3507 lines
128 KiB
3507 lines
128 KiB
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Generated by ProtoGen, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=55f7125234beb589. DO NOT EDIT!
#pragma warning disable 1591, 0612
#region Designer generated code
using pb = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers;
using pbc = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.Collections;
using pbd = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.Descriptors;
using scg = global::System.Collections.Generic;
/// @cond
namespace proto {
namespace Proto {
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
public static partial class PhoneEvent {
#region Extension registration
public static void RegisterAllExtensions(pb::ExtensionRegistry registry) {
#region Static variables
#region Extensions
internal static readonly object Descriptor;
static PhoneEvent() {
Descriptor = null;
#region Messages
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
public sealed partial class PhoneEvent : pb::GeneratedMessageLite<PhoneEvent, PhoneEvent.Builder> {
private PhoneEvent() { }
private static readonly PhoneEvent defaultInstance = new PhoneEvent().MakeReadOnly();
private static readonly string[] _phoneEventFieldNames = new string[] { "accelerometer_event", "depth_map_event", "gyroscope_event", "key_event", "motion_event", "orientation_event", "type" };
private static readonly uint[] _phoneEventFieldTags = new uint[] { 34, 42, 26, 58, 18, 50, 8 };
public static PhoneEvent DefaultInstance {
get { return defaultInstance; }
public override PhoneEvent DefaultInstanceForType {
get { return DefaultInstance; }
protected override PhoneEvent ThisMessage {
get { return this; }
#region Nested types
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
public static class Types {
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
public enum Type {
KEY = 6,
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
public sealed partial class MotionEvent : pb::GeneratedMessageLite<MotionEvent, MotionEvent.Builder> {
private MotionEvent() { }
private static readonly MotionEvent defaultInstance = new MotionEvent().MakeReadOnly();
private static readonly string[] _motionEventFieldNames = new string[] { "action", "pointers", "timestamp" };
private static readonly uint[] _motionEventFieldTags = new uint[] { 16, 26, 8 };
public static MotionEvent DefaultInstance {
get { return defaultInstance; }
public override MotionEvent DefaultInstanceForType {
get { return DefaultInstance; }
protected override MotionEvent ThisMessage {
get { return this; }
#region Nested types
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
public static class Types {
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
public sealed partial class Pointer : pb::GeneratedMessageLite<Pointer, Pointer.Builder> {
private Pointer() { }
private static readonly Pointer defaultInstance = new Pointer().MakeReadOnly();
private static readonly string[] _pointerFieldNames = new string[] { "id", "normalized_x", "normalized_y" };
private static readonly uint[] _pointerFieldTags = new uint[] { 8, 21, 29 };
public static Pointer DefaultInstance {
get { return defaultInstance; }
public override Pointer DefaultInstanceForType {
get { return DefaultInstance; }
protected override Pointer ThisMessage {
get { return this; }
public const int IdFieldNumber = 1;
private bool hasId;
private int id_;
public bool HasId {
get { return hasId; }
public int Id {
get { return id_; }
public const int NormalizedXFieldNumber = 2;
private bool hasNormalizedX;
private float normalizedX_;
public bool HasNormalizedX {
get { return hasNormalizedX; }
public float NormalizedX {
get { return normalizedX_; }
public const int NormalizedYFieldNumber = 3;
private bool hasNormalizedY;
private float normalizedY_;
public bool HasNormalizedY {
get { return hasNormalizedY; }
public float NormalizedY {
get { return normalizedY_; }
public override bool IsInitialized {
get {
return true;
public override void WriteTo(pb::ICodedOutputStream output) {
string[] field_names = _pointerFieldNames;
if (hasId) {
output.WriteInt32(1, field_names[0], Id);
if (hasNormalizedX) {
output.WriteFloat(2, field_names[1], NormalizedX);
if (hasNormalizedY) {
output.WriteFloat(3, field_names[2], NormalizedY);
private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
public override int SerializedSize {
get {
int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
if (size != -1) return size;
size = 0;
if (hasId) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(1, Id);
if (hasNormalizedX) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFloatSize(2, NormalizedX);
if (hasNormalizedY) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFloatSize(3, NormalizedY);
memoizedSerializedSize = size;
return size;
#region Lite runtime methods
public override int GetHashCode() {
int hash = GetType().GetHashCode();
if (hasId) hash ^= id_.GetHashCode();
if (hasNormalizedX) hash ^= normalizedX_.GetHashCode();
if (hasNormalizedY) hash ^= normalizedY_.GetHashCode();
return hash;
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
Pointer other = obj as Pointer;
if (other == null) return false;
if (hasId != other.hasId || (hasId && !id_.Equals(other.id_))) return false;
if (hasNormalizedX != other.hasNormalizedX || (hasNormalizedX && !normalizedX_.Equals(other.normalizedX_))) return false;
if (hasNormalizedY != other.hasNormalizedY || (hasNormalizedY && !normalizedY_.Equals(other.normalizedY_))) return false;
return true;
public override void PrintTo(global::System.IO.TextWriter writer) {
PrintField("id", hasId, id_, writer);
PrintField("normalized_x", hasNormalizedX, normalizedX_, writer);
PrintField("normalized_y", hasNormalizedY, normalizedY_, writer);
public static Pointer ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
public static Pointer ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static Pointer ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
public static Pointer ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static Pointer ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
public static Pointer ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static Pointer ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
public static Pointer ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
public static Pointer ParseFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
public static Pointer ParseFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
private Pointer MakeReadOnly() {
return this;
public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
public static Builder CreateBuilder(Pointer prototype) {
return new Builder(prototype);
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilderLite<Pointer, Builder> {
protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
get { return this; }
public Builder() {
result = DefaultInstance;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
internal Builder(Pointer cloneFrom) {
result = cloneFrom;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
private bool resultIsReadOnly;
private Pointer result;
private Pointer PrepareBuilder() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
Pointer original = result;
result = new Pointer();
resultIsReadOnly = false;
return result;
public override bool IsInitialized {
get { return result.IsInitialized; }
protected override Pointer MessageBeingBuilt {
get { return PrepareBuilder(); }
public override Builder Clear() {
result = DefaultInstance;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
return this;
public override Builder Clone() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
return new Builder(result);
} else {
return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
public override Pointer DefaultInstanceForType {
get { return global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.Types.Pointer.DefaultInstance; }
public override Pointer BuildPartial() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
return result;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
return result.MakeReadOnly();
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::IMessageLite other) {
if (other is Pointer) {
return MergeFrom((Pointer) other);
} else {
return this;
public override Builder MergeFrom(Pointer other) {
if (other == global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.Types.Pointer.DefaultInstance) return this;
if (other.HasId) {
Id = other.Id;
if (other.HasNormalizedX) {
NormalizedX = other.NormalizedX;
if (other.HasNormalizedY) {
NormalizedY = other.NormalizedY;
return this;
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input) {
return MergeFrom(input, pb::ExtensionRegistry.Empty);
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
uint tag;
string field_name;
while (input.ReadTag(out tag, out field_name)) {
if(tag == 0 && field_name != null) {
int field_ordinal = global::System.Array.BinarySearch(_pointerFieldNames, field_name, global::System.StringComparer.Ordinal);
if(field_ordinal >= 0)
tag = _pointerFieldTags[field_ordinal];
else {
ParseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag, field_name);
switch (tag) {
case 0: {
throw pb::InvalidProtocolBufferException.InvalidTag();
default: {
if (pb::WireFormat.IsEndGroupTag(tag)) {
return this;
ParseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag, field_name);
case 8: {
result.hasId = input.ReadInt32(ref result.id_);
case 21: {
result.hasNormalizedX = input.ReadFloat(ref result.normalizedX_);
case 29: {
result.hasNormalizedY = input.ReadFloat(ref result.normalizedY_);
return this;
public bool HasId {
get { return result.hasId; }
public int Id {
get { return result.Id; }
set { SetId(value); }
public Builder SetId(int value) {
result.hasId = true;
result.id_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearId() {
result.hasId = false;
result.id_ = 0;
return this;
public bool HasNormalizedX {
get { return result.hasNormalizedX; }
public float NormalizedX {
get { return result.NormalizedX; }
set { SetNormalizedX(value); }
public Builder SetNormalizedX(float value) {
result.hasNormalizedX = true;
result.normalizedX_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearNormalizedX() {
result.hasNormalizedX = false;
result.normalizedX_ = 0F;
return this;
public bool HasNormalizedY {
get { return result.hasNormalizedY; }
public float NormalizedY {
get { return result.NormalizedY; }
set { SetNormalizedY(value); }
public Builder SetNormalizedY(float value) {
result.hasNormalizedY = true;
result.normalizedY_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearNormalizedY() {
result.hasNormalizedY = false;
result.normalizedY_ = 0F;
return this;
static Pointer() {
object.ReferenceEquals(global::proto.Proto.PhoneEvent.Descriptor, null);
