease restart the Unity Editor to complete the update process. You may need to manually relaunch Unity if you are using Unity 5.6 and higher.", "Restart", "Not Now"))
2018-10-09 20:59:57 -04:00
private static bool UnitySupportsEnabledAndroidPlugin()
List<PluginPackage> allUtilsPluginPkgs = GetAllUtilitiesPluginPackages();
foreach(PluginPackage pluginPkg in allUtilsPluginPkgs)
if (pluginPkg.IsEnabled())
if (pluginPkg.IsAndroidUniversalEnabled() && !unityVersionSupportsAndroidUniversal)
// Android Universal should only be enabled on supported Unity versions since it can prevent app launch.
return false;
else if (!pluginPkg.IsAndroidUniversalEnabled() && pluginPkg.IsAndroidUniversalPresent() && unityVersionSupportsAndroidUniversal)
// Android Universal is present and should be enabled on supported Unity versions since ARM64 config will fail otherwise.
return false;
return true;
2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
private static void RestartUnityEditor()
restartPending = true;