// This file was @generated with LibOVRPlatform/codegen/main. Do not modify it! using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Assembly-CSharp-Editor")] namespace Oculus.Platform { using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public sealed class Core { private static bool IsPlatformInitialized = false; public static bool IsInitialized() { return IsPlatformInitialized; } // If LogMessages is true, then the contents of each request response // will be printed using Debug.Log. This allocates a lot of heap memory, // and so should not be called outside of testing and debugging. public static bool LogMessages = false; internal static void ForceInitialized() { IsPlatformInitialized = true; } private static string getAppID(string appId = null) { string configAppID = GetAppIDFromConfig(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(appId)) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(configAppID)) { throw new UnityException("Update your app id by selecting 'Oculus Platform' -> 'Edit Settings'"); } appId = configAppID; } else { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(configAppID)) { Debug.LogWarningFormat("The 'Oculus App Id ({0})' field in 'Oculus Platform/Edit Settings' is clobbering appId ({1}) that you passed in to Platform.Core.Init. You should only specify this in one place. We recommend the menu location.", configAppID, appId); } } return appId; } // Asynchronously Initialize Platform SDK. The result will be put on the message // queue with the message type: ovrMessage_PlatformInitializeAndroidAsynchronous // // While the platform is in an initializing state, it's not fully functional. // [Requests]: will queue up and run once platform is initialized. // For example: ovr_User_GetLoggedInUser() can be called immediately after // asynchronous init and once platform is initialized, this request will run // [Synchronous Methods]: will return the default value; // For example: ovr_GetLoggedInUserID() will return 0 until platform is // fully initialized public static Request<Models.PlatformInitialize> AsyncInitialize(string appId = null) { appId = getAppID(appId); Request<Models.PlatformInitialize> request; if (UnityEngine.Application.isEditor && PlatformSettings.UseStandalonePlatform) { var platform = new StandalonePlatform(); request = platform.InitializeInEditor(); } else if (UnityEngine.Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor || UnityEngine.Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer) { var platform = new WindowsPlatform(); request = platform.AsyncInitialize(appId); } else if (UnityEngine.Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { var platform = new AndroidPlatform(); request = platform.AsyncInitialize(appId); } else { throw new NotImplementedException("Oculus platform is not implemented on this platform yet."); } IsPlatformInitialized = (request != null); if (!IsPlatformInitialized) { throw new UnityException("Oculus Platform failed to initialize."); } if (LogMessages) { Debug.LogWarning("Oculus.Platform.Core.LogMessages is set to true. This will cause extra heap allocations, and should not be used outside of testing and debugging."); } // Create the GameObject that will run the callbacks (new GameObject("Oculus.Platform.CallbackRunner")).AddComponent<CallbackRunner>(); return request; } public static void Initialize(string appId = null) { appId = getAppID(appId); if (UnityEngine.Application.isEditor && PlatformSettings.UseStandalonePlatform) { var platform = new StandalonePlatform(); IsPlatformInitialized = platform.InitializeInEditor() != null; } else if (UnityEngine.Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor || UnityEngine.Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer) { var platform = new WindowsPlatform(); IsPlatformInitialized = platform.Initialize(appId); } else if (UnityEngine.Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { var platform = new AndroidPlatform(); IsPlatformInitialized = platform.Initialize(appId); } else { throw new NotImplementedException("Oculus platform is not implemented on this platform yet."); } if (!IsPlatformInitialized) { throw new UnityException("Oculus Platform failed to initialize."); } if (LogMessages) { Debug.LogWarning("Oculus.Platform.Core.LogMessages is set to true. This will cause extra heap allocations, and should not be used outside of testing and debugging."); } // Create the GameObject that will run the callbacks (new GameObject("Oculus.Platform.CallbackRunner")).AddComponent<CallbackRunner>(); } private static string GetAppIDFromConfig() { if (UnityEngine.Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { return PlatformSettings.MobileAppID; } else { return PlatformSettings.AppID; } } } public static class ApplicationLifecycle { public static Models.LaunchDetails GetLaunchDetails() { return new Models.LaunchDetails(CAPI.ovr_ApplicationLifecycle_GetLaunchDetails()); } } public static partial class Rooms { public static Request<Models.Room> UpdateDataStore(UInt64 roomID, Dictionary<string, string> data) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { CAPI.ovrKeyValuePair[] kvps = new CAPI.ovrKeyValuePair[data.Count]; int i=0; foreach(var item in data) { kvps[i++] = new CAPI.ovrKeyValuePair(item.Key, item.Value); } return new Request<Models.Room>(CAPI.ovr_Room_UpdateDataStore(roomID, kvps)); } return null; } public static void SetUpdateNotificationCallback(Message<Models.Room>.Callback callback) { Callback.SetNotificationCallback( Message.MessageType.Notification_Room_RoomUpdate, callback ); } [Obsolete("Deprecated in favor of SetRoomInviteAcceptedNotificationCallback")] public static void SetRoomInviteNotificationCallback(Message<string>.Callback callback) { Callback.SetNotificationCallback( Message.MessageType.Notification_Room_InviteAccepted, callback ); } // Be notified when someone you've invited has accepted your invitation. public static void SetRoomInviteAcceptedNotificationCallback(Message<string>.Callback callback) { Callback.SetNotificationCallback( Message.MessageType.Notification_Room_InviteAccepted, callback ); } // Be notified when you've received an invitation to a room from another player. // You can also poll for room invites using Notifications.GetRoomInviteNotifications. public static void SetRoomInviteReceivedNotificationCallback(Message<Models.RoomInviteNotification>.Callback callback) { Callback.SetNotificationCallback( Message.MessageType.Notification_Room_InviteReceived, callback ); } } public static partial class Livestreaming { public static void SetStatusUpdateNotificationCallback(Message<Models.LivestreamingStatus>.Callback