public const int TimestampFieldNumber = 1;
private bool hasTimestamp;
private long timestamp_;
public bool HasTimestamp {
get { return hasTimestamp; }
public long Timestamp {
get { return timestamp_; }
public const int ActionFieldNumber = 2;
private bool hasAction;
private int action_;
public bool HasAction {
get { return hasAction; }
public int Action {
get { return action_; }
public const int PointersFieldNumber = 3;
private pbc::PopsicleList<global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.Types.Pointer> pointers_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.Types.Pointer>();
public scg::IList<global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.Types.Pointer> PointersList {
get { return pointers_; }
public int PointersCount {
get { return pointers_.Count; }
public global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.Types.Pointer GetPointers(int index) {
return pointers_[index];
public override bool IsInitialized {
get {
return true;
public override void WriteTo(pb::ICodedOutputStream output) {
string[] field_names = _motionEventFieldNames;
if (hasTimestamp) {
output.WriteInt64(1, field_names[2], Timestamp);
if (hasAction) {
output.WriteInt32(2, field_names[0], Action);
if (pointers_.Count > 0) {
output.WriteMessageArray(3, field_names[1], pointers_);
private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
public override int SerializedSize {
get {
int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
if (size != -1) return size;
size = 0;
if (hasTimestamp) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(1, Timestamp);
if (hasAction) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(2, Action);
foreach (global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.Types.Pointer element in PointersList) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeMessageSize(3, element);
memoizedSerializedSize = size;
return size;
#region Lite runtime methods
public override int GetHashCode() {
int hash = GetType().GetHashCode();
if (hasTimestamp) hash ^= timestamp_.GetHashCode();
if (hasAction) hash ^= action_.GetHashCode();
foreach(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.Types.Pointer i in pointers_)
hash ^= i.GetHashCode();
return hash;
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
MotionEvent other = obj as MotionEvent;
if (other == null) return false;
if (hasTimestamp != other.hasTimestamp || (hasTimestamp && !timestamp_.Equals(other.timestamp_))) return false;
if (hasAction != other.hasAction || (hasAction && !action_.Equals(other.action_))) return false;
if(pointers_.Count != other.pointers_.Count) return false;
for(int ix=0; ix < pointers_.Count; ix++)
if(!pointers_[ix].Equals(other.pointers_[ix])) return false;
return true;
public override void PrintTo(global::System.IO.TextWriter writer) {
PrintField("timestamp", hasTimestamp, timestamp_, writer);
PrintField("action", hasAction, action_, writer);
PrintField("pointers", pointers_, writer);
public static MotionEvent ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
public static MotionEvent ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static MotionEvent ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
public static MotionEvent ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static MotionEvent ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
public static MotionEvent ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static MotionEvent ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
public static MotionEvent ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
public static MotionEvent ParseFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
public static MotionEvent ParseFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
private MotionEvent MakeReadOnly() {
return this;
public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
public static Builder CreateBuilder(MotionEvent prototype) {
return new Builder(prototype);
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilderLite<MotionEvent, Builder> {
protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
get { return this; }
public Builder() {
result = DefaultInstance;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
internal Builder(MotionEvent cloneFrom) {
result = cloneFrom;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
private bool resultIsReadOnly;
private MotionEvent result;
private MotionEvent PrepareBuilder() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
MotionEvent original = result;
result = new MotionEvent();
resultIsReadOnly = false;
return result;
public override bool IsInitialized {
get { return result.IsInitialized; }
protected override MotionEvent MessageBeingBuilt {
get { return PrepareBuilder(); }
public override Builder Clear() {
result = DefaultInstance;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
return this;
public override Builder Clone() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
return new Builder(result);
} else {
return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
public override MotionEvent DefaultInstanceForType {
get { return global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.DefaultInstance; }
public override MotionEvent BuildPartial() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
return result;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
return result.MakeReadOnly();
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::IMessageLite other) {
if (other is MotionEvent) {
return MergeFrom((MotionEvent) other);
} else {
return this;
public override Builder MergeFrom(MotionEvent other) {
if (other == global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.DefaultInstance) return this;
if (other.HasTimestamp) {
Timestamp = other.Timestamp;
if (other.HasAction) {
Action = other.Action;
if (other.pointers_.Count != 0) {
return this;
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input) {
return MergeFrom(input, pb::ExtensionRegistry.Empty);
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
uint tag;
string field_name;
while (input.ReadTag(out tag, out field_name)) {
if(tag == 0 && field_name != null) {
int field_ordinal = global::System.Array.BinarySearch(_motionEventFieldNames, field_name, global::System.StringComparer.Ordinal);
if(field_ordinal >= 0)
tag = _motionEventFieldTags[field_ordinal];
else {
ParseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag, field_name);
switch (tag) {
case 0: {
throw pb::InvalidProtocolBufferException.InvalidTag();
default: {
if (pb::WireFormat.IsEndGroupTag(tag)) {
return this;
ParseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag, field_name);
case 8: {
result.hasTimestamp = input.ReadInt64(ref result.timestamp_);
case 16: {
result.hasAction = input.ReadInt32(ref result.action_);
case 26: {
input.ReadMessageArray(tag, field_name, result.pointers_, global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.Types.Pointer.DefaultInstance, extensionRegistry);
return this;
public bool HasTimestamp {
get { return result.hasTimestamp; }
public long Timestamp {
get { return result.Timestamp; }
set { SetTimestamp(value); }
public Builder SetTimestamp(long value) {
result.hasTimestamp = true;
result.timestamp_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearTimestamp() {
result.hasTimestamp = false;
result.timestamp_ = 0L;
return this;
public bool HasAction {
get { return result.hasAction; }
public int Action {
get { return result.Action; }
set { SetAction(value); }
public Builder SetAction(int value) {
result.hasAction = true;
result.action_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearAction() {
result.hasAction = false;
result.action_ = 0;
return this;
public pbc::IPopsicleList<global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.Types.Pointer> PointersList {
get { return PrepareBuilder().pointers_; }
public int PointersCount {
get { return result.PointersCount; }
public global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.Types.Pointer GetPointers(int index) {
return result.GetPointers(index);
public Builder SetPointers(int index, global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.Types.Pointer value) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
result.pointers_[index] = value;
return this;
public Builder SetPointers(int index, global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.Types.Pointer.Builder builderForValue) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(builderForValue, "builderForValue");
result.pointers_[index] = builderForValue.Build();
return this;
public Builder AddPointers(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.Types.Pointer value) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
return this;
public Builder AddPointers(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.Types.Pointer.Builder builderForValue) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(builderForValue, "builderForValue");
return this;
public Builder AddRangePointers(scg::IEnumerable<global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.Types.Pointer> values) {
return this;
public Builder ClearPointers() {
return this;
static MotionEvent() {
object.ReferenceEquals(global::proto.Proto.PhoneEvent.Descriptor, null);
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
public sealed partial class GyroscopeEvent : pb::GeneratedMessageLite<GyroscopeEvent, GyroscopeEvent.Builder> {
private GyroscopeEvent() { }
private static readonly GyroscopeEvent defaultInstance = new GyroscopeEvent().MakeReadOnly();
private static readonly string[] _gyroscopeEventFieldNames = new string[] { "timestamp", "x", "y", "z" };
private static readonly uint[] _gyroscopeEventFieldTags = new uint[] { 8, 21, 29, 37 };
public static GyroscopeEvent DefaultInstance {
get { return defaultInstance; }
public override GyroscopeEvent DefaultInstanceForType {
get { return DefaultInstance; }
protected override GyroscopeEvent ThisMessage {
get { return this; }
public const int TimestampFieldNumber = 1;
private bool hasTimestamp;
private long timestamp_;
public bool HasTimestamp {
get { return hasTimestamp; }
public long Timestamp {
get { return timestamp_; }
public const int XFieldNumber = 2;
private bool hasX;
private float x_;
public bool HasX {
get { return hasX; }
public float X {
get { return x_; }
public const int YFieldNumber = 3;
private bool hasY;
private float y_;
public bool HasY {
get { return hasY; }
public float Y {
get { return y_; }
public const int ZFieldNumber = 4;
private bool hasZ;
private float z_;
public bool HasZ {
get { return hasZ; }
public float Z {
get { return z_; }
public override bool IsInitialized {
get {
return true;
public override void WriteTo(pb::ICodedOutputStream output) {
