// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;

/// This abstract class should be implemented for pointer based input, and used with
/// the GvrPointerInputModule script.
/// It provides methods called on pointer interaction with in-game objects and UI,
/// trigger events, and 'BaseInputModule' class state changes.
/// To have the methods called, an instance of this (implemented) class must be
/// registered with the **GvrPointerManager** script in 'Start' by calling
/// GvrPointerInputModule.OnPointerCreated.
/// This abstract class should be implemented by pointers doing 1 of 2 things:
/// 1. Responding to movement of the users head (Cardboard gaze-based-pointer).
/// 2. Responding to the movement of the daydream controller (Daydream 3D pointer).
public abstract class GvrBasePointer : MonoBehaviour, IGvrControllerInputDeviceReceiver {
  public enum RaycastMode {
    /// Casts a ray from the camera through the target of the pointer.
    /// This is ideal for reticles that are always rendered on top.
    /// The object that is selected will always be the object that appears
    /// underneath the reticle from the perspective of the camera.
    /// This also prevents the reticle from appearing to "jump" when it starts/stops hitting an object.
    /// Recommended for reticles that are always rendered on top such as the GvrReticlePointer
    /// prefab which is used for cardboard apps.
    /// Note: This will prevent the user from pointing around an object to hit something that is out of sight.
    /// This isn't a problem in a typical use case.
    /// When used with the standard daydream controller,
    /// the hit detection will not account for the laser correctly for objects that are closer to the
    /// camera than the end of the laser.
    /// In that case, it is recommended to do one of the following things:
    /// 1. Hide the laser.
    /// 2. Use a full-length laser pointer in Direct mode.
    /// 3. Use the Hybrid raycast mode.
    /// Cast a ray directly from the pointer origin.
    /// Recommended for full-length laser pointers.
    /// Default method for casting ray.
    /// Combines the Camera and Direct raycast modes.
    /// Uses a Direct ray up until the CameraRayIntersectionDistance, and then switches to use
    /// a Camera ray starting from the point where the two rays intersect.
    /// Recommended for use with the standard settings of the GvrControllerPointer prefab.
    /// This is the most versatile raycast mode. Like Camera mode, this prevents the reticle
    /// appearing jumpy. Additionally, it still allows the user to target objects that are close
    /// to them by using the laser as a visual reference.

  /// Represents a ray segment for a series of intersecting rays.
  /// This is useful for Hybrid raycast mode, which uses two sequential rays.
  public struct PointerRay {
    /// The ray for this segment of the pointer.
    public Ray ray;

    /// The distance along the pointer from the origin of the first ray to this ray.
    public float distanceFromStart;

    /// Distance that this ray extends to.
    public float distance;

  /// Determines which raycast mode to use for this raycaster.
  ///   • Camera - Ray is cast from the camera through the pointer.
  ///   • Direct - Ray is cast forward from the pointer.
  ///   • Hybrid - Begins with a Direct ray and transitions to a Camera ray.
  [Tooltip("Determines which raycast mode to use for this raycaster.\n" +
    " • Camera - Ray is cast from camera.\n" +
    " • Direct - Ray is cast from pointer.\n" +
    " • Hybrid - Transitions from Direct ray to Camera ray.")]
  public RaycastMode raycastMode = RaycastMode.Hybrid;

  /// Determines the eventCamera for _GvrPointerPhysicsRaycaster_ and _GvrPointerGraphicRaycaster_.
  /// Additionaly, this is used to control what camera to use when calculating the Camera ray for
  /// the Hybrid and Camera raycast modes.
  [Tooltip("Optional: Use a camera other than Camera.main.")]
  public Camera overridePointerCamera;

  /// Determines if the rays used for raycasting will be drawn in the editor.
  [Tooltip("Determines if the rays used for raycasting will be drawn in the editor.")]
  public bool drawDebugRays = false;
#endif  // UNITY_EDITOR

  /// Convenience function to access what the pointer is currently hitting.
  public RaycastResult CurrentRaycastResult {
    get {
      return GvrPointerInputModule.CurrentRaycastResult;

  [System.Obsolete("Replaced by CurrentRaycastResult.worldPosition")]
  public Vector3 PointerIntersection {
    get {
      RaycastResult raycastResult = CurrentRaycastResult;
      return raycastResult.worldPosition;

  [System.Obsolete("Replaced by CurrentRaycastResult.gameObject != null")]
  public bool IsPointerIntersecting {
    get {
      RaycastResult raycastResult = CurrentRaycastResult;
      return raycastResult.gameObject != null;

