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2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00
// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This is a Keyboard Subclass that runs on device only. It displays the
// full VR Keyboard.
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
#if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
using UnityEngine.XR;
using UnityEngine.VR;
#endif // UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
/// @cond
namespace Gvr.Internal {
public class AndroidNativeKeyboardProvider : IKeyboardProvider {
private IntPtr renderEventFunction;
private float currentDistance = 0.0f;
// Android method names.
private const string METHOD_NAME_GET_PACKAGE_MANAGER = "getPackageManager";
private const string METHOD_NAME_GET_PACKAGE_INFO = "getPackageInfo";
private const string PACKAGE_NAME_VRINPUTMETHOD = "com.google.android.vr.inputmethod";
private const string FIELD_NAME_VERSION_CODE = "versionCode";
// Min version for VrInputMethod.
private const int MIN_VERSION_VRINPUTMETHOD = 170509062;
// Library name.
private const string dllName = "gvr_keyboard_shim_unity";
// Enum gvr_trigger_state.
private const int TRIGGER_NONE = 0;
private const int TRIGGER_PRESSED = 1;
[StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
private struct gvr_clock_time_point {
public long monotonic_system_time_nanos;
[StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
private struct gvr_recti {
public int left;
public int right;
public int bottom;
public int top;
[DllImport (GvrActivityHelper.GVR_DLL_NAME)]
private static extern gvr_clock_time_point gvr_get_time_point_now();
[DllImport (dllName)]
private static extern GvrKeyboardInputMode gvr_keyboard_get_input_mode(IntPtr keyboard_context);
[DllImport (dllName)]
private static extern void gvr_keyboard_set_input_mode(IntPtr keyboard_context, GvrKeyboardInputMode mode);
private static extern IntPtr gvr_keyboard_initialize(AndroidJavaObject app_context, AndroidJavaObject class_loader);
[DllImport (dllName)]
private static extern IntPtr gvr_keyboard_create(IntPtr closure, GvrKeyboard.KeyboardCallback callback);
// Gets a recommended world space matrix.
[DllImport (dllName)]
private static extern void gvr_keyboard_get_recommended_world_from_keyboard_matrix(float distance_from_eye,
IntPtr matrix);
// Sets the recommended world space matrix. The matrix may
// contain a combination of translation/rotation/scaling information.
private static extern void gvr_keyboard_set_world_from_keyboard_matrix(IntPtr keyboard_context, IntPtr matrix);
// Shows the keyboard
[DllImport (dllName)]
private static extern void gvr_keyboard_show(IntPtr keyboard_context);
// Updates the keyboard with the controller's button state.
private static extern void gvr_keyboard_update_button_state(IntPtr keyboard_context, int buttonIndex, bool pressed);
// Updates the controller ray on the keyboard.
private static extern bool gvr_keyboard_update_controller_ray(IntPtr keyboard_context, IntPtr vector3Start,
IntPtr vector3End, IntPtr vector3Hit);
// Updates the touch state of the controller.
private static extern void gvr_keyboard_update_controller_touch(IntPtr keyboard_context, bool touched, IntPtr vector2Pos);
// Returns the EditText with for the keyboard.
[DllImport (dllName)]
private static extern IntPtr gvr_keyboard_get_text(IntPtr keyboard_context);
// Sets the edit_text for the keyboard.
// @return 1 if the edit text could be set. 0 if it cannot be set.
[DllImport (dllName)]
private static extern int gvr_keyboard_set_text(IntPtr keyboard_context, IntPtr edit_text);
// Hides the keyboard.
[DllImport (dllName)]
private static extern void gvr_keyboard_hide(IntPtr keyboard_context);
// Destroys the keyboard. Resources related to the keyboard is released.