string[] field_names = _gyroscopeEventFieldNames;
if (hasTimestamp) {
output.WriteInt64(1, field_names[0], Timestamp);
if (hasX) {
output.WriteFloat(2, field_names[1], X);
if (hasY) {
output.WriteFloat(3, field_names[2], Y);
if (hasZ) {
output.WriteFloat(4, field_names[3], Z);
private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
public override int SerializedSize {
get {
int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
if (size != -1) return size;
size = 0;
if (hasTimestamp) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(1, Timestamp);
if (hasX) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFloatSize(2, X);
if (hasY) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFloatSize(3, Y);
if (hasZ) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFloatSize(4, Z);
memoizedSerializedSize = size;
return size;
#region Lite runtime methods
public override int GetHashCode() {
int hash = GetType().GetHashCode();
if (hasTimestamp) hash ^= timestamp_.GetHashCode();
if (hasX) hash ^= x_.GetHashCode();
if (hasY) hash ^= y_.GetHashCode();
if (hasZ) hash ^= z_.GetHashCode();
return hash;
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
GyroscopeEvent other = obj as GyroscopeEvent;
if (other == null) return false;
if (hasTimestamp != other.hasTimestamp || (hasTimestamp && !timestamp_.Equals(other.timestamp_))) return false;
if (hasX != other.hasX || (hasX && !x_.Equals(other.x_))) return false;
if (hasY != other.hasY || (hasY && !y_.Equals(other.y_))) return false;
if (hasZ != other.hasZ || (hasZ && !z_.Equals(other.z_))) return false;
return true;
public override void PrintTo(global::System.IO.TextWriter writer) {
PrintField("timestamp", hasTimestamp, timestamp_, writer);
PrintField("x", hasX, x_, writer);
PrintField("y", hasY, y_, writer);
PrintField("z", hasZ, z_, writer);
public static GyroscopeEvent ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
public static GyroscopeEvent ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static GyroscopeEvent ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
public static GyroscopeEvent ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static GyroscopeEvent ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
public static GyroscopeEvent ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static GyroscopeEvent ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
public static GyroscopeEvent ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
public static GyroscopeEvent ParseFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
public static GyroscopeEvent ParseFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
private GyroscopeEvent MakeReadOnly() {
return this;
public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
public static Builder CreateBuilder(GyroscopeEvent prototype) {
return new Builder(prototype);
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilderLite<GyroscopeEvent, Builder> {
protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
get { return this; }
public Builder() {
result = DefaultInstance;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
internal Builder(GyroscopeEvent cloneFrom) {
result = cloneFrom;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
private bool resultIsReadOnly;
private GyroscopeEvent result;
private GyroscopeEvent PrepareBuilder() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
GyroscopeEvent original = result;
result = new GyroscopeEvent();
resultIsReadOnly = false;
return result;
public override bool IsInitialized {
get { return result.IsInitialized; }
protected override GyroscopeEvent MessageBeingBuilt {
get { return PrepareBuilder(); }
public override Builder Clear() {
result = DefaultInstance;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
return this;
public override Builder Clone() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
return new Builder(result);
} else {
return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
public override GyroscopeEvent DefaultInstanceForType {
get { return global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.GyroscopeEvent.DefaultInstance; }
public override GyroscopeEvent BuildPartial() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
return result;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
return result.MakeReadOnly();
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::IMessageLite other) {
if (other is GyroscopeEvent) {
return MergeFrom((GyroscopeEvent) other);
} else {
return this;
public override Builder MergeFrom(GyroscopeEvent other) {
if (other == global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.GyroscopeEvent.DefaultInstance) return this;
if (other.HasTimestamp) {
Timestamp = other.Timestamp;
if (other.HasX) {
X = other.X;
if (other.HasY) {
Y = other.Y;
if (other.HasZ) {
Z = other.Z;
return this;
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input) {
return MergeFrom(input, pb::ExtensionRegistry.Empty);
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
uint tag;
string field_name;
while (input.ReadTag(out tag, out field_name)) {
if(tag == 0 && field_name != null) {
int field_ordinal = global::System.Array.BinarySearch(_gyroscopeEventFieldNames, field_name, global::System.StringComparer.Ordinal);
if(field_ordinal >= 0)
tag = _gyroscopeEventFieldTags[field_ordinal];
else {
ParseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag, field_name);
switch (tag) {
case 0: {
throw pb::InvalidProtocolBufferException.InvalidTag();
default: {
if (pb::WireFormat.IsEndGroupTag(tag)) {
return this;
ParseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag, field_name);
case 8: {
result.hasTimestamp = input.ReadInt64(ref result.timestamp_);
case 21: {
result.hasX = input.ReadFloat(ref result.x_);
case 29: {
result.hasY = input.ReadFloat(ref result.y_);
case 37: {
result.hasZ = input.ReadFloat(ref result.z_);
return this;
public bool HasTimestamp {
get { return result.hasTimestamp; }
public long Timestamp {
get { return result.Timestamp; }
set { SetTimestamp(value); }
public Builder SetTimestamp(long value) {
result.hasTimestamp = true;
result.timestamp_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearTimestamp() {
result.hasTimestamp = false;
result.timestamp_ = 0L;
return this;
public bool HasX {
get { return result.hasX; }
public float X {
get { return result.X; }
set { SetX(value); }
public Builder SetX(float value) {
result.hasX = true;
result.x_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearX() {
result.hasX = false;
result.x_ = 0F;
return this;
public bool HasY {
get { return result.hasY; }
public float Y {
get { return result.Y; }
set { SetY(value); }
public Builder SetY(float value) {
result.hasY = true;
result.y_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearY() {
result.hasY = false;
result.y_ = 0F;
return this;
public bool HasZ {
get { return result.hasZ; }
public float Z {
get { return result.Z; }
set { SetZ(value); }
public Builder SetZ(float value) {
result.hasZ = true;
result.z_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearZ() {
result.hasZ = false;
result.z_ = 0F;
return this;
static GyroscopeEvent() {
object.ReferenceEquals(global::proto.Proto.PhoneEvent.Descriptor, null);
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
public sealed partial class AccelerometerEvent : pb::GeneratedMessageLite<AccelerometerEvent, AccelerometerEvent.Builder> {
private AccelerometerEvent() { }
private static readonly AccelerometerEvent defaultInstance = new AccelerometerEvent().MakeReadOnly();
private static readonly string[] _accelerometerEventFieldNames = new string[] { "timestamp", "x", "y", "z" };
private static readonly uint[] _accelerometerEventFieldTags = new uint[] { 8, 21, 29, 37 };
public static AccelerometerEvent DefaultInstance {
get { return defaultInstance; }
public override AccelerometerEvent DefaultInstanceForType {
get { return DefaultInstance; }
protected override AccelerometerEvent ThisMessage {
get { return this; }
public const int TimestampFieldNumber = 1;
private bool hasTimestamp;
private long timestamp_;
public bool HasTimestamp {
get { return hasTimestamp; }
public long Timestamp {
get { return timestamp_; }
public const int XFieldNumber = 2;
private bool hasX;
private float x_;
public bool HasX {
get { return hasX; }
public float X {
get { return x_; }
public const int YFieldNumber = 3;
private bool hasY;
private float y_;
public bool HasY {
get { return hasY; }
public float Y {
get { return y_; }
public const int ZFieldNumber = 4;
private bool hasZ;
private float z_;
public bool HasZ {
get { return hasZ; }
public float Z {
get { return z_; }
public override bool IsInitialized {
get {
return true;
public override void WriteTo(pb::ICodedOutputStream output) {
string[] field_names = _accelerometerEventFieldNames;
if (hasTimestamp) {
output.WriteInt64(1, field_names[0], Timestamp);
if (hasX) {
output.WriteFloat(2, field_names[1], X);
if (hasY) {
output.WriteFloat(3, field_names[2], Y);
if (hasZ) {
output.WriteFloat(4, field_names[3], Z);
private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
public override int SerializedSize {
get {
int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
if (size != -1) return size;
size = 0;
if (hasTimestamp) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(1, Timestamp);
if (hasX) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFloatSize(2, X);
if (hasY) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFloatSize(3, Y);
if (hasZ) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFloatSize(4, Z);
memoizedSerializedSize = size;
return size;
#region Lite runtime methods
public override int GetHashCode() {
int hash = GetType().GetHashCode();
if (hasTimestamp) hash ^= timestamp_.GetHashCode();
if (hasX) hash ^= x_.GetHashCode();
if (hasY) hash ^= y_.GetHashCode();
if (hasZ) hash ^= z_.GetHashCode();
return hash;
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
AccelerometerEvent other = obj as AccelerometerEvent;
if (other == null) return false;
if (hasTimestamp != other.hasTimestamp || (hasTimestamp && !timestamp_.Equals(other.timestamp_))) return false;
if (hasX != other.hasX || (hasX && !x_.Equals(other.x_))) return false;
if (hasY != other.hasY || (hasY && !y_.Equals(other.y_))) return false;
if (hasZ != other.hasZ || (hasZ && !z_.Equals(other.z_))) return false;
return true;
public override void PrintTo(global::System.IO.TextWriter writer) {
PrintField("timestamp", hasTimestamp, timestamp_, writer);
PrintField("x", hasX, x_, writer);
PrintField("y", hasY, y_, writer);
PrintField("z", hasZ, z_, writer);
public static AccelerometerEvent ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