  /// This is used to determine if the enterRadius or the exitRadius should be used for the raycast.
  /// It is set by GvrPointerInputModule and doesn't need to be controlled manually.
  public bool ShouldUseExitRadiusForRaycast { get; set; }

  /// If ShouldUseExitRadiusForRaycast is true, returns the exitRadius.
  /// Otherwise, returns the enterRadius.
  public float CurrentPointerRadius {
    get {
      float enterRadius, exitRadius;
      GetPointerRadius(out enterRadius, out exitRadius);
      if (ShouldUseExitRadiusForRaycast) {
        return exitRadius;
      } else {
        return enterRadius;

  /// Returns the transform that represents this pointer.
  /// It is used by GvrBasePointerRaycaster as the origin of the ray.
  public virtual Transform PointerTransform {
    get {
      return transform;

  public GvrControllerInputDevice ControllerInputDevice { get; set; }

  /// If true, the trigger was just pressed. This is an event flag:
  /// it will be true for only one frame after the event happens.
  /// Defaults to mouse button 0 down on Cardboard or
  /// ControllerInputDevice.GetButtonDown(TouchPadButton) on Daydream.
  /// Can be overridden to change the trigger.
  public virtual bool TriggerDown {
    get {
      bool isTriggerDown = Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0);
      if (ControllerInputDevice != null) {
        isTriggerDown |=
      return isTriggerDown;

  /// If true, the trigger is currently being pressed. This is not
  /// an event: it represents the trigger's state (it remains true while the trigger is being
  /// pressed).
  /// Defaults to mouse button 0 state on Cardboard or
  /// ControllerInputDevice.GetButton(TouchPadButton) on Daydream.
  /// Can be overridden to change the trigger.
  public virtual bool Triggering {
    get {
      bool isTriggering = Input.GetMouseButton(0);
      if (ControllerInputDevice != null) {
        isTriggering |=
      return isTriggering;

  /// If true, the trigger was just released. This is an event flag:
  /// it will be true for only one frame after the event happens.
  /// Defaults to mouse button 0 up on Cardboard or
  /// ControllerInputDevice.GetButtonUp(TouchPadButton) on Daydream.
  /// Can be overridden to change the trigger.
  public virtual bool TriggerUp {
    get {
      bool isTriggerUp = Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0);
      if (ControllerInputDevice == null) {
        isTriggerUp |=
      return isTriggerUp;

  /// If true, the user just started touching the touchpad. This is an event flag (it is true
  /// for only one frame after the event happens, then reverts to false).
  /// Used by _GvrPointerScrollInput_ to generate OnScroll events using Unity's Event System.
  /// Defaults to ControllerInputDevice.GetButtonDown(TouchPadTouch), can be overridden to change
  /// the input source.
  public virtual bool TouchDown {
    get {
      if (ControllerInputDevice == null) {
        return false;
      } else {
        return ControllerInputDevice.GetButtonDown(GvrControllerButton.TouchPadTouch);

  /// If true, the user is currently touching the touchpad.
  /// Used by _GvrPointerScrollInput_ to generate OnScroll events using Unity's Event System.
  /// Defaults to ControllerInputDevice.GetButton(TouchPadTouch), can be overridden to change
  /// the input source.
  public virtual bool IsTouching {
    get {
      if (ControllerInputDevice == null) {
        return false;
      } else {
        return ControllerInputDevice.GetButton(GvrControllerButton.TouchPadTouch);

  /// If true, the user just stopped touching the touchpad. This is an event flag (it is true
  /// for only one frame after the event happens, then reverts to false).
  /// Used by _GvrPointerScrollInput_ to generate OnScroll events using Unity's Event System.
  /// Defaults to ControllerInputDevice.GetButtonUp(TouchPadTouch), can be overridden to change
  /// the input source.
  public virtual bool TouchUp {
    get {
      if (ControllerInputDevice == null) {
        return false;
      } else {
        return ControllerInputDevice.GetButtonUp(GvrControllerButton.TouchPadTouch);

  /// Position of the current touch, if touching the touchpad.
  /// If not touching, this is the position of the last touch (when the finger left the touchpad).
  /// The X and Y range is from 0 to 1.
  /// (0, 0) is the top left of the touchpad and (1, 1) is the bottom right of the touchpad.
  /// Used by `GvrPointerScrollInput` to generate OnScroll events using Unity's Event System.
  /// Defaults to `ControllerInputDevice.TouchPos` but translated to top-left-relative coordinates
  /// for backwards compatibility. Can be overridden to change the input source.
  public virtual Vector2 TouchPos {
    get {
      if (ControllerInputDevice == null) {
        return Vector2.zero;
      } else {
        Vector2 touchPos = ControllerInputDevice.TouchPos;
        touchPos.x = (touchPos.x / 2.0f) + 0.5f;
        touchPos.y = (-touchPos.y / 2.0f) + 0.5f;
        return touchPos;

