// This file was @generated with LibOVRPlatform/codegen/main. Do not modify it! #pragma warning disable 0618 namespace Oculus.Platform.Models { using System; using System.Collections; using Oculus.Platform.Models; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class AssetDetails { public readonly UInt64 AssetId; public readonly string AssetType; public readonly string DownloadStatus; public readonly string Filepath; public readonly string IapStatus; // May be null. Check before using. public readonly LanguagePackInfo LanguageOptional; [Obsolete("Deprecated in favor of LanguageOptional")] public readonly LanguagePackInfo Language; public AssetDetails(IntPtr o) { AssetId = CAPI.ovr_AssetDetails_GetAssetId(o); AssetType = CAPI.ovr_AssetDetails_GetAssetType(o); DownloadStatus = CAPI.ovr_AssetDetails_GetDownloadStatus(o); Filepath = CAPI.ovr_AssetDetails_GetFilepath(o); IapStatus = CAPI.ovr_AssetDetails_GetIapStatus(o); { var pointer = CAPI.ovr_AssetDetails_GetLanguage(o); Language = new LanguagePackInfo(pointer); if (pointer == IntPtr.Zero) { LanguageOptional = null; } else { LanguageOptional = Language; } } } } public class AssetDetailsList : DeserializableList<AssetDetails> { public AssetDetailsList(IntPtr a) { var count = (int)CAPI.ovr_AssetDetailsArray_GetSize(a); _Data = new List<AssetDetails>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { _Data.Add(new AssetDetails(CAPI.ovr_AssetDetailsArray_GetElement(a, (UIntPtr)i))); } } } }