public static AccelerometerEvent ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static AccelerometerEvent ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
public static AccelerometerEvent ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static AccelerometerEvent ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
public static AccelerometerEvent ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static AccelerometerEvent ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
public static AccelerometerEvent ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
public static AccelerometerEvent ParseFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
public static AccelerometerEvent ParseFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
private AccelerometerEvent MakeReadOnly() {
return this;
public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
public static Builder CreateBuilder(AccelerometerEvent prototype) {
return new Builder(prototype);
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilderLite<AccelerometerEvent, Builder> {
protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
get { return this; }
public Builder() {
result = DefaultInstance;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
internal Builder(AccelerometerEvent cloneFrom) {
result = cloneFrom;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
private bool resultIsReadOnly;
private AccelerometerEvent result;
private AccelerometerEvent PrepareBuilder() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
AccelerometerEvent original = result;
result = new AccelerometerEvent();
resultIsReadOnly = false;
return result;
public override bool IsInitialized {
get { return result.IsInitialized; }
protected override AccelerometerEvent MessageBeingBuilt {
get { return PrepareBuilder(); }
public override Builder Clear() {
result = DefaultInstance;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
return this;
public override Builder Clone() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
return new Builder(result);
} else {
return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
public override AccelerometerEvent DefaultInstanceForType {
get { return global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.AccelerometerEvent.DefaultInstance; }
public override AccelerometerEvent BuildPartial() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
return result;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
return result.MakeReadOnly();
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::IMessageLite other) {
if (other is AccelerometerEvent) {
return MergeFrom((AccelerometerEvent) other);
} else {
return this;
public override Builder MergeFrom(AccelerometerEvent other) {
if (other == global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.AccelerometerEvent.DefaultInstance) return this;
if (other.HasTimestamp) {
Timestamp = other.Timestamp;
if (other.HasX) {
X = other.X;
if (other.HasY) {
Y = other.Y;
if (other.HasZ) {
Z = other.Z;
return this;
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input) {
return MergeFrom(input, pb::ExtensionRegistry.Empty);
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
uint tag;
string field_name;
while (input.ReadTag(out tag, out field_name)) {
if(tag == 0 && field_name != null) {
int field_ordinal = global::System.Array.BinarySearch(_accelerometerEventFieldNames, field_name, global::System.StringComparer.Ordinal);
if(field_ordinal >= 0)
tag = _accelerometerEventFieldTags[field_ordinal];
else {
ParseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag, field_name);
switch (tag) {
case 0: {
throw pb::InvalidProtocolBufferException.InvalidTag();
default: {
if (pb::WireFormat.IsEndGroupTag(tag)) {
return this;
ParseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag, field_name);
case 8: {
result.hasTimestamp = input.ReadInt64(ref result.timestamp_);
case 21: {
result.hasX = input.ReadFloat(ref result.x_);
case 29: {
result.hasY = input.ReadFloat(ref result.y_);
case 37: {
result.hasZ = input.ReadFloat(ref result.z_);
return this;
public bool HasTimestamp {
get { return result.hasTimestamp; }
public long Timestamp {
get { return result.Timestamp; }
set { SetTimestamp(value); }
public Builder SetTimestamp(long value) {
result.hasTimestamp = true;
result.timestamp_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearTimestamp() {
result.hasTimestamp = false;
result.timestamp_ = 0L;
return this;
public bool HasX {
get { return result.hasX; }
public float X {
get { return result.X; }
set { SetX(value); }
public Builder SetX(float value) {
result.hasX = true;
result.x_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearX() {
result.hasX = false;
result.x_ = 0F;
return this;
public bool HasY {
get { return result.hasY; }
public float Y {
get { return result.Y; }
set { SetY(value); }
public Builder SetY(float value) {
result.hasY = true;
result.y_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearY() {
result.hasY = false;
result.y_ = 0F;
return this;
public bool HasZ {
get { return result.hasZ; }
public float Z {
get { return result.Z; }
set { SetZ(value); }
public Builder SetZ(float value) {
result.hasZ = true;
result.z_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearZ() {
result.hasZ = false;
result.z_ = 0F;
return this;
static AccelerometerEvent() {
object.ReferenceEquals(global::proto.Proto.PhoneEvent.Descriptor, null);
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
public sealed partial class DepthMapEvent : pb::GeneratedMessageLite<DepthMapEvent, DepthMapEvent.Builder> {
private DepthMapEvent() { }
private static readonly DepthMapEvent defaultInstance = new DepthMapEvent().MakeReadOnly();
private static readonly string[] _depthMapEventFieldNames = new string[] { "height", "timestamp", "width", "z_distances" };
private static readonly uint[] _depthMapEventFieldTags = new uint[] { 24, 8, 16, 34 };
public static DepthMapEvent DefaultInstance {
get { return defaultInstance; }
public override DepthMapEvent DefaultInstanceForType {
get { return DefaultInstance; }
protected override DepthMapEvent ThisMessage {
get { return this; }
public const int TimestampFieldNumber = 1;
private bool hasTimestamp;
private long timestamp_;
public bool HasTimestamp {
get { return hasTimestamp; }
public long Timestamp {
get { return timestamp_; }
public const int WidthFieldNumber = 2;
private bool hasWidth;
private int width_;
public bool HasWidth {
get { return hasWidth; }
public int Width {
get { return width_; }
public const int HeightFieldNumber = 3;
private bool hasHeight;
private int height_;
public bool HasHeight {
get { return hasHeight; }
public int Height {
get { return height_; }
public const int ZDistancesFieldNumber = 4;
private int zDistancesMemoizedSerializedSize;
private pbc::PopsicleList<float> zDistances_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<float>();
public scg::IList<float> ZDistancesList {
get { return pbc::Lists.AsReadOnly(zDistances_); }
public int ZDistancesCount {
get { return zDistances_.Count; }
public float GetZDistances(int index) {
return zDistances_[index];
public override bool IsInitialized {
get {
return true;
public override void WriteTo(pb::ICodedOutputStream output) {
string[] field_names = _depthMapEventFieldNames;
if (hasTimestamp) {
output.WriteInt64(1, field_names[1], Timestamp);
if (hasWidth) {
output.WriteInt32(2, field_names[2], Width);
if (hasHeight) {
output.WriteInt32(3, field_names[0], Height);
if (zDistances_.Count > 0) {
output.WritePackedFloatArray(4, field_names[3], zDistancesMemoizedSerializedSize, zDistances_);
private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
public override int SerializedSize {
get {
int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
if (size != -1) return size;
size = 0;
if (hasTimestamp) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(1, Timestamp);
if (hasWidth) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(2, Width);
if (hasHeight) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(3, Height);
int dataSize = 0;
dataSize = 4 * zDistances_.Count;
size += dataSize;
if (zDistances_.Count != 0) {
size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32SizeNoTag(dataSize);
zDistancesMemoizedSerializedSize = dataSize;
memoizedSerializedSize = size;
return size;
#region Lite runtime methods
public override int GetHashCode() {
int hash = GetType().GetHashCode();
if (hasTimestamp) hash ^= timestamp_.GetHashCode();
if (hasWidth) hash ^= width_.GetHashCode();
if (hasHeight) hash ^= height_.GetHashCode();
foreach(float i in zDistances_)
hash ^= i.GetHashCode();
return hash;
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
DepthMapEvent other = obj as DepthMapEvent;
if (other == null) return false;
if (hasTimestamp != other.hasTimestamp || (hasTimestamp && !timestamp_.Equals(other.timestamp_))) return false;
if (hasWidth != other.hasWidth || (hasWidth && !width_.Equals(other.width_))) return false;
if (hasHeight != other.hasHeight || (hasHeight && !height_.Equals(other.height_))) return false;
if(zDistances_.Count != other.zDistances_.Count) return false;
for(int ix=0; ix < zDistances_.Count; ix++)
if(!zDistances_[ix].Equals(other.zDistances_[ix])) return false;
return true;
public override void PrintTo(global::System.IO.TextWriter writer) {
PrintField("timestamp", hasTimestamp, timestamp_, writer);
PrintField("width", hasWidth, width_, writer);
PrintField("height", hasHeight, height_, writer);
PrintField("z_distances", zDistances_, writer);
public static DepthMapEvent ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
public static DepthMapEvent ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static DepthMapEvent ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
public static DepthMapEvent ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static DepthMapEvent ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
public static DepthMapEvent ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static DepthMapEvent ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
public static DepthMapEvent ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
public static DepthMapEvent ParseFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
public static DepthMapEvent ParseFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
private DepthMapEvent MakeReadOnly() {
return this;
public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
public static Builder CreateBuilder(DepthMapEvent prototype) {
return new Builder(prototype);
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilderLite<DepthMapEvent, Builder> {
protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
get { return this; }
public Builder() {
result = DefaultInstance;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
internal Builder(DepthMapEvent cloneFrom) {
