using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System.Collections.Generic; /* ----------------------- AudioManagerInspector ----------------------- */ [CustomEditor(typeof(AudioManager))] public class AudioManagerInspector : Editor { private AudioManager audioManager = null; private string dragDropIdentifier = "MoveSoundFX"; private GUIStyle customDividerStyle = null; /* ----------------------- OnInspectorGUI() ----------------------- */ public override void OnInspectorGUI() { audioManager = target as AudioManager; Event e = Event.current; // draw the default properties DrawDefaultProperties(); // draw the categories section DrawCategories( e ); serializedObject.Update(); // draw the sound effects for the selected category DrawSoundEffects( e ); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); CreateStyles(); } /* ----------------------- MarkDirty() ----------------------- */ void MarkDirty() { serializedObject.SetIsDifferentCacheDirty(); EditorUtility.SetDirty( audioManager ); } static private int selectedGroup = 0; private int nextGroup = -1; private int editGroup = -1; private FastList soundGroups = new FastList(); private FastList groups = new FastList(); private Rect dropArea = new Rect(); private bool addSound = false; private int deleteSoundIdx = -1; private int dupeSoundIdx = -1; private bool sortSounds = false; private bool moveQueued = false; private int origGroup = -1; private int origIndex = -1; private int moveToGroup = -1; /* ----------------------- DrawDefaultProperties() ----------------------- */ void DrawDefaultProperties() { BeginContents(); if ( DrawHeader( "Default Properties", true ) ) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical( ); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( serializedObject.FindProperty( "makePersistent" ), new GUIContent( "Don't Destroy on Load" ) ); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( serializedObject.FindProperty( "enableSpatializedAudio" ), new GUIContent( "Enable Spatialized Audio" ) ); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( serializedObject.FindProperty( "enableSpatializedFastOverride" ), new GUIContent( "Force Disable Reflections" ) ); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( serializedObject.FindProperty( "audioMixer" ), new GUIContent( "Master Audio Mixer" ) ); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( serializedObject.FindProperty( "defaultMixerGroup" ), new GUIContent( "Pooled Emitter Mixer Group" ) ); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( serializedObject.FindProperty( "reservedMixerGroup" ), new GUIContent( "Reserved Emitter Mixer Group" ) ); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( serializedObject.FindProperty( "voiceChatMixerGroup" ), new GUIContent( "Voice Chat Mixer Group" ) ); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( serializedObject.FindProperty( "verboseLogging" ), new GUIContent( "Verbose Logging" ) ); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( serializedObject.FindProperty( "maxSoundEmitters" ), new GUIContent( "Max Sound Emitters" ) ); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( serializedObject.FindProperty( "volumeSoundFX" ), new GUIContent( "Default Volume" ) ); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( serializedObject.FindProperty( "soundFxFadeSecs" ), new GUIContent( "Sound FX Fade Secs" ) ); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( serializedObject.FindProperty( "audioMinFallOffDistance" ), new GUIContent( "Minimum Falloff Distance" ) ); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( serializedObject.FindProperty( "audioMaxFallOffDistance" ), new GUIContent( "Maximum Falloff Distance" ) ); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } EndContents(); } /* ----------------------- DrawSoundGroupProperties() ----------------------- */ void DrawSoundGroupProperties() { if ( selectedGroup == -1 ) { return; } SerializedProperty soundGroupsArray = serializedObject.FindProperty( "soundGroupings" ); if ( selectedGroup >= soundGroupsArray.arraySize ) { return; } SerializedProperty soundGroup = soundGroupsArray.GetArrayElementAtIndex( selectedGroup ); string soundGroupName = soundGroup.FindPropertyRelative( "name" ).stringValue; if ( DrawHeader( string.Format( "{0} Properties", soundGroupName ), true ) ) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical( ); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( soundGroup.FindPropertyRelative( "mixerGroup" ), new GUIContent( "Override Mixer Group", "Leave empty to use the Audio Manager's default mixer group" ) ); if ( !Application.isPlaying ) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( soundGroup.FindPropertyRelative( "maxPlayingSounds" ), new GUIContent( "Max Playing Sounds Limit", "Max playing sounds for this sound group, 0 = no limit" ) ); } else { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( soundGroup.FindPropertyRelative( "maxPlayingSounds" ), new GUIContent( "Max Playing Sounds Limit", "Max playing sounds for this sound group, 0 = no limit" ) ); // cast to the actual object int playingSounds = soundGroup.FindPropertyRelative( "playingSoundCount" ).intValue; EditorGUILayout.LabelField( string.Format( "Playing: {0}", playingSounds ), GUILayout.Width( 80.0f ) ); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( soundGroup.FindPropertyRelative( "preloadAudio" ), new GUIContent( "Preload Audio Clips", "Default = No special preloading, Preload = Audio clips are set to 'Preload', Manual Preload = Audio clips are set to not 'Preload'" ) ); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( soundGroup.FindPropertyRelative( "volumeOverride" ), new GUIContent( "Volume Override", "All sounds played in this group will have volume scaled by this amount" ) ); if ( soundGroup.FindPropertyRelative( "volumeOverride" ).floatValue == 0.0f ) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "With a volumeOverride of 0.0, these sounds will not play!", MessageType.Warning ); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } } /* ----------------------- DrawCategories() ----------------------- */ void DrawCategories( Event e ) { // do any housework before we start drawing if ( moveQueued ) { // make a temp copy List origSoundList = new List( audioManager.soundGroupings[origGroup].soundList ); SoundFX temp = origSoundList[origIndex]; List moveToSoundList = new List( audioManager.soundGroupings[moveToGroup].soundList ); // add it to the move to group moveToSoundList.Add( temp ); audioManager.soundGroupings[moveToGroup].soundList = moveToSoundList.ToArray(); // and finally, remove it from the original group origSoundList.RemoveAt( origIndex ); audioManager.soundGroupings[origGroup].soundList = origSoundList.ToArray(); Debug.Log( "> Moved '" + + "' from " + "'" + audioManager.soundGroupings[origGroup].name + "' to '" + audioManager.soundGroupings[moveToGroup].name ); MarkDirty(); moveQueued = false; } // switch to the next group if ( nextGroup > -1 ) { selectedGroup = nextGroup; nextGroup = -1; } // add a sound if ( addSound ) { List soundList = new List( audioManager.soundGroupings[selectedGroup].soundList ); SoundFX soundFX = new SoundFX(); = audioManager.soundGroupings[selectedGroup].name.ToLower() + "_new_unnamed_sound_fx"; soundList.Add( soundFX ); audioManager.soundGroupings[selectedGroup].soundList = soundList.ToArray(); MarkDirty(); addSound = false; } // sort the sounds if ( sortSounds ) { List soundList = new List( audioManager.soundGroupings[selectedGroup].soundList ); soundList.Sort( delegate ( SoundFX sfx1, SoundFX sfx2 ) { return string.Compare(, ); } ); audioManager.soundGroupings[selectedGroup].soundList = soundList.ToArray(); MarkDirty(); sortSounds = false; } // delete a sound if ( deleteSoundIdx > -1 ) { List soundList = new List( audioManager.soundGroupings[selectedGroup].soundList ); soundList.RemoveAt( deleteSoundIdx ); audioManager.soundGroupings[selectedGroup].soundList = soundList.ToArray(); MarkDirty(); deleteSoundIdx = -1; } // duplicate a sound if ( dupeSoundIdx > -1 ) { List soundList = new