  /// Returns the end point of the pointer when it is MaxPointerDistance away from the origin.
  public virtual Vector3 MaxPointerEndPoint {
    get {
      Transform pointerTransform = PointerTransform;
      if (pointerTransform == null) {
        return Vector3.zero;

      Vector3 maxEndPoint = GetPointAlongPointer(MaxPointerDistance);
      return maxEndPoint;

  /// If true, the pointer will be used for generating input events by _GvrPointerInputModule_.
  public virtual bool IsAvailable {
    get {
      Transform pointerTransform = PointerTransform;
      if (pointerTransform == null) {
        return false;

      if (!enabled) {
        return false;

      return pointerTransform.gameObject.activeInHierarchy;

  /// When using the Camera raycast mode, this is used to calculate
  /// where the ray from the pointer will intersect with the ray from the camera.
  public virtual float CameraRayIntersectionDistance {
    get {
      return MaxPointerDistance;

  public Camera PointerCamera {
    get {
      if (overridePointerCamera != null) {
        return overridePointerCamera;

      return Camera.main;

  /// Returns the max distance from the pointer that raycast hits will be detected.
  public abstract float MaxPointerDistance { get; }

  /// Called when the pointer is facing a valid GameObject. This can be a 3D
  /// or UI element.
  /// **raycastResult** is the hit detection result for the object being pointed at.
  /// **isInteractive** is true if the object being pointed at is interactive.
  public abstract void OnPointerEnter(RaycastResult raycastResult, bool isInteractive);

  /// Called every frame the user is still pointing at a valid GameObject. This
  /// can be a 3D or UI element.
  /// **raycastResult** is the hit detection result for the object being pointed at.
  /// **isInteractive** is true if the object being pointed at is interactive.
  public abstract void OnPointerHover(RaycastResult raycastResultResult, bool isInteractive);

  /// Called when the pointer no longer faces an object previously
  /// intersected with a ray projected from the camera.
  /// This is also called just before **OnInputModuleDisabled**
  /// previousObject will be null in this case.
  /// **previousObject** is the object that was being pointed at the previous frame.
  public abstract void OnPointerExit(GameObject previousObject);

  /// Called when a click is initiated.
  public abstract void OnPointerClickDown();

  /// Called when click is finished.
  public abstract void OnPointerClickUp();

  /// Return the radius of the pointer. It is used by GvrPointerPhysicsRaycaster when
  /// searching for valid pointer targets. If a radius is 0, then a ray is used to find
  /// a valid pointer target. Otherwise it will use a SphereCast.
  /// The *enterRadius* is used for finding new targets while the *exitRadius*
  /// is used to see if you are still nearby the object currently pointed at
  /// to avoid a flickering effect when just at the border of the intersection.
  /// NOTE: This is only works with GvrPointerPhysicsRaycaster. To use it with uGUI,
  /// add 3D colliders to your canvas elements.
  public abstract void GetPointerRadius(out float enterRadius, out float exitRadius);

  /// Returns a point in worldspace a specified distance along the pointer.
  /// What this point will be is different depending on the raycastMode.
  /// Because raycast modes differ, use this function instead of manually calculating a point
  /// projected from the pointer.
  public Vector3 GetPointAlongPointer(float distance) {
    PointerRay pointerRay = GetRayForDistance(distance);
    return pointerRay.ray.GetPoint(distance - pointerRay.distanceFromStart);

  /// Returns the ray used for projecting points out of the pointer for the given distance.
  /// In Hybrid raycast mode, the ray will be different depending upon the distance.
  /// In Camera or Direct raycast mode, the ray will always be the same.
  public PointerRay GetRayForDistance(float distance) {
    PointerRay result = new PointerRay();

    if (raycastMode == RaycastMode.Hybrid) {
      float directDistance = CameraRayIntersectionDistance;
      if (distance < directDistance) {
        result = CalculateHybridRay(this, RaycastMode.Direct);
      } else {
        result = CalculateHybridRay(this, RaycastMode.Camera);
    } else {
      result = CalculateRay(this, raycastMode);

    return result;