result = cloneFrom;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
private bool resultIsReadOnly;
private DepthMapEvent result;
private DepthMapEvent PrepareBuilder() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
DepthMapEvent original = result;
result = new DepthMapEvent();
resultIsReadOnly = false;
return result;
public override bool IsInitialized {
get { return result.IsInitialized; }
protected override DepthMapEvent MessageBeingBuilt {
get { return PrepareBuilder(); }
public override Builder Clear() {
result = DefaultInstance;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
return this;
public override Builder Clone() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
return new Builder(result);
} else {
return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
public override DepthMapEvent DefaultInstanceForType {
get { return global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.DepthMapEvent.DefaultInstance; }
public override DepthMapEvent BuildPartial() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
return result;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
return result.MakeReadOnly();
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::IMessageLite other) {
if (other is DepthMapEvent) {
return MergeFrom((DepthMapEvent) other);
} else {
return this;
public override Builder MergeFrom(DepthMapEvent other) {
if (other == global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.DepthMapEvent.DefaultInstance) return this;
if (other.HasTimestamp) {
Timestamp = other.Timestamp;
if (other.HasWidth) {
Width = other.Width;
if (other.HasHeight) {
Height = other.Height;
if (other.zDistances_.Count != 0) {
return this;
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input) {
return MergeFrom(input, pb::ExtensionRegistry.Empty);
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
uint tag;
string field_name;
while (input.ReadTag(out tag, out field_name)) {
if(tag == 0 && field_name != null) {
int field_ordinal = global::System.Array.BinarySearch(_depthMapEventFieldNames, field_name, global::System.StringComparer.Ordinal);
if(field_ordinal >= 0)
tag = _depthMapEventFieldTags[field_ordinal];
else {
ParseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag, field_name);
switch (tag) {
case 0: {
throw pb::InvalidProtocolBufferException.InvalidTag();
default: {
if (pb::WireFormat.IsEndGroupTag(tag)) {
return this;
ParseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag, field_name);
case 8: {
result.hasTimestamp = input.ReadInt64(ref result.timestamp_);
case 16: {
result.hasWidth = input.ReadInt32(ref result.width_);
case 24: {
result.hasHeight = input.ReadInt32(ref result.height_);
case 34:
case 37: {
input.ReadFloatArray(tag, field_name, result.zDistances_);
return this;
public bool HasTimestamp {
get { return result.hasTimestamp; }
public long Timestamp {
get { return result.Timestamp; }
set { SetTimestamp(value); }
public Builder SetTimestamp(long value) {
result.hasTimestamp = true;
result.timestamp_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearTimestamp() {
result.hasTimestamp = false;
result.timestamp_ = 0L;
return this;
public bool HasWidth {
get { return result.hasWidth; }
public int Width {
get { return result.Width; }
set { SetWidth(value); }
public Builder SetWidth(int value) {
result.hasWidth = true;
result.width_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearWidth() {
result.hasWidth = false;
result.width_ = 0;
return this;
public bool HasHeight {
get { return result.hasHeight; }
public int Height {
get { return result.Height; }
set { SetHeight(value); }
public Builder SetHeight(int value) {
result.hasHeight = true;
result.height_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearHeight() {
result.hasHeight = false;
result.height_ = 0;
return this;
public pbc::IPopsicleList<float> ZDistancesList {
get { return PrepareBuilder().zDistances_; }
public int ZDistancesCount {
get { return result.ZDistancesCount; }
public float GetZDistances(int index) {
return result.GetZDistances(index);
public Builder SetZDistances(int index, float value) {
result.zDistances_[index] = value;
return this;
public Builder AddZDistances(float value) {
return this;
public Builder AddRangeZDistances(scg::IEnumerable<float> values) {
return this;
public Builder ClearZDistances() {
return this;
static DepthMapEvent() {
object.ReferenceEquals(global::proto.Proto.PhoneEvent.Descriptor, null);
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
public sealed partial class OrientationEvent : pb::GeneratedMessageLite<OrientationEvent, OrientationEvent.Builder> {
private OrientationEvent() { }
private static readonly OrientationEvent defaultInstance = new OrientationEvent().MakeReadOnly();
private static readonly string[] _orientationEventFieldNames = new string[] { "timestamp", "w", "x", "y", "z" };
private static readonly uint[] _orientationEventFieldTags = new uint[] { 8, 45, 21, 29, 37 };
public static OrientationEvent DefaultInstance {
get { return defaultInstance; }
public override OrientationEvent DefaultInstanceForType {
get { return DefaultInstance; }
protected override OrientationEvent ThisMessage {
get { return this; }
public const int TimestampFieldNumber = 1;
private bool hasTimestamp;
private long timestamp_;
public bool HasTimestamp {
get { return hasTimestamp; }
public long Timestamp {
get { return timestamp_; }
public const int XFieldNumber = 2;
private bool hasX;
private float x_;
public bool HasX {
get { return hasX; }
public float X {
get { return x_; }
public const int YFieldNumber = 3;
private bool hasY;
private float y_;
public bool HasY {
get { return hasY; }
public float Y {
get { return y_; }
public const int ZFieldNumber = 4;
private bool hasZ;
private float z_;
public bool HasZ {
get { return hasZ; }
public float Z {
get { return z_; }
public const int WFieldNumber = 5;
private bool hasW;
private float w_;
public bool HasW {
get { return hasW; }
public float W {
get { return w_; }
public override bool IsInitialized {
get {
return true;
public override void WriteTo(pb::ICodedOutputStream output) {
string[] field_names = _orientationEventFieldNames;
if (hasTimestamp) {
output.WriteInt64(1, field_names[0], Timestamp);
if (hasX) {
output.WriteFloat(2, field_names[2], X);
if (hasY) {
output.WriteFloat(3, field_names[3], Y);
if (hasZ) {
output.WriteFloat(4, field_names[4], Z);
if (hasW) {
output.WriteFloat(5, field_names[1], W);
private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
public override int SerializedSize {
get {
int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
if (size != -1) return size;
size = 0;
if (hasTimestamp) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(1, Timestamp);
if (hasX) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFloatSize(2, X);
if (hasY) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFloatSize(3, Y);
if (hasZ) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFloatSize(4, Z);
if (hasW) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFloatSize(5, W);
memoizedSerializedSize = size;
return size;
#region Lite runtime methods
public override int GetHashCode() {
int hash = GetType().GetHashCode();
if (hasTimestamp) hash ^= timestamp_.GetHashCode();
if (hasX) hash ^= x_.GetHashCode();
if (hasY) hash ^= y_.GetHashCode();
if (hasZ) hash ^= z_.GetHashCode();
if (hasW) hash ^= w_.GetHashCode();
return hash;
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
OrientationEvent other = obj as OrientationEvent;
if (other == null) return false;
if (hasTimestamp != other.hasTimestamp || (hasTimestamp && !timestamp_.Equals(other.timestamp_))) return false;
if (hasX != other.hasX || (hasX && !x_.Equals(other.x_))) return false;
if (hasY != other.hasY || (hasY && !y_.Equals(other.y_))) return false;
if (hasZ != other.hasZ || (hasZ && !z_.Equals(other.z_))) return false;
if (hasW != other.hasW || (hasW && !w_.Equals(other.w_))) return false;
return true;
public override void PrintTo(global::System.IO.TextWriter writer) {
PrintField("timestamp", hasTimestamp, timestamp_, writer);
PrintField("x", hasX, x_, writer);
PrintField("y", hasY, y_, writer);
PrintField("z", hasZ, z_, writer);
PrintField("w", hasW, w_, writer);
public static OrientationEvent ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
public static OrientationEvent ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static OrientationEvent ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
public static OrientationEvent ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static OrientationEvent ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
public static OrientationEvent ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static OrientationEvent ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
public static OrientationEvent ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
public static OrientationEvent ParseFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
public static OrientationEvent ParseFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
private OrientationEvent MakeReadOnly() {
return this;
public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
public static Builder CreateBuilder(OrientationEvent prototype) {
return new Builder(prototype);
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilderLite<OrientationEvent, Builder> {
protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
get { return this; }
public Builder() {
result = DefaultInstance;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
internal Builder(OrientationEvent cloneFrom) {
result = cloneFrom;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
private bool resultIsReadOnly;
private OrientationEvent result;
private OrientationEvent PrepareBuilder() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
OrientationEvent original = result;
result = new OrientationEvent();
resultIsReadOnly = false;
return result;
public override bool IsInitialized {
get { return result.IsInitialized; }
protected override OrientationEvent MessageBeingBuilt {
get { return PrepareBuilder(); }
public override Builder Clear() {
result = DefaultInstance;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
return this;
public override Builder Clone() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
return new Builder(result);
} else {
return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
public override OrientationEvent DefaultInstanceForType {
get { return global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.OrientationEvent.DefaultInstance; }
public override OrientationEvent BuildPartial() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
return result;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