[DllImport (dllName)]
private static extern void gvr_keyboard_destroy(IntPtr keyboard_context);
// Called once per frame to set the time index.
private static extern void GvrKeyboardSetFrameData(IntPtr keyboard_context, gvr_clock_time_point t);
// Sets VR eye data in preparation for rendering a single eye's view.
private static extern void GvrKeyboardSetEyeData(int eye_type, Matrix4x4 modelview, Matrix4x4 projection, gvr_recti viewport);
private static extern IntPtr GetKeyboardRenderEventFunc();
// Private class data.
private IntPtr keyboard_context = IntPtr.Zero;
// Used in the GVR Unity C++ shim layer.
private const int advanceID = 0x5DAC793B;
private const int renderLeftID = 0x3CF97A3D;
private const int renderRightID = 0x3CF97A3E;
private const string KEYBOARD_JAVA_CLASS = "com.google.vr.keyboard.GvrKeyboardUnity";
private const long kPredictionTimeWithoutVsyncNanos = 50000000;
private const int kGvrControllerButtonClick = 1;
private GvrKeyboardInputMode mode = GvrKeyboardInputMode.DEFAULT;
private string editorText = string.Empty;
private Matrix4x4 worldMatrix;
private bool isValid = false;
private bool isReady = false;
public string EditorText {
get {
IntPtr text = gvr_keyboard_get_text(keyboard_context);
editorText = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(text);
return editorText;
set {
editorText = value;
IntPtr text = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(editorText);
gvr_keyboard_set_text(keyboard_context, text);
public void SetInputMode(GvrKeyboardInputMode mode) {
Debug.Log("Calling set input mode: " + mode);
gvr_keyboard_set_input_mode(keyboard_context, mode);
this.mode = mode;
public void OnPause() { }
public void OnResume() { }
public void ReadState(KeyboardState outState) {
outState.editorText = editorText;
outState.mode = mode;
outState.worldMatrix = worldMatrix;
outState.isValid = isValid;
outState.isReady = isReady;
// Initialization function.
public AndroidNativeKeyboardProvider() {
// Running on Android device.
AndroidJavaObject activity = GvrActivityHelper.GetActivity();
if (activity == null) {
Debug.Log("Failed to get activity for keyboard.");
AndroidJavaObject context = GvrActivityHelper.GetApplicationContext(activity);
if (context == null) {
Debug.Log("Failed to get context for keyboard.");
AndroidJavaObject plugin = new AndroidJavaObject(KEYBOARD_JAVA_CLASS);
if (plugin != null) {
plugin.Call("initializeKeyboard", context);
isValid = true;
renderEventFunction = GetKeyboardRenderEventFunc();
~AndroidNativeKeyboardProvider() {
if (keyboard_context != IntPtr.Zero)
public bool Create(GvrKeyboard.KeyboardCallback keyboardEvent) {
if (!IsVrInputMethodAppMinVersion(keyboardEvent)) {
return false;
keyboard_context = gvr_keyboard_create(IntPtr.Zero, keyboardEvent);
isReady = keyboard_context != IntPtr.Zero;
return isReady;
public void Show(Matrix4x4 userMatrix, bool useRecommended, float distance, Matrix4x4 model) {
currentDistance = distance;
if (useRecommended) {
worldMatrix = getRecommendedMatrix(distance);
} else {
// Convert to GVR coordinates.
worldMatrix = Pose3D.FlipHandedness(userMatrix).transpose;
Matrix4x4 matToSet = worldMatrix * model.transpose;
IntPtr mat_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(matToSet));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(matToSet, mat_ptr, true);
gvr_keyboard_set_world_from_keyboard_matrix(keyboard_context, mat_ptr);
public void UpdateData() {
// Running on Android device.
// Update controller state.
