using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using VR = UnityEngine.VR; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; /// <summary> /// Provides access to the Oculus boundary system. /// </summary> public class OVRBoundary { /// <summary> /// Specifies a tracked node that can be queried through the boundary system. /// </summary> public enum Node { HandLeft = OVRPlugin.Node.HandLeft, ///< Tracks the left hand node. HandRight = OVRPlugin.Node.HandRight, ///< Tracks the right hand node. Head = OVRPlugin.Node.Head, ///< Tracks the head node. } /// <summary> /// Specifies a boundary type surface. /// </summary> public enum BoundaryType { OuterBoundary = OVRPlugin.BoundaryType.OuterBoundary, ///< Outer boundary that closely matches the user's configured walls. PlayArea = OVRPlugin.BoundaryType.PlayArea, ///< Smaller convex area inset within the outer boundary. } /// <summary> /// Provides test results of boundary system queries. /// </summary> public struct BoundaryTestResult { public bool IsTriggering; ///< Returns true if the queried test would violate and/or trigger the tested boundary types. public float ClosestDistance; ///< Returns the distance between the queried test object and the closest tested boundary type. public Vector3 ClosestPoint; ///< Returns the closest point to the queried test object. public Vector3 ClosestPointNormal; ///< Returns the normal of the closest point to the queried test object. } /// <summary> /// Specifies the boundary system parameters that can be configured. Can be overridden by the system or user. /// </summary> public struct BoundaryLookAndFeel { public Color Color; } /// <summary> /// Returns true if the boundary system is currently configured with valid boundary data. /// </summary> public bool GetConfigured() { return OVRPlugin.GetBoundaryConfigured(); } /// <summary> /// Returns the results of testing a tracked node against the specified boundary type. /// All points are returned in local tracking space shared by tracked nodes and accessible through OVRCameraRig's trackingSpace anchor. /// </summary> public OVRBoundary.BoundaryTestResult TestNode(OVRBoundary.Node node, OVRBoundary.BoundaryType boundaryType) { OVRPlugin.BoundaryTestResult ovrpRes = OVRPlugin.TestBoundaryNode((OVRPlugin.Node)node, (OVRPlugin.BoundaryType)boundaryType); OVRBoundary.BoundaryTestResult res = new OVRBoundary.BoundaryTestResult() { IsTriggering = (ovrpRes.IsTriggering == OVRPlugin.Bool.True), ClosestDistance = ovrpRes.ClosestDistance, ClosestPoint = ovrpRes.ClosestPoint.FromFlippedZVector3f(), ClosestPointNormal = ovrpRes.ClosestPointNormal.FromFlippedZVector3f(), }; return res; } /// <summary> /// Returns the results of testing a 3d point against the specified boundary type. /// The test point is expected in local tracking space. /// All points are returned in local tracking space shared by tracked nodes and accessible through OVRCameraRig's trackingSpace anchor. /// </summary> public OVRBoundary.BoundaryTestResult TestPoint(Vector3 point, OVRBoundary.BoundaryType boundaryType) { OVRPlugin.BoundaryTestResult ovrpRes = OVRPlugin.TestBoundaryPoint(point.ToFlippedZVector3f(), (OVRPlugin.BoundaryType)boundaryType); OVRBoundary.BoundaryTestResult res = new OVRBoundary.BoundaryTestResult() { IsTriggering = (ovrpRes.IsTriggering == OVRPlugin.Bool.True), ClosestDistance = ovrpRes.ClosestDistance, ClosestPoint = ovrpRes.ClosestPoint.FromFlippedZVector3f(), ClosestPointNormal = ovrpRes.ClosestPointNormal.FromFlippedZVector3f(), }; return res; } /// <summary> /// Requests that the visual look and feel of the boundary system be changed as specified. Can be overridden by the system or user. /// </summary> public void SetLookAndFeel(OVRBoundary.BoundaryLookAndFeel lookAndFeel) { OVRPlugin.BoundaryLookAndFeel lf = new OVRPlugin.BoundaryLookAndFeel() { Color = lookAndFeel.Color.ToColorf() }; OVRPlugin.SetBoundaryLookAndFeel(lf); } /// <summary> /// Resets the visual look and feel of the boundary system to the initial system settings. /// </summary> public void ResetLookAndFeel() { OVRPlugin.ResetBoundaryLookAndFeel(); } private static int cachedVector3fSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(OVRPlugin.Vector3f)); private static OVRNativeBuffer cachedGeometryNativeBuffer = new OVRNativeBuffer(0); private static float[] cachedGeometryManagedBuffer = new float[0]; /// <summary> /// Returns an array of 3d points (in clockwise order) that define the specified boundary type. /// All points are returned in local tracking space shared by tracked nodes and accessible through OVRCameraRig's trackingSpace anchor. /// </summary> public Vector3[] GetGeometry(OVRBoundary.BoundaryType boundaryType) { int pointsCount = 0; if (OVRPlugin.GetBoundaryGeometry2((OVRPlugin.BoundaryType)boundaryType, IntPtr.Zero, ref pointsCount)) { if (pointsCount > 0) { int requiredNativeBufferCapacity = pointsCount * cachedVector3fSize; if (cachedGeometryNativeBuffer.GetCapacity() < requiredNativeBufferCapacity) cachedGeometryNativeBuffer.Reset(requiredNativeBufferCapacity); int requiredManagedBufferCapacity = pointsCount * 3; if (cachedGeometryManagedBuffer.Length < requiredManagedBufferCapacity) cachedGeometryManagedBuffer = new float[requiredManagedBufferCapacity]; if (OVRPlugin.GetBoundaryGeometry2((OVRPlugin.BoundaryType)boundaryType, cachedGeometryNativeBuffer.GetPointer(), ref pointsCount)) { Marshal.Copy(cachedGeometryNativeBuffer.GetPointer(), cachedGeometryManagedBuffer, 0, requiredManagedBufferCapacity); Vector3[] points = new Vector3[pointsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < pointsCount; i++) { points[i] = new OVRPlugin.Vector3f() { x = cachedGeometryManagedBuffer[3 * i + 0], y = cachedGeometryManagedBuffer[3 * i + 1], z = cachedGeometryManagedBuffer[3 * i + 2], }.FromFlippedZVector3f(); } return points; } } } return new Vector3[0]; } /// <summary> /// Returns a vector that indicates the spatial dimensions of the specified boundary type. (x = width, y = height, z = depth) /// </summary> public Vector3 GetDimensions(OVRBoundary.BoundaryType boundaryType) { return OVRPlugin.GetBoundaryDimensions((OVRPlugin.BoundaryType)boundaryType).FromVector3f(); } /// <summary> /// Returns true if the boundary system is currently visible. /// </summary> public bool GetVisible() { return OVRPlugin.GetBoundaryVisible(); } /// <summary> /// Requests that the boundary system visibility be set to the specified value. /// The actual visibility can be overridden by the system (i.e., proximity trigger) or by the user (boundary system disabled) /// </summary> public void SetVisible(bool value) { OVRPlugin.SetBoundaryVisible(value); } }