return result.MakeReadOnly();
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::IMessageLite other) {
if (other is OrientationEvent) {
return MergeFrom((OrientationEvent) other);
} else {
return this;
public override Builder MergeFrom(OrientationEvent other) {
if (other == global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.OrientationEvent.DefaultInstance) return this;
if (other.HasTimestamp) {
Timestamp = other.Timestamp;
if (other.HasX) {
X = other.X;
if (other.HasY) {
Y = other.Y;
if (other.HasZ) {
Z = other.Z;
if (other.HasW) {
W = other.W;
return this;
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input) {
return MergeFrom(input, pb::ExtensionRegistry.Empty);
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
uint tag;
string field_name;
while (input.ReadTag(out tag, out field_name)) {
if(tag == 0 && field_name != null) {
int field_ordinal = global::System.Array.BinarySearch(_orientationEventFieldNames, field_name, global::System.StringComparer.Ordinal);
if(field_ordinal >= 0)
tag = _orientationEventFieldTags[field_ordinal];
else {
ParseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag, field_name);
switch (tag) {
case 0: {
throw pb::InvalidProtocolBufferException.InvalidTag();
default: {
if (pb::WireFormat.IsEndGroupTag(tag)) {
return this;
ParseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag, field_name);
case 8: {
result.hasTimestamp = input.ReadInt64(ref result.timestamp_);
case 21: {
result.hasX = input.ReadFloat(ref result.x_);
case 29: {
result.hasY = input.ReadFloat(ref result.y_);
case 37: {
result.hasZ = input.ReadFloat(ref result.z_);
case 45: {
result.hasW = input.ReadFloat(ref result.w_);
return this;
public bool HasTimestamp {
get { return result.hasTimestamp; }
public long Timestamp {
get { return result.Timestamp; }
set { SetTimestamp(value); }
public Builder SetTimestamp(long value) {
result.hasTimestamp = true;
result.timestamp_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearTimestamp() {
result.hasTimestamp = false;
result.timestamp_ = 0L;
return this;
public bool HasX {
get { return result.hasX; }
public float X {
get { return result.X; }
set { SetX(value); }
public Builder SetX(float value) {
result.hasX = true;
result.x_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearX() {
result.hasX = false;
result.x_ = 0F;
return this;
public bool HasY {
get { return result.hasY; }
public float Y {
get { return result.Y; }
set { SetY(value); }
public Builder SetY(float value) {
result.hasY = true;
result.y_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearY() {
result.hasY = false;
result.y_ = 0F;
return this;
public bool HasZ {
get { return result.hasZ; }
public float Z {
get { return result.Z; }
set { SetZ(value); }
public Builder SetZ(float value) {
result.hasZ = true;
result.z_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearZ() {
result.hasZ = false;
result.z_ = 0F;
return this;
public bool HasW {
get { return result.hasW; }
public float W {
get { return result.W; }
set { SetW(value); }
public Builder SetW(float value) {
result.hasW = true;
result.w_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearW() {
result.hasW = false;
result.w_ = 0F;
return this;
static OrientationEvent() {
object.ReferenceEquals(global::proto.Proto.PhoneEvent.Descriptor, null);
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
public sealed partial class KeyEvent : pb::GeneratedMessageLite<KeyEvent, KeyEvent.Builder> {
private KeyEvent() { }
private static readonly KeyEvent defaultInstance = new KeyEvent().MakeReadOnly();
private static readonly string[] _keyEventFieldNames = new string[] { "action", "code" };
private static readonly uint[] _keyEventFieldTags = new uint[] { 8, 16 };
public static KeyEvent DefaultInstance {
get { return defaultInstance; }
public override KeyEvent DefaultInstanceForType {
get { return DefaultInstance; }
protected override KeyEvent ThisMessage {
get { return this; }
public const int ActionFieldNumber = 1;
private bool hasAction;
private int action_;
public bool HasAction {
get { return hasAction; }
public int Action {
get { return action_; }
public const int CodeFieldNumber = 2;
private bool hasCode;
private int code_;
public bool HasCode {
get { return hasCode; }
public int Code {
get { return code_; }
public override bool IsInitialized {
get {
return true;
public override void WriteTo(pb::ICodedOutputStream output) {
string[] field_names = _keyEventFieldNames;
if (hasAction) {
output.WriteInt32(1, field_names[0], Action);
if (hasCode) {
output.WriteInt32(2, field_names[1], Code);
private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
public override int SerializedSize {
get {
int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
if (size != -1) return size;
size = 0;
if (hasAction) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(1, Action);
if (hasCode) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(2, Code);
memoizedSerializedSize = size;
return size;
#region Lite runtime methods
public override int GetHashCode() {
int hash = GetType().GetHashCode();
if (hasAction) hash ^= action_.GetHashCode();
if (hasCode) hash ^= code_.GetHashCode();
return hash;
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
KeyEvent other = obj as KeyEvent;
if (other == null) return false;
if (hasAction != other.hasAction || (hasAction && !action_.Equals(other.action_))) return false;
if (hasCode != other.hasCode || (hasCode && !code_.Equals(other.code_))) return false;
return true;
public override void PrintTo(global::System.IO.TextWriter writer) {
PrintField("action", hasAction, action_, writer);
PrintField("code", hasCode, code_, writer);
public static KeyEvent ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
public static KeyEvent ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static KeyEvent ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
public static KeyEvent ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static KeyEvent ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
public static KeyEvent ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static KeyEvent ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
public static KeyEvent ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
public static KeyEvent ParseFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
public static KeyEvent ParseFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
private KeyEvent MakeReadOnly() {
return this;
public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
public static Builder CreateBuilder(KeyEvent prototype) {
return new Builder(prototype);
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilderLite<KeyEvent, Builder> {
protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
get { return this; }
public Builder() {
result = DefaultInstance;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
internal Builder(KeyEvent cloneFrom) {
result = cloneFrom;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
private bool resultIsReadOnly;
private KeyEvent result;
private KeyEvent PrepareBuilder() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
KeyEvent original = result;
result = new KeyEvent();
resultIsReadOnly = false;
return result;
public override bool IsInitialized {
get { return result.IsInitialized; }
protected override KeyEvent MessageBeingBuilt {
get { return PrepareBuilder(); }
public override Builder Clear() {
result = DefaultInstance;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
return this;
public override Builder Clone() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
return new Builder(result);
} else {
return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
public override KeyEvent DefaultInstanceForType {
get { return global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.KeyEvent.DefaultInstance; }
public override KeyEvent BuildPartial() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
return result;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
return result.MakeReadOnly();
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::IMessageLite other) {
if (other is KeyEvent) {
return MergeFrom((KeyEvent) other);
} else {
return this;
public override Builder MergeFrom(KeyEvent other) {
if (other == global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.KeyEvent.DefaultInstance) return this;
if (other.HasAction) {
Action = other.Action;
if (other.HasCode) {
Code = other.Code;
return this;
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input) {
return MergeFrom(input, pb::ExtensionRegistry.Empty);
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
uint tag;
string field_name;
while (input.ReadTag(out tag, out field_name)) {
if(tag == 0 && field_name != null) {
int field_ordinal = global::System.Array.BinarySearch(_keyEventFieldNames, field_name, global::System.StringComparer.Ordinal);
if(field_ordinal >= 0)
tag = _keyEventFieldTags[field_ordinal];
else {
ParseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag, field_name);
switch (tag) {
case 0: {
throw pb::InvalidProtocolBufferException.InvalidTag();
default: {
if (pb::WireFormat.IsEndGroupTag(tag)) {
return this;
ParseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag, field_name);
case 8: {
result.hasAction = input.ReadInt32(ref result.action_);
case 16: {
result.hasCode = input.ReadInt32(ref result.code_);
return this;
public bool HasAction {
get { return result.hasAction; }
public int Action {
get { return result.Action; }
set { SetAction(value); }
public Builder SetAction(int value) {
result.hasAction = true;
result.action_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearAction() {
result.hasAction = false;
result.action_ = 0;
return this;
public bool HasCode {
get { return result.hasCode; }
public int Code {
get { return result.Code; }
set { SetCode(value); }
public Builder SetCode(int value) {
result.hasCode = true;
result.code_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearCode() {
result.hasCode = false;
result.code_ = 0;
return this;
static KeyEvent() {
object.ReferenceEquals(global::proto.Proto.PhoneEvent.Descriptor, null);
public const int TypeFieldNumber = 1;
private bool hasType;
private global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.Type type_ = global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.Type.MOTION;
public bool HasType {
get { return hasType; }
public global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.Type Type {
get { return type_; }
public const int MotionEventFieldNumber = 2;
private bool hasMotionEvent;
private global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent motionEvent_;
public bool HasMotionEvent {
get { return hasMotionEvent; }
public global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent MotionEvent {