List( audioManager.soundGroupings[selectedGroup].soundList ); SoundFX origSoundFX = soundList[dupeSoundIdx]; // clone this soundFX string json = JsonUtility.ToJson( origSoundFX ); SoundFX soundFX = JsonUtility.FromJson( json ); += "_duplicated"; soundList.Insert( dupeSoundIdx + 1, soundFX ); audioManager.soundGroupings[selectedGroup].soundList = soundList.ToArray(); MarkDirty(); dupeSoundIdx = -1; } if ( e.type == EventType.Repaint ) { groups.Clear(); } GUILayout.Space( 6f ); Color defaultColor = GUI.contentColor; BeginContents(); if ( DrawHeader( "Sound FX Groups", true ) ) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical( ); soundGroups.Clear(); for ( int i = 0; i < audioManager.soundGroupings.Length; i++ ) { soundGroups.Add( audioManager.soundGroupings[i] ); } for ( int i = 0; i < soundGroups.size; i++ ) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { if ( i == selectedGroup ) { GUI.contentColor = ( i == editGroup ) ? Color.white : Color.yellow; } else { GUI.contentColor = defaultColor; } if ( ( e.type == EventType.KeyDown ) && ( ( e.keyCode == KeyCode.Return ) || ( e.keyCode == KeyCode.KeypadEnter ) ) ) { // toggle editing if ( editGroup >= 0 ) { editGroup = -1; } Event.current.Use(); } if ( i == editGroup ) { soundGroups[i].name = GUILayout.TextField( soundGroups[i].name, GUILayout.MinWidth( Screen.width - 80f ) ); } else { GUILayout.Label( soundGroups[i].name, ( i == selectedGroup ) ? EditorStyles.whiteLabel : EditorStyles.label, GUILayout.ExpandWidth( true ) ); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if ( GUILayout.Button( GUIContent.none, "OL Minus", GUILayout.Width(17f) ) ) { // minus button if ( EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Delete '" + soundGroups[i].name + "'", "Are you sure you want to delete the selected sound group?", "Continue", "Cancel" ) ) { soundGroups.RemoveAt( i ); MarkDirty(); } } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // build a list of items Rect lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if ( e.type == EventType.Repaint ) { groups.Add ( new ItemRect( i, lastRect, null ) ); } if ( ( e.type == EventType.MouseDown ) && lastRect.Contains( e.mousePosition ) ) { if ( ( i != selectedGroup ) || ( e.clickCount == 2 ) ) { nextGroup = i; if ( e.clickCount == 2 ) { editGroup = i; } else if ( editGroup != nextGroup ) { editGroup = -1; } Repaint(); } } } // add the final plus button EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if ( GUILayout.Button( GUIContent.none, "OL Plus", GUILayout.Width(17f) ) ) { // plus button soundGroups.Add( new SoundGroup( "unnamed sound group" ) ); selectedGroup = editGroup = soundGroups.size - 1; MarkDirty(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); // reset the color GUI.contentColor = defaultColor; // the sort and import buttons EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if ( GUILayout.Button( "Sort", GUILayout.Width( 70f ) ) ) { soundGroups.Sort( delegate( SoundGroup sg1, SoundGroup sg2 ) { return string.Compare(, ); } ); MarkDirty(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // draw a rect around the selected item if ( ( selectedGroup >= 0 ) && ( selectedGroup < groups.size ) ) { EditorGUI.DrawRect( groups[selectedGroup].rect, new Color( 1f, 1f, 1f, 0.06f ) ); } // finally move the sound groups back into the audio manager if ( soundGroups.size > 0 ) { audioManager.soundGroupings = soundGroups.ToArray(); } // calculate the drop area rect if ( ( e.type == EventType.Repaint ) && ( groups.size > 0 ) ) { dropArea.x = groups[0].rect.x; dropArea.y = groups[0].rect.y; dropArea.width = groups[0].rect.width; dropArea.height = ( groups[groups.size-1].rect.y - groups[0].rect.y ) + groups[groups.size-1].rect.height; } } // draw the sound group properties now DrawSoundGroupProperties(); EndContents(); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Create and delete sound groups by clicking + and - respectively. Double click to rename sound groups. Drag and drop sounds from below to the groups above to move them.", MessageType.Info); } public