callback) { Callback.SetNotificationCallback( Message.MessageType.Notification_Livestreaming_StatusChange, callback ); } } public static partial class Matchmaking { public class CustomQuery { public Dictionary<string, object> data; public Criterion[] criteria; public struct Criterion { public Criterion(string key_, MatchmakingCriterionImportance importance_) { key = key_; importance = importance_; parameters = null; } public string key; public MatchmakingCriterionImportance importance; public Dictionary<string, object> parameters; } public IntPtr ToUnmanaged() { var customQueryUnmanaged = new CAPI.ovrMatchmakingCustomQueryData(); if(criteria != null && criteria.Length > 0) { customQueryUnmanaged.criterionArrayCount = (uint)criteria.Length; var temp = new CAPI.ovrMatchmakingCriterion[criteria.Length]; for(int i=0; i<criteria.Length; i++) { temp[i].importance_ = criteria[i].importance; temp[i].key_ = criteria[i].key; if(criteria[i].parameters != null && criteria[i].parameters.Count > 0) { temp[i].parameterArrayCount = (uint)criteria[i].parameters.Count; temp[i].parameterArray = CAPI.ArrayOfStructsToIntPtr(CAPI.DictionaryToOVRKeyValuePairs(criteria[i].parameters)); } else { temp[i].parameterArrayCount = 0; temp[i].parameterArray = IntPtr.Zero; } } customQueryUnmanaged.criterionArray = CAPI.ArrayOfStructsToIntPtr(temp); } else { customQueryUnmanaged.criterionArrayCount = 0; customQueryUnmanaged.criterionArray = IntPtr.Zero; } if(data != null && data.Count > 0) { customQueryUnmanaged.dataArrayCount = (uint)data.Count; customQueryUnmanaged.dataArray = CAPI.ArrayOfStructsToIntPtr(CAPI.DictionaryToOVRKeyValuePairs(data)); } else { customQueryUnmanaged.dataArrayCount = 0; customQueryUnmanaged.dataArray = IntPtr.Zero; } IntPtr res = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(customQueryUnmanaged)); Marshal.StructureToPtr(customQueryUnmanaged, res, true); return res; } } public static Request ReportResultsInsecure(UInt64 roomID, Dictionary<string, int> data) { if(Core.IsInitialized()) { CAPI.ovrKeyValuePair[] kvps = new CAPI.ovrKeyValuePair[data.Count]; int i=0; foreach(var item in data) { kvps[i++] = new CAPI.ovrKeyValuePair(item.Key, item.Value); } return new Request(CAPI.ovr_Matchmaking_ReportResultInsecure(roomID, kvps)); } return null; } public static void SetMatchFoundNotificationCallback(Message<Models.Room>.Callback callback) { Callback.SetNotificationCallback( Message.MessageType.Notification_Matchmaking_MatchFound, callback ); } public static Request<Models.MatchmakingStats> GetStats(string pool, uint maxLevel, MatchmakingStatApproach approach = MatchmakingStatApproach.Trailing) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.MatchmakingStats>(CAPI.ovr_Matchmaking_GetStats(pool, maxLevel, approach)); } return null; } } public static class Net { public static Packet ReadPacket() { if (!Core.IsInitialized()) { return null; } var packetHandle = CAPI.ovr_Net_ReadPacket(); if(packetHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { return null; } return new Packet(packetHandle); } public static bool SendPacket(UInt64 userID, byte[] bytes, SendPolicy policy) { if(Core.IsInitialized()) { return CAPI.ovr_Net_SendPacket(userID, (UIntPtr)bytes.Length, bytes, policy); } return false; } public static void Connect(UInt64 userID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { CAPI.ovr_Net_Connect(userID); } } public static void Accept(UInt64 userID) { if(Core.IsInitialized()) { CAPI.ovr_Net_Accept(userID); } } public static void Close(UInt64 userID) { if(Core.IsInitialized()) { CAPI.ovr_Net_Close(userID); } } public static bool IsConnected(UInt64 userID) { return Core.IsInitialized() && CAPI.ovr_Net_IsConnected(userID); } public static bool SendPacketToCurrentRoom(byte[] bytes, SendPolicy policy) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return CAPI.ovr_Net_SendPacketToCurrentRoom((UIntPtr)bytes.Length, bytes, policy); } return false; } public static bool AcceptForCurrentRoom() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return CAPI.ovr_Net_AcceptForCurrentRoom(); } return false; } public static void CloseForCurrentRoom() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { CAPI.ovr_Net_CloseForCurrentRoom(); } } public static Request<Models.PingResult> Ping(UInt64 userID) { if(Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.PingResult>(CAPI.ovr_Net_Ping(userID)); } return null; } public static void SetPeerConnectRequestCallback(Message<Models.NetworkingPeer>.Callback callback) { Callback.SetNotificationCallback( Message.MessageType.Notification_Networking_PeerConnectRequest, callback ); } public static void SetConnectionStateChangedCallback(Message<Models.NetworkingPeer>.Callback callback) { Callback.SetNotificationCallback( Message.MessageType.Notification_Networking_ConnectionStateChange, callback ); } } public static partial class Leaderboards { public static Request<Models.LeaderboardEntryList> GetNextEntries(Models.LeaderboardEntryList list) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.LeaderboardEntryList>(CAPI.ovr_HTTP_GetWithMessageType(list.NextUrl, (int)Message.MessageType.Leaderboard_GetNextEntries)); } return null; } public static Request<Models.LeaderboardEntryList> GetPreviousEntries(Models.LeaderboardEntryList list) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.LeaderboardEntryList>(CAPI.ovr_HTTP_GetWithMessageType(list.PreviousUrl, (int)Message.MessageType.Leaderboard_GetPreviousEntries)); } return null; } } public static partial class Voip { public static void Start(UInt64 userID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { CAPI.ovr_Voip_Start(userID); } } public static void Accept(UInt64 userID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { CAPI.ovr_Voip_Accept(userID); } } public static void Stop(UInt64 userID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { CAPI.ovr_Voip_Stop(userID); } } public static void SetVoipConnectRequestCallback(Message<Models.NetworkingPeer>.Callback callback) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { Callback.SetNotificationCallback( Message.MessageType.Notification_Voip_ConnectRequest, callback ); } } public static void SetVoipStateChangeCallback(Message<Models.NetworkingPeer>.Callback callback) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { Callback.SetNotificationCallback( Message.MessageType.Notification_Voip_StateChange, callback ); } } public static void SetMicrophoneFilterCallback(CAPI.FilterCallback callback) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { CAPI.ovr_Voip_SetMicrophoneFilterCallbackWithFixedSizeBuffer(callback, (UIntPtr)CAPI.VoipFilterBufferSize); } } public static void SetMicrophoneMuted(VoipMuteState state) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { CAPI.ovr_Voip_SetMicrophoneMuted(state); } } public static VoipMuteState GetSystemVoipMicrophoneMuted() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return CAPI.ovr_Voip_GetSystemVoipMicrophoneMuted(); } return VoipMuteState.Unknown; } public static SystemVoipStatus GetSystemVoipStatus() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return CAPI.ovr_Voip_GetSystemVoipStatus(); } return SystemVoipStatus.Unknown; } public static Oculus.Platform.VoipDtxState GetIsConnectionUsingDtx(UInt64 peerID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return CAPI.ovr_Voip_GetIsConnectionUsingDtx(peerID); } return Oculus.Platform.VoipDtxState.Unknown; } public static Oculus.Platform.VoipBitrate GetLocalBitrate(UInt64 peerID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return CAPI.ovr_Voip_GetLocalBitrate(peerID); } return Oculus.Platform.VoipBitrate.Unknown; } public static Oculus.Platform.VoipBitrate GetRemoteBitrate(UInt64 peerID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return CAPI.ovr_Voip_GetRemoteBitrate(peerID); } return Oculus.Platform.VoipBitrate.Unknown; } public static void SetNewConnectionOptions(VoipOptions voipOptions) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { CAPI.ovr_Voip_SetNewConnectionOptions((IntPtr)voipOptions); } } public static void SetSystemVoipStateNotificationCallback(Message<Models.SystemVoipState>.Callback callback) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { Callback.SetNotificationCallback( Message.MessageType.Notification_Voip_SystemVoipState, callback ); } } } public static partial class Achievements { /// Add 'count' to the achievement with the given name. This must be a COUNT /// achievement. The largest number that is supported by this method is the max /// value of a signed 64-bit integer. If the number is larger than that, it is /// clamped to that max value before being passed to the servers. /// public static Request<Models.AchievementUpdate> AddCount(string name, ulong count) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AchievementUpdate>(CAPI.ovr_Achievements_AddCount(name, count)); } return null; } /// Unlock fields of a BITFIELD achievement. /// \param name The name of the achievement to unlock /// \param fields A string containing either '0' or '1' characters. Every '1' will unlock the field in the corresponding position. /// public static Request<Models.AchievementUpdate> AddFields(string name, string fields) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AchievementUpdate>(CAPI.ovr_Achievements_AddFields(name, fields)); } return null; } /// Request all achievement definitions for the app. /// public static Request<Models.AchievementDefinitionList> GetAllDefinitions() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AchievementDefinitionList>(CAPI.ovr_Achievements_GetAllDefinitions()); } return null; } /// Request the progress for the user on all achievements in the app. /// public static Request<Models.AchievementProgressList> GetAllProgress() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AchievementProgressList>(CAPI.ovr_Achievements_GetAllProgress()); } return null; } /// Request the achievement definitions that match the specified names. /// public static Request<Models.AchievementDefinitionList> GetDefinitionsByName(string[] names) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AchievementDefinitionList>(CAPI.ovr_Achievements_GetDefinitionsByName(names, (names != null ? names.Length : 0))); } return null; } /// Request the user's progress on the specified achievements. /// public static Request<Models.AchievementProgressList> GetProgressByName(string[] names) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AchievementProgressList>(CAPI.ovr_Achievements_GetProgressByName(names, (names != null ? names.Length : 0))); } return null; } /// Unlock the achievement with the given name. This can be of any achievement /// type. /// public static Request<Models.AchievementUpdate> Unlock(string name) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AchievementUpdate>(CAPI.ovr_Achievements_Unlock(name)); } return null; } } public static partial class Application { /// Requests version information, including the currently installed and latest /// available version name and version code. /// public static Request<Models.ApplicationVersion> GetVersion() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.ApplicationVersion>(CAPI.ovr_Application_GetVersion()); } return null; } /// Launches a different application in the user's library. If the user does /// not have that application installed, they will be taken to that app's page /// in the Oculus Store /// \param appID The ID of the app to launch /// \param deeplink_options Additional configuration for this requests. Optional. /// public static Request<string> LaunchOtherApp(UInt64 appID, ApplicationOptions deeplink_options = null) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<string>(CAPI.ovr_Application_LaunchOtherApp(appID, (IntPtr)deeplink_options)); } return null; } } public static partial class AssetFile { /// DEPRECATED. Use AssetFile.DeleteById() /// public static Request<Models.AssetFileDeleteResult> Delete(UInt64 assetFileID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AssetFileDeleteResult>(CAPI.ovr_AssetFile_Delete(assetFileID)); } return null; } /// Removes an previously installed asset file from the device by its ID. /// Returns an object containing the asset ID and file name, and a success /// flag. /// \param assetFileID The asset file ID /// public static Request<Models.AssetFileDeleteResult> DeleteById(UInt64 assetFileID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AssetFileDeleteResult>(CAPI.ovr_AssetFile_DeleteById(assetFileID)); } return null; } /// Removes an previously installed asset file from the device by its name. /// Returns an object containing the asset ID and file name, and a success /// flag. /// \param assetFileName The asset file name /// public static Request<Models.AssetFileDeleteResult> DeleteByName(string assetFileName) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AssetFileDeleteResult>(CAPI.ovr_AssetFile_DeleteByName(assetFileName)); } return null; } /// DEPRECATED. Use AssetFile.DownloadById() /// public static Request<Models.AssetFileDownloadResult> Download(UInt64 assetFileID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AssetFileDownloadResult>(CAPI.ovr_AssetFile_Download(assetFileID)); } return null; } /// Downloads an asset file by its ID on demand. Returns an object containing /// the asset ID and filepath. Sends periodic /// MessageType.Notification_AssetFile_DownloadUpdate