get { return motionEvent_ ?? global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.DefaultInstance; }
public const int GyroscopeEventFieldNumber = 3;
private bool hasGyroscopeEvent;
private global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.GyroscopeEvent gyroscopeEvent_;
public bool HasGyroscopeEvent {
get { return hasGyroscopeEvent; }
public global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.GyroscopeEvent GyroscopeEvent {
get { return gyroscopeEvent_ ?? global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.GyroscopeEvent.DefaultInstance; }
public const int AccelerometerEventFieldNumber = 4;
private bool hasAccelerometerEvent;
private global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.AccelerometerEvent accelerometerEvent_;
public bool HasAccelerometerEvent {
get { return hasAccelerometerEvent; }
public global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.AccelerometerEvent AccelerometerEvent {
get { return accelerometerEvent_ ?? global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.AccelerometerEvent.DefaultInstance; }
public const int DepthMapEventFieldNumber = 5;
private bool hasDepthMapEvent;
private global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.DepthMapEvent depthMapEvent_;
public bool HasDepthMapEvent {
get { return hasDepthMapEvent; }
public global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.DepthMapEvent DepthMapEvent {
get { return depthMapEvent_ ?? global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.DepthMapEvent.DefaultInstance; }
public const int OrientationEventFieldNumber = 6;
private bool hasOrientationEvent;
private global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.OrientationEvent orientationEvent_;
public bool HasOrientationEvent {
get { return hasOrientationEvent; }
public global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.OrientationEvent OrientationEvent {
get { return orientationEvent_ ?? global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.OrientationEvent.DefaultInstance; }
public const int KeyEventFieldNumber = 7;
private bool hasKeyEvent;
private global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.KeyEvent keyEvent_;
public bool HasKeyEvent {
get { return hasKeyEvent; }
public global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.KeyEvent KeyEvent {
get { return keyEvent_ ?? global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.KeyEvent.DefaultInstance; }
public override bool IsInitialized {
get {
return true;
public override void WriteTo(pb::ICodedOutputStream output) {
string[] field_names = _phoneEventFieldNames;
if (hasType) {
output.WriteEnum(1, field_names[6], (int) Type, Type);
if (hasMotionEvent) {
output.WriteMessage(2, field_names[4], MotionEvent);
if (hasGyroscopeEvent) {
output.WriteMessage(3, field_names[2], GyroscopeEvent);
if (hasAccelerometerEvent) {
output.WriteMessage(4, field_names[0], AccelerometerEvent);
if (hasDepthMapEvent) {
output.WriteMessage(5, field_names[1], DepthMapEvent);
if (hasOrientationEvent) {
output.WriteMessage(6, field_names[5], OrientationEvent);
if (hasKeyEvent) {
output.WriteMessage(7, field_names[3], KeyEvent);
private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
public override int SerializedSize {
get {
int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
if (size != -1) return size;
size = 0;
if (hasType) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeEnumSize(1, (int) Type);
if (hasMotionEvent) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeMessageSize(2, MotionEvent);
if (hasGyroscopeEvent) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeMessageSize(3, GyroscopeEvent);
if (hasAccelerometerEvent) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeMessageSize(4, AccelerometerEvent);
if (hasDepthMapEvent) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeMessageSize(5, DepthMapEvent);
if (hasOrientationEvent) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeMessageSize(6, OrientationEvent);
if (hasKeyEvent) {
size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeMessageSize(7, KeyEvent);
memoizedSerializedSize = size;
return size;
#region Lite runtime methods
public override int GetHashCode() {
int hash = GetType().GetHashCode();
if (hasType) hash ^= type_.GetHashCode();
if (hasMotionEvent) hash ^= motionEvent_.GetHashCode();
if (hasGyroscopeEvent) hash ^= gyroscopeEvent_.GetHashCode();
if (hasAccelerometerEvent) hash ^= accelerometerEvent_.GetHashCode();
if (hasDepthMapEvent) hash ^= depthMapEvent_.GetHashCode();
if (hasOrientationEvent) hash ^= orientationEvent_.GetHashCode();
if (hasKeyEvent) hash ^= keyEvent_.GetHashCode();
return hash;
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
PhoneEvent other = obj as PhoneEvent;
if (other == null) return false;
if (hasType != other.hasType || (hasType && !type_.Equals(other.type_))) return false;
if (hasMotionEvent != other.hasMotionEvent || (hasMotionEvent && !motionEvent_.Equals(other.motionEvent_))) return false;
if (hasGyroscopeEvent != other.hasGyroscopeEvent || (hasGyroscopeEvent && !gyroscopeEvent_.Equals(other.gyroscopeEvent_))) return false;
if (hasAccelerometerEvent != other.hasAccelerometerEvent || (hasAccelerometerEvent && !accelerometerEvent_.Equals(other.accelerometerEvent_))) return false;
if (hasDepthMapEvent != other.hasDepthMapEvent || (hasDepthMapEvent && !depthMapEvent_.Equals(other.depthMapEvent_))) return false;
if (hasOrientationEvent != other.hasOrientationEvent || (hasOrientationEvent && !orientationEvent_.Equals(other.orientationEvent_))) return false;
if (hasKeyEvent != other.hasKeyEvent || (hasKeyEvent && !keyEvent_.Equals(other.keyEvent_))) return false;
return true;
public override void PrintTo(global::System.IO.TextWriter writer) {
PrintField("type", hasType, type_, writer);
PrintField("motion_event", hasMotionEvent, motionEvent_, writer);
PrintField("gyroscope_event", hasGyroscopeEvent, gyroscopeEvent_, writer);
PrintField("accelerometer_event", hasAccelerometerEvent, accelerometerEvent_, writer);
PrintField("depth_map_event", hasDepthMapEvent, depthMapEvent_, writer);
PrintField("orientation_event", hasOrientationEvent, orientationEvent_, writer);
PrintField("key_event", hasKeyEvent, keyEvent_, writer);
public static PhoneEvent ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
public static PhoneEvent ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static PhoneEvent ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
public static PhoneEvent ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static PhoneEvent ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
public static PhoneEvent ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
public static PhoneEvent ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
public static PhoneEvent ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
public static PhoneEvent ParseFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
public static PhoneEvent ParseFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
private PhoneEvent MakeReadOnly() {
return this;
public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
public static Builder CreateBuilder(PhoneEvent prototype) {
return new Builder(prototype);
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilderLite<PhoneEvent, Builder> {
protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
get { return this; }
public Builder() {
result = DefaultInstance;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
internal Builder(PhoneEvent cloneFrom) {
result = cloneFrom;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
private bool resultIsReadOnly;
private PhoneEvent result;
private PhoneEvent PrepareBuilder() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
PhoneEvent original = result;
result = new PhoneEvent();
resultIsReadOnly = false;
return result;
public override bool IsInitialized {
get { return result.IsInitialized; }
protected override PhoneEvent MessageBeingBuilt {
get { return PrepareBuilder(); }
public override Builder Clear() {
result = DefaultInstance;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
return this;
public override Builder Clone() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
return new Builder(result);
} else {
return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
public override PhoneEvent DefaultInstanceForType {
get { return global::proto.PhoneEvent.DefaultInstance; }
public override PhoneEvent BuildPartial() {
if (resultIsReadOnly) {
return result;
resultIsReadOnly = true;
return result.MakeReadOnly();
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::IMessageLite other) {
if (other is PhoneEvent) {
return MergeFrom((PhoneEvent) other);
} else {
return this;
public override Builder MergeFrom(PhoneEvent other) {
if (other == global::proto.PhoneEvent.DefaultInstance) return this;
if (other.HasType) {
Type = other.Type;
if (other.HasMotionEvent) {
if (other.HasGyroscopeEvent) {
if (other.HasAccelerometerEvent) {
if (other.HasDepthMapEvent) {
if (other.HasOrientationEvent) {
if (other.HasKeyEvent) {
return this;
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input) {
return MergeFrom(input, pb::ExtensionRegistry.Empty);
public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::ICodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
uint tag;
string field_name;
while (input.ReadTag(out tag, out field_name)) {
if(tag == 0 && field_name != null) {
int field_ordinal = global::System.Array.BinarySearch(_phoneEventFieldNames, field_name, global::System.StringComparer.Ordinal);
if(field_ordinal >= 0)
tag = _phoneEventFieldTags[field_ordinal];
else {
ParseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag, field_name);
switch (tag) {
case 0: {
throw pb::InvalidProtocolBufferException.InvalidTag();
default: {
if (pb::WireFormat.IsEndGroupTag(tag)) {
return this;
ParseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag, field_name);
case 8: {
object unknown;
if(input.ReadEnum(ref result.type_, out unknown)) {
result.hasType = true;
} else if(unknown is int) {
case 18: {
global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.Builder subBuilder = global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.CreateBuilder();
if (result.hasMotionEvent) {
input.ReadMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry);
MotionEvent = subBuilder.BuildPartial();
case 26: {
global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.GyroscopeEvent.Builder subBuilder = global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.GyroscopeEvent.CreateBuilder();
if (result.hasGyroscopeEvent) {
input.ReadMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry);
GyroscopeEvent = subBuilder.BuildPartial();
case 34: {