  /// Calculates the ray for a given Raycast mode.
  /// Will throw an exception if the raycast mode Hybrid is passed in.
  /// If you need to calculate the ray for the direct or camera segment of the Hybrid raycast,
  /// use CalculateHybridRay instead.
  public static PointerRay CalculateRay(GvrBasePointer pointer, RaycastMode mode) {
    PointerRay result = new PointerRay();

    if (pointer == null || !pointer.IsAvailable) {
      Debug.LogError("Cannot calculate ray when the pointer isn't available.");
      return result;

    Transform pointerTransform = pointer.PointerTransform;

    if (pointerTransform == null) {
      Debug.LogError("Cannot calculate ray when pointerTransform is null.");
      return result;

    result.distance = pointer.MaxPointerDistance;

    switch (mode) {
      case RaycastMode.Camera:
        Camera camera = pointer.PointerCamera;
        if (camera == null) {
          Debug.LogError("Cannot calculate ray because pointer.PointerCamera is null." +
            "To fix this, either tag a Camera as \"MainCamera\" or set overridePointerCamera.");
          return result;

        Vector3 rayPointerStart = pointerTransform.position;
        Vector3 rayPointerEnd = rayPointerStart +
          (pointerTransform.forward * pointer.CameraRayIntersectionDistance);

        Vector3 cameraLocation = camera.transform.position;
        Vector3 finalRayDirection = rayPointerEnd - cameraLocation;

        Vector3 finalRayStart = cameraLocation + (finalRayDirection * camera.nearClipPlane);

        result.ray = new Ray(finalRayStart, finalRayDirection);
      case RaycastMode.Direct:
        result.ray = new Ray(pointerTransform.position, pointerTransform.forward);
        throw new UnityException("Invalid RaycastMode " + mode + " passed into CalculateRay.");

    return result;

  /// Calculates the ray for the segment of the Hybrid raycast determined by the raycast mode
  /// passed in. Throws an exception if Hybrid is passed in.
  public static PointerRay CalculateHybridRay(GvrBasePointer pointer, RaycastMode hybridMode) {
    PointerRay result;

    switch (hybridMode) {
      case RaycastMode.Direct:
        result = CalculateRay(pointer, hybridMode);
        result.distance = pointer.CameraRayIntersectionDistance;
      case RaycastMode.Camera:
        result = CalculateRay(pointer, hybridMode);
        PointerRay directRay = CalculateHybridRay(pointer, RaycastMode.Direct);
        result.ray.origin = directRay.ray.GetPoint(directRay.distance);
        result.distanceFromStart = directRay.distance;
        result.distance = pointer.MaxPointerDistance - directRay.distance;
        throw new UnityException("Invalid RaycastMode " + hybridMode + " passed into CalculateHybridRay.");

    return result;

  protected virtual void Start() {

  protected virtual void OnDrawGizmos() {
    if (drawDebugRays && Application.isPlaying && isActiveAndEnabled) {
      switch (raycastMode) {
        case RaycastMode.Camera:
          // Camera line.
          Gizmos.color = Color.green;
          PointerRay pointerRay = CalculateRay(this, RaycastMode.Camera);
          Gizmos.DrawLine(pointerRay.ray.origin, pointerRay.ray.GetPoint(pointerRay.distance));
          Camera camera = PointerCamera;

          // Pointer to intersection dotted line.
          Vector3 intersection =
            PointerTransform.position + (PointerTransform.forward * CameraRayIntersectionDistance);
          UnityEditor.Handles.DrawDottedLine(PointerTransform.position, intersection, 1.0f);
        case RaycastMode.Direct:
          // Direct line.
          Gizmos.color = Color.blue;
          pointerRay = CalculateRay(this, RaycastMode.Direct);
          Gizmos.DrawLine(pointerRay.ray.origin, pointerRay.ray.GetPoint(pointerRay.distance));
        case RaycastMode.Hybrid:
          // Direct line.
          Gizmos.color = Color.blue;
          pointerRay = CalculateHybridRay(this, RaycastMode.Direct);
          Gizmos.DrawLine(pointerRay.ray.origin, pointerRay.ray.GetPoint(pointerRay.distance));

          // Camera line.
          Gizmos.color = Color.green;
          pointerRay = CalculateHybridRay(this, RaycastMode.Camera);
          Gizmos.DrawLine(pointerRay.ray.origin, pointerRay.ray.GetPoint(pointerRay.distance));

          // Camera to intersection dotted line.
          camera = PointerCamera;
          if (camera != null) {
            UnityEditor.Handles.DrawDottedLine(camera.transform.position, pointerRay.ray.origin, 1.0f);
#endif // UNITY_EDITOR