to track the downloads. /// \param assetFileID The asset file ID /// public static Request<Models.AssetFileDownloadResult> DownloadById(UInt64 assetFileID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AssetFileDownloadResult>(CAPI.ovr_AssetFile_DownloadById(assetFileID)); } return null; } /// Downloads an asset file by its name on demand. Returns an object containing /// the asset ID and filepath. Sends periodic /// {notifications.asset_file.download_update}} to track the downloads. /// \param assetFileName The asset file name /// public static Request<Models.AssetFileDownloadResult> DownloadByName(string assetFileName) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AssetFileDownloadResult>(CAPI.ovr_AssetFile_DownloadByName(assetFileName)); } return null; } /// DEPRECATED. Use AssetFile.DownloadCancelById() /// public static Request<Models.AssetFileDownloadCancelResult> DownloadCancel(UInt64 assetFileID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AssetFileDownloadCancelResult>(CAPI.ovr_AssetFile_DownloadCancel(assetFileID)); } return null; } /// Cancels a previously spawned download request for an asset file by its ID. /// Returns an object containing the asset ID and file path, and a success /// flag. /// \param assetFileID The asset file ID /// public static Request<Models.AssetFileDownloadCancelResult> DownloadCancelById(UInt64 assetFileID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AssetFileDownloadCancelResult>(CAPI.ovr_AssetFile_DownloadCancelById(assetFileID)); } return null; } /// Cancels a previously spawned download request for an asset file by its /// name. Returns an object containing the asset ID and file path, and a /// success flag. /// \param assetFileName The asset file name /// public static Request<Models.AssetFileDownloadCancelResult> DownloadCancelByName(string assetFileName) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AssetFileDownloadCancelResult>(CAPI.ovr_AssetFile_DownloadCancelByName(assetFileName)); } return null; } /// Returns an array of objects with asset file names and their associated IDs, /// and and whether it's currently installed. /// public static Request<Models.AssetDetailsList> GetList() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AssetDetailsList>(CAPI.ovr_AssetFile_GetList()); } return null; } /// DEPRECATED. Use AssetFile.StatusById() /// public static Request<Models.AssetDetails> Status(UInt64 assetFileID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AssetDetails>(CAPI.ovr_AssetFile_Status(assetFileID)); } return null; } /// Returns the details on a single asset: ID, file name, and whether it's /// currently installed /// \param assetFileID The asset file ID /// public static Request<Models.AssetDetails> StatusById(UInt64 assetFileID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AssetDetails>(CAPI.ovr_AssetFile_StatusById(assetFileID)); } return null; } /// Returns the details on a single asset: ID, file name, and whether it's /// currently installed /// \param assetFileName The asset file name /// public static Request<Models.AssetDetails> StatusByName(string assetFileName) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AssetDetails>(CAPI.ovr_AssetFile_StatusByName(assetFileName)); } return null; } } public static partial class Avatar { } public static partial class CloudStorage { /// Deletes the specified save data buffer. Conflicts are handled just like /// Saves. /// \param bucket The name of the storage bucket. /// \param key The name for this saved data. /// public static Request<Models.CloudStorageUpdateResponse> Delete(string bucket, string key) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.CloudStorageUpdateResponse>(CAPI.ovr_CloudStorage_Delete(bucket, key)); } return null; } /// Loads the saved entry for the specified bucket and key. If a conflict /// exists with the key then an error message is returned. /// \param bucket The name of the storage bucket. /// \param key The name for this saved data. /// public static Request<Models.CloudStorageData> Load(string bucket, string key) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.CloudStorageData>(CAPI.ovr_CloudStorage_Load(bucket, key)); } return null; } /// Loads all the metadata for the saves in the specified bucket, including /// conflicts. /// \param bucket The name of the storage bucket. /// public static Request<Models.CloudStorageMetadataList> LoadBucketMetadata(string bucket) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.CloudStorageMetadataList>(CAPI.ovr_CloudStorage_LoadBucketMetadata(bucket)); } return null; } /// Loads the metadata for this bucket-key combination that need to be manually /// resolved. /// \param bucket The name of the storage bucket /// \param key The key for this saved data. /// public static Request<Models.CloudStorageConflictMetadata> LoadConflictMetadata(string bucket, string key) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.CloudStorageConflictMetadata>(CAPI.ovr_CloudStorage_LoadConflictMetadata(bucket, key)); } return null; } /// Loads the data specified by the storage handle. /// public static Request<Models.CloudStorageData> LoadHandle(string handle) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.CloudStorageData>(CAPI.ovr_CloudStorage_LoadHandle(handle)); } return null; } /// load the metadata for the specified key /// \param bucket The name of the storage bucket. /// \param key The name for this saved data. /// public static Request<Models.CloudStorageMetadata> LoadMetadata(string bucket, string key) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.CloudStorageMetadata>(CAPI.ovr_CloudStorage_LoadMetadata(bucket, key)); } return null; } /// Selects the local save for manual conflict resolution. /// \param bucket The name of the storage bucket. /// \param key The name for this saved data. /// \param remoteHandle The handle of the remote that the local file was resolved against. /// public static Request<Models.CloudStorageUpdateResponse> ResolveKeepLocal(string bucket, string key, string remoteHandle) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.CloudStorageUpdateResponse>(CAPI.ovr_CloudStorage_ResolveKeepLocal(bucket, key, remoteHandle)); } return null; } /// Selects the remote save for manual conflict resolution. /// \param bucket The name of the storage bucket. /// \param key The name for this saved data. /// \param remoteHandle The handle of the remote. /// public static Request<Models.CloudStorageUpdateResponse> ResolveKeepRemote(string bucket, string key, string remoteHandle) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.CloudStorageUpdateResponse>(CAPI.ovr_CloudStorage_ResolveKeepRemote(bucket, key, remoteHandle)); } return