GvrBasePointer pointer = GvrPointerInputModule.Pointer;
bool isPointerAvailable = pointer != null && pointer.IsAvailable;
if (isPointerAvailable) {
GvrControllerInputDevice controllerInputDevice = pointer.ControllerInputDevice;
if (controllerInputDevice != null && controllerInputDevice.State == GvrConnectionState.Connected) {
bool pressed = controllerInputDevice.GetButton(GvrControllerButton.TouchPadButton);
gvr_keyboard_update_button_state(keyboard_context, kGvrControllerButtonClick, pressed);
// Update touch state
Vector2 touch_pos = controllerInputDevice.TouchPos;
IntPtr touch_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(touch_pos));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(touch_pos, touch_ptr, true);
bool isTouching = controllerInputDevice.GetButton(GvrControllerButton.TouchPadTouch);
gvr_keyboard_update_controller_touch(keyboard_context, isTouching, touch_ptr);
GvrBasePointer.PointerRay pointerRay = pointer.GetRayForDistance(currentDistance);
Vector3 startPoint = pointerRay.ray.origin;
// Need to flip Z for native library
startPoint.z *= -1;
IntPtr start_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(startPoint));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(startPoint, start_ptr, true);
Vector3 endPoint = pointerRay.ray.GetPoint(pointerRay.distance);
// Need to flip Z for native library
endPoint.z *= -1;
IntPtr end_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(endPoint));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(endPoint, end_ptr, true);
Vector3 hit = Vector3.one;
IntPtr hit_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(Vector3.zero));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(Vector3.zero, hit_ptr, true);
gvr_keyboard_update_controller_ray(keyboard_context, start_ptr, end_ptr, hit_ptr);
hit = (Vector3)Marshal.PtrToStructure(hit_ptr, typeof(Vector3));
hit.z *= -1;
// Get time stamp.
gvr_clock_time_point time = gvr_get_time_point_now();
time.monotonic_system_time_nanos += kPredictionTimeWithoutVsyncNanos;
// Update frame data.
GvrKeyboardSetFrameData(keyboard_context, time);
GL.IssuePluginEvent(renderEventFunction, advanceID);
public void Render(int eye, Matrix4x4 modelview, Matrix4x4 projection, Rect viewport) {
gvr_recti rect = new gvr_recti();
rect.left = (int)viewport.x;
rect.top = (int)viewport.y + (int)viewport.height;
rect.right = (int)viewport.x + (int)viewport.width;
rect.bottom = (int)viewport.y;
// For the modelview matrix, we need to convert it to a world-to-camera
// matrix for GVR keyboard, hence the inverse. We need to convert left
// handed to right handed, hence the multiply by flipZ.
// Unity projection matrices are already in a form GVR needs.
// Unity stores matrices row-major, so both get a final transpose to get
// them column-major for GVR.
(Pose3D.FLIP_Z * modelview.inverse).transpose.inverse,
GL.IssuePluginEvent(renderEventFunction, eye == 0 ? renderLeftID : renderRightID);
public void Hide() {
// Return the recommended keyboard local to world space
// matrix given a distance value by the user. This value should
// be between 1 and 5 and will get clamped to that range.
private Matrix4x4 getRecommendedMatrix(float inputDistance) {
float distance = Mathf.Clamp(inputDistance, 1.0f, 5.0f);
Matrix4x4 result = new Matrix4x4();
IntPtr mat_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf (result));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(result, mat_ptr, true);
gvr_keyboard_get_recommended_world_from_keyboard_matrix(distance, mat_ptr);
result = (Matrix4x4) Marshal.PtrToStructure(mat_ptr, typeof(Matrix4x4));
return result;
// Returns true if the VrInputMethod APK is at least as high as MIN_VERSION_VRINPUTMETHOD.
private bool IsVrInputMethodAppMinVersion(GvrKeyboard.KeyboardCallback keyboardEvent) {
// Running on Android device.
AndroidJavaObject activity = GvrActivityHelper.GetActivity();
if (activity == null) {
Debug.Log("Failed to get activity for keyboard.");
return false;
AndroidJavaObject packageManager = activity.Call<AndroidJavaObject>(METHOD_NAME_GET_PACKAGE_MANAGER);
if (packageManager == null) {
Debug.Log("Failed to get activity package manager");
return false;
AndroidJavaObject info = packageManager.Call<AndroidJavaObject>(METHOD_NAME_GET_PACKAGE_INFO, PACKAGE_NAME_VRINPUTMETHOD, 0);
if (info == null) {
Debug.Log("Failed to get package info for com.google.android.apps.vr.inputmethod");
return false;
int versionCode = info.Get<int>(FIELD_NAME_VERSION_CODE);
keyboardEvent(IntPtr.Zero, GvrKeyboardEvent.GVR_KEYBOARD_ERROR_SDK_LOAD_FAILED);
return false;
return true;
return true;