global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.AccelerometerEvent.Builder subBuilder = global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.AccelerometerEvent.CreateBuilder();
if (result.hasAccelerometerEvent) {
input.ReadMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry);
AccelerometerEvent = subBuilder.BuildPartial();
case 42: {
global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.DepthMapEvent.Builder subBuilder = global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.DepthMapEvent.CreateBuilder();
if (result.hasDepthMapEvent) {
input.ReadMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry);
DepthMapEvent = subBuilder.BuildPartial();
case 50: {
global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.OrientationEvent.Builder subBuilder = global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.OrientationEvent.CreateBuilder();
if (result.hasOrientationEvent) {
input.ReadMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry);
OrientationEvent = subBuilder.BuildPartial();
case 58: {
global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.KeyEvent.Builder subBuilder = global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.KeyEvent.CreateBuilder();
if (result.hasKeyEvent) {
input.ReadMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry);
KeyEvent = subBuilder.BuildPartial();
return this;
public bool HasType {
get { return result.hasType; }
public global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.Type Type {
get { return result.Type; }
set { SetType(value); }
public Builder SetType(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.Type value) {
result.hasType = true;
result.type_ = value;
return this;
public Builder ClearType() {
result.hasType = false;
result.type_ = global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.Type.MOTION;
return this;
public bool HasMotionEvent {
get { return result.hasMotionEvent; }
public global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent MotionEvent {
get { return result.MotionEvent; }
set { SetMotionEvent(value); }
public Builder SetMotionEvent(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent value) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
result.hasMotionEvent = true;
result.motionEvent_ = value;
return this;
public Builder SetMotionEvent(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.Builder builderForValue) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(builderForValue, "builderForValue");
result.hasMotionEvent = true;
result.motionEvent_ = builderForValue.Build();
return this;
public Builder MergeMotionEvent(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent value) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
if (result.hasMotionEvent &&
result.motionEvent_ != global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.DefaultInstance) {
result.motionEvent_ = global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.MotionEvent.CreateBuilder(result.motionEvent_).MergeFrom(value).BuildPartial();
} else {
result.motionEvent_ = value;
result.hasMotionEvent = true;
return this;
public Builder ClearMotionEvent() {
result.hasMotionEvent = false;
result.motionEvent_ = null;
return this;
public bool HasGyroscopeEvent {
get { return result.hasGyroscopeEvent; }
public global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.GyroscopeEvent GyroscopeEvent {
get { return result.GyroscopeEvent; }
set { SetGyroscopeEvent(value); }
public Builder SetGyroscopeEvent(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.GyroscopeEvent value) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
result.hasGyroscopeEvent = true;
result.gyroscopeEvent_ = value;
return this;
public Builder SetGyroscopeEvent(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.GyroscopeEvent.Builder builderForValue) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(builderForValue, "builderForValue");
result.hasGyroscopeEvent = true;
result.gyroscopeEvent_ = builderForValue.Build();
return this;
public Builder MergeGyroscopeEvent(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.GyroscopeEvent value) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
if (result.hasGyroscopeEvent &&
result.gyroscopeEvent_ != global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.GyroscopeEvent.DefaultInstance) {
result.gyroscopeEvent_ = global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.GyroscopeEvent.CreateBuilder(result.gyroscopeEvent_).MergeFrom(value).BuildPartial();
} else {
result.gyroscopeEvent_ = value;
result.hasGyroscopeEvent = true;
return this;
public Builder ClearGyroscopeEvent() {
result.hasGyroscopeEvent = false;
result.gyroscopeEvent_ = null;
return this;
public bool HasAccelerometerEvent {
get { return result.hasAccelerometerEvent; }
public global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.AccelerometerEvent AccelerometerEvent {
get { return result.AccelerometerEvent; }
set { SetAccelerometerEvent(value); }
public Builder SetAccelerometerEvent(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.AccelerometerEvent value) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
result.hasAccelerometerEvent = true;
result.accelerometerEvent_ = value;
return this;
public Builder SetAccelerometerEvent(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.AccelerometerEvent.Builder builderForValue) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(builderForValue, "builderForValue");
result.hasAccelerometerEvent = true;
result.accelerometerEvent_ = builderForValue.Build();
return this;
public Builder MergeAccelerometerEvent(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.AccelerometerEvent value) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
if (result.hasAccelerometerEvent &&
result.accelerometerEvent_ != global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.AccelerometerEvent.DefaultInstance) {
result.accelerometerEvent_ = global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.AccelerometerEvent.CreateBuilder(result.accelerometerEvent_).MergeFrom(value).BuildPartial();
} else {
result.accelerometerEvent_ = value;
result.hasAccelerometerEvent = true;
return this;
public Builder ClearAccelerometerEvent() {
result.hasAccelerometerEvent = false;
result.accelerometerEvent_ = null;
return this;
public bool HasDepthMapEvent {
get { return result.hasDepthMapEvent; }
public global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.DepthMapEvent DepthMapEvent {
get { return result.DepthMapEvent; }
set { SetDepthMapEvent(value); }
public Builder SetDepthMapEvent(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.DepthMapEvent value) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
result.hasDepthMapEvent = true;
result.depthMapEvent_ = value;
return this;
public Builder SetDepthMapEvent(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.DepthMapEvent.Builder builderForValue) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(builderForValue, "builderForValue");
result.hasDepthMapEvent = true;
result.depthMapEvent_ = builderForValue.Build();
return this;
public Builder MergeDepthMapEvent(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.DepthMapEvent value) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
if (result.hasDepthMapEvent &&
result.depthMapEvent_ != global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.DepthMapEvent.DefaultInstance) {
result.depthMapEvent_ = global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.DepthMapEvent.CreateBuilder(result.depthMapEvent_).MergeFrom(value).BuildPartial();
} else {
result.depthMapEvent_ = value;
result.hasDepthMapEvent = true;
return this;
public Builder ClearDepthMapEvent() {
result.hasDepthMapEvent = false;
result.depthMapEvent_ = null;
return this;
public bool HasOrientationEvent {
get { return result.hasOrientationEvent; }
public global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.OrientationEvent OrientationEvent {
get { return result.OrientationEvent; }
set { SetOrientationEvent(value); }
public Builder SetOrientationEvent(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.OrientationEvent value) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
result.hasOrientationEvent = true;
result.orientationEvent_ = value;
return this;
public Builder SetOrientationEvent(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.OrientationEvent.Builder builderForValue) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(builderForValue, "builderForValue");
result.hasOrientationEvent = true;
result.orientationEvent_ = builderForValue.Build();
return this;
public Builder MergeOrientationEvent(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.OrientationEvent value) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
if (result.hasOrientationEvent &&
result.orientationEvent_ != global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.OrientationEvent.DefaultInstance) {
result.orientationEvent_ = global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.OrientationEvent.CreateBuilder(result.orientationEvent_).MergeFrom(value).BuildPartial();
} else {
result.orientationEvent_ = value;
result.hasOrientationEvent = true;
return this;
public Builder ClearOrientationEvent() {
result.hasOrientationEvent = false;
result.orientationEvent_ = null;
return this;
public bool HasKeyEvent {
get { return result.hasKeyEvent; }
public global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.KeyEvent KeyEvent {
get { return result.KeyEvent; }
set { SetKeyEvent(value); }
public Builder SetKeyEvent(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.KeyEvent value) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
result.hasKeyEvent = true;
result.keyEvent_ = value;
return this;
public Builder SetKeyEvent(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.KeyEvent.Builder builderForValue) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(builderForValue, "builderForValue");
result.hasKeyEvent = true;
result.keyEvent_ = builderForValue.Build();
return this;
public Builder MergeKeyEvent(global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.KeyEvent value) {
pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
if (result.hasKeyEvent &&
result.keyEvent_ != global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.KeyEvent.DefaultInstance) {
result.keyEvent_ = global::proto.PhoneEvent.Types.KeyEvent.CreateBuilder(result.keyEvent_).MergeFrom(value).BuildPartial();
} else {
result.keyEvent_ = value;
result.hasKeyEvent = true;
return this;
public Builder ClearKeyEvent() {
result.hasKeyEvent = false;
result.keyEvent_ = null;
return this;
static PhoneEvent() {
object.ReferenceEquals(global::proto.Proto.PhoneEvent.Descriptor, null);
/// @endcond
#endregion Designer generated code