null; } /// Note: Cloud Storage is only available for Rift apps. /// /// Send a save data buffer to the platform. CloudStorage.Save() passes a /// pointer to your data in an async call. You need to maintain the save data /// until you receive the message indicating that the save was successful. /// /// If the data is destroyed or modified prior to receiving that message the /// data will not be saved. /// \param bucket The name of the storage bucket. /// \param key The name for this saved data. /// \param data Start of the data block. /// \param counter Optional. Counter used for user data or auto-deconfliction. /// \param extraData Optional. String data that isn't used by the platform. /// /// <b>Error codes</b> /// - \b 100: The stored version has a later timestamp than the data provided. This cloud storage bucket's conflict resolution policy is configured to use the latest timestamp, which is configurable in the developer dashboard. /// public static Request<Models.CloudStorageUpdateResponse> Save(string bucket, string key, byte[] data, long counter, string extraData) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.CloudStorageUpdateResponse>(CAPI.ovr_CloudStorage_Save(bucket, key, data, (uint)(data != null ? data.Length : 0), counter, extraData)); } return null; } } public static partial class Entitlements { /// Returns whether the current user is entitled to the current app. /// public static Request IsUserEntitledToApplication() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request(CAPI.ovr_Entitlement_GetIsViewerEntitled()); } return null; } } public static partial class GraphAPI { } public static partial class HTTP { } public static partial class IAP { /// Allow the consumable IAP product to be purchased again. Conceptually, this /// indicates that the item was used or consumed. /// public static Request ConsumePurchase(string sku) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request(CAPI.ovr_IAP_ConsumePurchase(sku)); } return null; } /// Retrieve a list of IAP products that can be purchased. /// \param skus The SKUs of the products to retrieve. /// public static Request<Models.ProductList> GetProductsBySKU(string[] skus) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.ProductList>(CAPI.ovr_IAP_GetProductsBySKU(skus, (skus != null ? skus.Length : 0))); } return null; } /// Retrieve a list of Purchase that the Logged-In-User has made. This list /// will also contain consumable purchases that have not been consumed. /// public static Request<Models.PurchaseList> GetViewerPurchases() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.PurchaseList>(CAPI.ovr_IAP_GetViewerPurchases()); } return null; } /// Launch the checkout flow to purchase the existing product. Oculus Home /// tries handle and fix as many errors as possible. Home returns the /// appropriate error message and how to resolveit, if possible. Returns a /// purchase on success, empty purchase on cancel, and an error on error. /// \param sku IAP sku for the item the user wishes to purchase. /// public static Request<Models.Purchase> LaunchCheckoutFlow(string sku) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { if (UnityEngine.Application.isEditor) { throw new NotImplementedException("LaunchCheckoutFlow() is not implemented in the editor yet."); } return new Request<Models.Purchase>(CAPI.ovr_IAP_LaunchCheckoutFlow(sku)); } return null; } } public static partial class LanguagePack { /// Returns currently installed and selected language pack for an app in the /// view of the `asset_details`. Use `language` field to extract neeeded /// language info. A particular language can be download and installed by a /// user from the Oculus app on the application page. /// public static Request<Models.AssetDetails> GetCurrent() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AssetDetails>(CAPI.ovr_LanguagePack_GetCurrent()); } return null; } } public static partial class Leaderboards { /// Requests a block of Leaderboard Entries. /// \param leaderboardName The name of the leaderboard whose entries to return. /// \param limit Defines the maximum number of entries to return. /// \param filter Allows you to restrict the returned values by friends. /// \param startAt Defines whether to center the query on the user or start at the top of the leaderboard. /// /// <b>Error codes</b> /// - \b 12074: You're not yet ranked on this leaderboard. /// public static Request<Models.LeaderboardEntryList> GetEntries(string leaderboardName, int limit, LeaderboardFilterType filter, LeaderboardStartAt startAt) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.LeaderboardEntryList>(CAPI.ovr_Leaderboard_GetEntries(leaderboardName, limit, filter, startAt)); } return null; } /// Requests a block of leaderboard Entries. /// \param leaderboardName The name of the leaderboard. /// \param limit The maximum number of entries to return. /// \param afterRank The position after which to start. For example, 10 returns leaderboard results starting with the 11th user. /// public static Request<Models.LeaderboardEntryList> GetEntriesAfterRank(string leaderboardName, int limit, ulong afterRank) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.LeaderboardEntryList>(CAPI.ovr_Leaderboard_GetEntriesAfterRank(leaderboardName, limit, afterRank)); } return null; } /// Writes a single entry to a leaderboard. /// \param leaderboardName The leaderboard for which to write the entry. /// \param score The score to write. /// \param extraData A 2KB custom data field that is associated with the leaderboard entry. This can be a game replay or anything that provides more detail about the entry to the viewer. /// \param forceUpdate If true, the score always updates. This happens even if it is not the user's best score. /// /// <b>Error codes</b> /// - \b 100: Parameter {parameter}: invalid user id: {user_id} /// public static Request<bool> WriteEntry(string leaderboardName, long score, byte[] extraData = null, bool forceUpdate = false) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<bool>(CAPI.ovr_Leaderboard_WriteEntry(leaderboardName, score, extraData, (uint)(extraData != null ? extraData.Length : 0), forceUpdate)); } return null; } } public static partial class Livestreaming { /// Return the status of the current livestreaming session if there is one. /// public static Request<Models.LivestreamingStatus> GetStatus() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.LivestreamingStatus>(CAPI.ovr_Livestreaming_GetStatus()); } return null; } /// Pauses the livestreaming session if there is one. NOTE: this function is /// safe to call if no session is active. /// public