class CustomDragData{ public int originalGroupIndex; public int originalIndex; public SerializedProperty originalProperty; } public class ItemRect { public ItemRect( int index, Rect rect, SerializedProperty prop ) { this.index = index; this.rect = rect; this.prop = prop; } public int index; public Rect rect; public SerializedProperty prop; } private FastList items = new FastList(); /* ----------------------- CreateStyles() ----------------------- */ void CreateStyles() { if ( customDividerStyle == null ) { customDividerStyle = new GUIStyle( EditorStyles.label ); customDividerStyle.normal.background = MakeTex( 4, 4, new Color( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.25f ) ); customDividerStyle.margin.right -= 16; } } /* ----------------------- MakeTex() ----------------------- */ private Texture2D MakeTex( int width, int height, Color col ) { Color[] pix = new Color[width*height]; for ( int i = 0; i < pix.Length; i++ ) pix[i] = col; Texture2D result = new Texture2D(width, height); result.SetPixels( pix ); result.Apply(); return result; } /* ----------------------- DrawSoundEffects() ----------------------- */ void DrawSoundEffects( Event e ) { if ( ( selectedGroup < 0 ) || ( audioManager.soundGroupings.Length == 0 ) || ( selectedGroup >= audioManager.soundGroupings.Length ) ) { return; } if ( e.type == EventType.Repaint ) { items.Clear(); } else { CheckStartDrag( e ); } BeginContents(); if ( DrawHeader( "Sound Effects", true ) ) { GUILayout.Space(3f); GUILayout.BeginVertical( ); SerializedProperty soundGroupsArray = serializedObject.FindProperty( "soundGroupings" ); SerializedProperty soundGroup = soundGroupsArray.GetArrayElementAtIndex( selectedGroup ); SerializedProperty soundList = soundGroup.FindPropertyRelative( "soundList" ); CreateStyles(); Rect prevRect = new Rect(); if ( soundList.arraySize > 0 ) { // show all the sounds for ( int i = 0; i < soundList.arraySize; i++ ) { EditorGUI.indentLevel = 1; SerializedProperty soundFX = soundList.GetArrayElementAtIndex( i ); SerializedProperty visToggle = soundFX.FindPropertyRelative( "visibilityToggle" ); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal( customDividerStyle ); { string soundFXName = soundFX.FindPropertyRelative( "name" ).stringValue; // save the visibility state visToggle.boolValue = EditorGUILayout.Foldout( visToggle.boolValue, soundFXName ); // play button if ( GUILayout.Button( "\u25BA", GUILayout.Width( 17f ), GUILayout.Height( 16f ) ) ) { if ( AudioManager.IsSoundPlaying( soundFXName ) ) { AudioManager.StopSound( soundFXName ); } else { AudioManager.PlaySound( soundFXName ); } } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if ( visToggle.boolValue ) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField( soundFX, true ); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if ( GUILayout.Button( "Delete FX", GUILayout.Width( Screen.width / 3.0f ) ) ) { if ( EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Delete " + soundFX.displayName, "Are you sure?", "Yes", "No!" ) ) { deleteSoundIdx = i; } } if ( GUILayout.Button( "Duplicate FX", GUILayout.Width( Screen.width / 3.0f ) ) ) { dupeSoundIdx = i; } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space( 10.0f ); } if ( e.type == EventType.Repaint ) { // GetLastRect() is now returning the last rect drawn in the property drawer, // not the rect used for the entire SoundFX Rect curRect = prevRect; curRect.y = prevRect.y + EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; Rect lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); curRect.height = ( lastRect.y + lastRect.height ) - curRect.y; curRect.width = Screen.width; items.Add( new ItemRect( i, curRect, soundFX ) ); } prevRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); } } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField( " " ); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.Space(3f); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if ( GUILayout.Button( "Add FX", GUILayout.Width( 70f ) ) ) { //soundList.InsertArrayElementAtIndex( soundList.arraySize ); //MarkDirty(); addSound = true; } if ( GUILayout.Button( "Sort", GUILayout.Width( 70f ) ) ) { sortSounds = true; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } EndContents(); UpdateDrag( e ); } /* ----------------------- CheckStartDrag() ----------------------- */ void CheckStartDrag( Event e ) { if ( ( e.type == EventType.MouseDrag ) && ( e.button == 0 ) ) { for ( int i = 0; i < items.size; i++ ) { if ( items[i].rect.Contains( e.mousePosition ) ) { DragAndDrop.PrepareStartDrag();// reset data CustomDragData dragData = new CustomDragData(); dragData.originalGroupIndex = selectedGroup; dragData.originalIndex = items[i].index; dragData.originalProperty = items[i].prop; DragAndDrop.SetGenericData( dragDropIdentifier, dragData ); DragAndDrop.objectReferences = new Object[0]; DragAndDrop.StartDrag( dragData.originalProperty.FindPropertyRelative( "name" ).stringValue ); e.Use(); } } } } /* ----------------------- FindGroupIndex() ----------------------- */ int FindGroupIndex( Event e ) { for ( int i = 0; i < groups.size; i++ ) { if ( groups[i].rect.Contains( e.mousePosition ) ) { return i; } } return -1; } /* ----------------------- UpdateDrag() ----------------------- */ void UpdateDrag( Event e ) { CustomDragData dragData = DragAndDrop.GetGenericData( dragDropIdentifier ) as CustomDragData; if ( dragData == null ) { return; } int groupIndex = FindGroupIndex( e ); switch ( e.type ) { case EventType.DragUpdated: if ( ( groupIndex >= 0 ) && ( groupIndex != selectedGroup ) ) { DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Move; } else { DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Rejected; } e.Use(); break; case EventType.Repaint: if ( ( DragAndDrop.visualMode == DragAndDropVisualMode.None ) || ( DragAndDrop.visualMode == DragAndDropVisualMode.Rejected ) ) { break; } if ( groupIndex >= 0 && groupIndex < groups.size ) { EditorGUI.DrawRect( groups[groupIndex].rect, new Color( 0f, 1f, 0f, 0.1f ) ); } break; case EventType.DragPerform: DragAndDrop.AcceptDrag(); // queue the sound FX move QueueSoundFXMove( dragData.originalGroupIndex, dragData.originalIndex, groupIndex ); e.Use(); break; case EventType.MouseUp: // in case MouseDrag never occurred: DragAndDrop.PrepareStartDrag(); break; } } /* ----------------------- QueueSoundFXMove() ----------------------- */ void QueueSoundFXMove( int origGroupIndex, int origSoundIndex, int newGroupIndex ) { moveQueued = true; origGroup = origGroupIndex; origIndex = origSoundIndex; moveToGroup = newGroupIndex; } /* ----------------------- DrawHeader() ----------------------- */ static public bool DrawHeader (string text) { return DrawHeader(text, text, false); } static public bool DrawHeader (string text, string key) { return DrawHeader(text, key, false); } static public bool DrawHeader (string text, bool forceOn) { return DrawHeader(text, text, forceOn); } static public bool DrawHeader( string text, string key, bool forceOn ) { bool state = EditorPrefs.GetBool(key, true); GUILayout.Space(3f); if (!forceOn && !state) GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(3f); GUI.changed = false; text = "" + text + ""; if (state) text = "\u25BC " + text; else text = "\u25B6 " + text; if (!GUILayout.Toggle(true, text, "dragtab", GUILayout.MinWidth(20f))) state = !state; if (GUI.changed) EditorPrefs.SetBool(key, state); GUILayout.Space(2f); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; if (!forceOn && !state) GUILayout.Space(3f); return state; } /* ----------------------- BeginContents() ----------------------- */ static public void BeginContents() { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(4f); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.MinHeight(10f)); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Space(2f); } /* ----------------------- EndContents() ----------------------- */ static public void EndContents() { GUILayout.Space(3f); GUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(3f); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(3f); } }