static Request<Models.LivestreamingStatus> PauseStream() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.LivestreamingStatus>(CAPI.ovr_Livestreaming_PauseStream()); } return null; } /// Resumes the livestreaming session if there is one. NOTE: this function is /// safe to call if no session is active. /// public static Request<Models.LivestreamingStatus> ResumeStream() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.LivestreamingStatus>(CAPI.ovr_Livestreaming_ResumeStream()); } return null; } } public static partial class Matchmaking { /// DEPRECATED. Use Browse2. /// \param pool A BROWSE type matchmaking pool. /// \param customQueryData Optional. Custom query data. /// /// <b>Error codes</b> /// - \b 100: Pool {pool_key} does not contain custom data key {key}. You can configure matchmaking custom data at https://dashboard.oculus.com/application/<app_id>/matchmaking /// - \b 12072: Unknown pool: {pool_key}. You can configure matchmaking pools at https://dashboard.oculus.com/application/<app_id>/matchmaking /// public static Request<Models.MatchmakingBrowseResult> Browse(string pool, CustomQuery customQueryData = null) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.MatchmakingBrowseResult>(CAPI.ovr_Matchmaking_Browse(pool, customQueryData != null ? customQueryData.ToUnmanaged() : IntPtr.Zero)); } return null; } /// Modes: BROWSE /// /// See overview documentation above. /// /// Return a list of matchmaking rooms in the current pool filtered by skill /// and ping (if enabled). This also enqueues the user in the matchmaking /// queue. When the user has made a selection, call Room.Join2() on one of the /// rooms that was returned. If the user stops browsing, call /// Matchmaking.Cancel(). /// /// In addition to the list of rooms, enqueue results are also returned. Call /// MatchmakingBrowseResult.GetEnqueueResult() to obtain them. See /// OVR_MatchmakingEnqueueResult.h for details. /// \param pool A BROWSE type matchmaking pool. /// \param matchmakingOptions Additional matchmaking configuration for this request. Optional. /// /// <b>Error codes</b> /// - \b 100: Pool {pool_key} does not contain custom data key {key}. You can configure matchmaking custom data at https://dashboard.oculus.com/application/<app_id>/matchmaking /// - \b 12072: Unknown pool: {pool_key}. You can configure matchmaking pools at https://dashboard.oculus.com/application/<app_id>/matchmaking /// public static Request<Models.MatchmakingBrowseResult> Browse2(string pool, MatchmakingOptions matchmakingOptions = null) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.MatchmakingBrowseResult>(CAPI.ovr_Matchmaking_Browse2(pool, (IntPtr)matchmakingOptions)); } return null; } /// DEPRECATED. Use Cancel2. /// \param pool The pool in question. /// \param requestHash Used to find your entry in a queue. /// /// <b>Error codes</b> /// - \b 10: Room {room_id}: The user does not have permission to {cannot_action} because the user is currently in another room (perhaps on another device), and thus is no longer in this room. Users can only be in one room at a time. If they are active on two different devices at once, there will be undefined behavior. /// - \b 10: Room {room_id}: The user does not have permission to {cannot_action} because the user is not in the room (or any room). Perhaps they already left, or they stopped heartbeating. If this is a test environment, make sure you are not using the deprecated initialization methods ovr_PlatformInitializeStandaloneAccessToken (C++)/StandalonePlatform.Initialize(accessToken) (C#). /// - \b 10: Room {room_id}: The user does not have permission to {cannot_action} because the user is not the owner of the room. /// - \b 100: Invalid room_id: {room_id}. Either the ID is not a valid room or the user does not have permission to see or act on the room. /// public static Request Cancel(string pool, string requestHash) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request(CAPI.ovr_Matchmaking_Cancel(pool, requestHash)); } return null; } /// Modes: QUICKMATCH, BROWSE /// /// Makes a best effort to cancel a previous Enqueue request before a match /// occurs. Typically triggered when a user gives up waiting. For BROWSE mode, /// call this when a user gives up looking through the room list or when the /// host of a room wants to stop receiving new users. If you don't cancel but /// the user goes offline, the user/room will be timed out of the queue within /// 30 seconds. /// /// <b>Error codes</b> /// - \b 10: Room {room_id}: The user does not have permission to {cannot_action} because the user is currently in another room (perhaps on another device), and thus is no longer in this room. Users can only be in one room at a time. If they are active on two different devices at once, there will be undefined behavior. /// - \b 10: Room {room_id}: The user does not have permission to {cannot_action} because the user is not in the room (or any room). Perhaps they already left, or they stopped heartbeating. If this is a test environment, make sure you are not using the deprecated initialization methods ovr_PlatformInitializeStandaloneAccessToken (C++)/StandalonePlatform.Initialize(accessToken) (C#). /// - \b 10: Room {room_id}: The user does not have permission to {cannot_action} because the user is not the owner of the room. /// - \b 100: Invalid room_id: {room_id}. Either the ID is not a valid room or the user does not have permission to see or act on the room. /// public static Request Cancel() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request(CAPI.ovr_Matchmaking_Cancel2()); } return null; } /// DEPRECATED. Use CreateAndEnqueueRoom2. /// \param pool The matchmaking pool to use, which is defined for the app. /// \param maxUsers Overrides the Max Users value, which is configured in pool settings of the Developer Dashboard. /// \param subscribeToUpdates If true, sends a message with type MessageType.Notification_Room_RoomUpdate when the room data changes, such as when users join or leave. /// \param customQueryData Optional. See "Custom criteria" section above. /// /// <b>Error codes</b> /// - \b 100: Pool {pool_key} does not contain custom data key {key}. You can configure matchmaking custom data at https://dashboard.oculus.com/application/<app_id>/matchmaking /// - \b 12051: Pool '{pool_key}' is configured for Quickmatch mode. In Quickmatch mode, rooms are created on users' behalf when a match is found. Specify Advanced Quickmatch or Browse mode to use this feature. /// - \b 12072: Unknown pool: {pool_key}. You can configure matchmaking pools at https://dashboard.oculus.com/application/<app_id>/matchmaking /// - \b 12089: You have asked to enqueue {num_users} users together, but this must be less than the maximum number of users in a room, {max_users}. /// public static Request<Models.MatchmakingEnqueueResultAndRoom> CreateAndEnqueueRoom(string pool, uint maxUsers, bool subscribeToUpdates = false, CustomQuery customQueryData = null) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.MatchmakingEnqueueResultAndRoom>(CAPI.ovr_Matchmaking_CreateAndEnqueueRoom(pool, maxUsers, subscribeToUpdates, customQueryData != null ? customQueryData.ToUnmanaged() : IntPtr.Zero)); } return null; } /// Modes: BROWSE, QUICKMATCH (Advanced; Can Users Create Rooms = true) /// /// See overview documentation above. /// /// Create a matchmaking room, join it, and enqueue it. This is the preferred /// method. But, if you do not wish to automatically enqueue the room, you can /// call CreateRoom2 instead. /// /// Visit https://dashboard.oculus.com/application/[YOUR_APP_ID]/matchmaking to /// set up pools and queries /// \param pool The matchmaking pool to use, which is defined for the app. /// \param matchmakingOptions Additional matchmaking configuration for this request. Optional. /// /// <b>Error codes</b> /// - \b 100: Pool {pool_key} does not contain custom data key {key}. You can configure matchmaking custom data at https://dashboard.oculus.com/application/<app_id>/matchmaking /// - \b 12051: Pool '{pool_key}' is configured for Quickmatch mode. In Quickmatch mode, rooms are created on users' behalf when a match is found. Specify Advanced Quickmatch or Browse mode to use this feature. /// - \b 12072: Unknown pool: {pool_key}. You can configure matchmaking pools at https://dashboard.oculus.com/application/<app_id>/matchmaking /// - \b 12089: You have asked to enqueue {num_users} users together, but this must be less than the maximum number of users in a room, {max_users}. /// public static Request<Models.MatchmakingEnqueueResultAndRoom> CreateAndEnqueueRoom2(string pool, MatchmakingOptions matchmakingOptions = null) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.MatchmakingEnqueueResultAndRoom>(CAPI.ovr_Matchmaking_CreateAndEnqueueRoom2(pool, (IntPtr)matchmakingOptions)); } return null; } /// DEPRECATED. Use CreateRoom2. /// \param pool The matchmaking pool to use, which is defined for the app. /// \param maxUsers Overrides the Max Users value, which is configured in pool settings of the Developer Dashboard. /// \param subscribeToUpdates If true, sends a message with type MessageType.Notification_Room_RoomUpdate when room data changes, such as when users join or leave. /// public static Request<Models.Room> CreateRoom(string pool, uint maxUsers, bool subscribeToUpdates = false) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.Room>(CAPI.ovr_Matchmaking_CreateRoom(pool, maxUsers, subscribeToUpdates)); } return null; } /// Create a matchmaking room and join it, but do not enqueue the room. After /// creation, you can call EnqueueRoom2. However, Oculus recommends using /// CreateAndEnqueueRoom2 instead. /// /// Modes: BROWSE, QUICKMATCH (Advanced; Can Users Create Rooms = true) /// /// Create a matchmaking room and join it, but do not enqueue the room. After /// creation, you can call EnqueueRoom. Consider using CreateAndEnqueueRoom /// instead. /// /// Visit https://dashboard.oculus.com/application/[YOUR_APP_ID]/matchmaking to /// set up pools and queries /// \param pool The matchmaking pool to use, which is defined for the app. /// \param matchmakingOptions Additional matchmaking configuration for this request. Optional. /// public static Request<Models.Room> CreateRoom2(string pool, MatchmakingOptions matchmakingOptions = null) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.Room>(CAPI.ovr_Matchmaking_CreateRoom2(pool, (IntPtr)matchmakingOptions)); } return null; } /// DEPRECATED. Use Enqueue2. /// \param pool The pool to enqueue in. /// \param customQueryData Optional. See "Custom criteria" section above. /// /// <b>Error codes</b> /// - \b 100: Pool {pool_key} does not contain custom data key {key}. You can configure matchmaking custom data at https://dashboard.oculus.com/application/<app_id>/matchmaking /// - \b 12072: Unknown pool: {pool_key}. You can configure matchmaking pools at https://dashboard.oculus.com/application/<app_id>/matchmaking /// public static Request<Models.MatchmakingEnqueueResult> Enqueue(string pool, CustomQuery customQueryData = null) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.MatchmakingEnqueueResult>(CAPI.ovr_Matchmaking_Enqueue(pool, customQueryData != null ? customQueryData.ToUnmanaged() : IntPtr.Zero)); } return null; } /// Modes: QUICKMATCH /// /// See overview documentation above. /// /// Enqueue yourself to await an available matchmaking room. The platform /// returns a MessageType.Notification_Matchmaking_MatchFound message when a /// match is found. Call Room.Join2() on the returned room. The response /// contains useful information to display to the user to set expectations for /// how long it will take to get a match. /// /// If the user stops waiting, call Matchmaking.Cancel(). /// \param pool The pool to enqueue in. /// \param matchmakingOptions Additional matchmaking configuration for this request. Optional. /// /// <b>Error codes</b> /// - \b 100: Pool {pool_key} does not contain custom data key {key}. You can configure matchmaking custom data at https://dashboard.oculus.com/application/<app_id>/matchmaking /// - \b 12072: Unknown pool: {pool_key}. You can configure matchmaking pools at https://dashboard.oculus.com/application/<app_id>/matchmaking /// public static Request<Models.MatchmakingEnqueueResult> Enqueue2(string pool, MatchmakingOptions matchmakingOptions = null) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.MatchmakingEnqueueResult>(CAPI.ovr_Matchmaking_Enqueue2(pool, (IntPtr)matchmakingOptions)); } return null; } /// DEPRECATED. Please use Matchmaking.EnqueueRoom2() instead. /// \param roomID Returned either from MessageType.Notification_Matchmaking_MatchFound or from Matchmaking.CreateRoom(). /// \param customQueryData Optional. See the "Custom criteria" section above. /// /// <b>Error codes</b> /// - \b 10: Room {room_id}: The user does not have permission to {cannot_action} because the user is currently in another room (perhaps on another device), and thus is no longer in this room. Users can only be in one room at a time. If they are active on two different devices at once, there will be undefined behavior. /// - \b 10: Room {room_id}: The user does not have permission to {cannot_action} because the user is not in the room (or any room). Perhaps they already left, or they stopped heartbeating. If this is a test environment, make sure you are not using the deprecated initialization methods ovr_PlatformInitializeStandaloneAccessToken (C++)/StandalonePlatform.Initialize(accessToken) (C#). /// - \b 10: Room {room_id}: The user does not have permission to {cannot_action} because the user is not the owner of the room. /// - \b 100: Invalid room_id: {room_id}. Either the ID is not a valid room or the user does not have permission to see or act on the room. /// - \b 12051: Pool '{pool_key}' is configured for Quickmatch mode. In Quickmatch mode, rooms are created on users' behalf when a match is found. Specify Advanced Quickmatch or Browse mode to use this feature. /// public static Request<Models.MatchmakingEnqueueResult> EnqueueRoom(UInt64 roomID, CustomQuery customQueryData = null) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.MatchmakingEnqueueResult>(CAPI.ovr_Matchmaking_EnqueueRoom(roomID, customQueryData != null ? customQueryData.ToUnmanaged() : IntPtr.Zero)); } return null; } /// Modes: BROWSE (for Rooms only), ROOM /// /// See the overview documentation above. Enqueue yourself to await an /// available matchmaking room. MessageType.Notification_Matchmaking_MatchFound /// gets enqueued when a match is found. /// /// The response contains useful information to display to the user to set /// expectations for how long it will take to get a match. /// /// If the user stops waiting, call Matchmaking.Cancel(). /// \param roomID Returned either from MessageType.Notification_Matchmaking_MatchFound or from Matchmaking.CreateRoom(). /// \param matchmakingOptions Additional matchmaking configuration for this request. Optional. /// /// <b>Error codes</b> /// - \b 10: Room {room_id}: The user does not have permission to {cannot_action} because the user is currently in another room (perhaps on another device), and thus is no longer in this room. Users can only be in one room at a time. If they are active on two different devices at once, there will be undefined behavior. /// - \b 10: Room {room_id}: The user does not have permission to {cannot_action} because the user is not in the room (or any room). Perhaps they already left, or they stopped heartbeating. If this is a test environment, make sure you are not using the deprecated initialization methods ovr_PlatformInitializeStandaloneAccessToken (C++)/StandalonePlatform.Initialize(accessToken) (C#). /// - \b 10: Room {room_id}: The user does not have permission to {cannot_action} because the user is not the owner of the room. /// - \b 100: Invalid room_id: {room_id}. Either the ID is not a valid room or the user does not have permission to see or act on the room. /// - \b 12051: Pool '{pool_key}' is configured for Quickmatch mode. In Quickmatch mode, rooms are created on users' behalf when a match is found. Specify Advanced Quickmatch or Browse mode to use this feature. /// public static Request<Models.MatchmakingEnqueueResult> EnqueueRoom2(UInt64 roomID, MatchmakingOptions matchmakingOptions = null) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.MatchmakingEnqueueResult>(CAPI.ovr_Matchmaking_EnqueueRoom2(roomID, (IntPtr)matchmakingOptions)); } return null; } /// Modes: QUICKMATCH, BROWSE /// /// Used to debug the state of the current matchmaking pool queue. This is not /// intended to be used in production. /// public static Request<Models.MatchmakingAdminSnapshot> GetAdminSnapshot() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.MatchmakingAdminSnapshot>(CAPI.ovr_Matchmaking_GetAdminSnapshot()); } return null; } /// DEPRECATED. Use ovr_Room_Join2. /// \param roomID ID of a room previously returned from MessageType.Notification_Matchmaking_MatchFound or Matchmaking.Browse(). /// \param subscribeToUpdates If true, sends a message with type MessageType.Notification_Room_RoomUpdate when room data changes, such as when users join or leave. /// public static Request<Models.Room> JoinRoom(UInt64 roomID, bool subscribeToUpdates = false) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.Room>(CAPI.ovr_Matchmaking_JoinRoom(roomID, subscribeToUpdates)); } return null; } /// Modes: QUICKMATCH, BROWSE (+ Skill Pool) /// /// For pools with skill-based matching. See overview documentation above. /// /// Call after calling Room.Join2() when the players are present to begin a /// rated match for which you plan to report the results (using /// Matchmaking.ReportResultInsecure()). /// /// <b>Error codes</b> /// - \b 100: There is no active match associated with the room {room_id}. /// - \b 100: You can only start matches, report matches, and track skill ratings in matchmaking rooms. {room_id} is a room, but it is not a matchmaking room. /// public static Request StartMatch(UInt64 roomID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request(CAPI.ovr_Matchmaking_StartMatch(roomID)); } return null; } } public static partial class Media { /// Launch the Share to Facebook modal via a deeplink to Home on Gear VR, /// allowing users to share local media files to Facebook. Accepts a /// postTextSuggestion string for the default text of the Facebook post. /// Requires a filePath string as the path to the image to be shared to /// Facebook. This image should be located in your app's internal storage /// directory. Requires a contentType indicating the type of media to be shared /// (only 'photo' is currently supported.) /// \param postTextSuggestion this text will prepopulate the facebook status text-input box within the share modal /// \param filePath path to the file to be shared to facebook /// \param contentType content type of the media to be shared /// public static Request<Models.ShareMediaResult> ShareToFacebook(string postTextSuggestion, string filePath, MediaContentType contentType) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.ShareMediaResult>(CAPI.ovr_Media_ShareToFacebook(postTextSuggestion, filePath, contentType)); } return null; } } public static partial class Notifications { /// Retrieve a list of all pending room invites for your application (for /// example, notifications that may have been sent before the user launched /// your game). You can also get push notifications with /// MessageType.Notification_Room_InviteReceived. /// public static Request<Models.RoomInviteNotificationList> GetRoomInviteNotifications() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.RoomInviteNotificationList>(CAPI.ovr_Notification_GetRoomInvites()); } return null; } /// Mark a notification as read. This causes it to disappear from the Universal /// Menu, the Oculus App, Oculus Home, and in-app retrieval. /// public static Request MarkAsRead(UInt64 notificationID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request(CAPI.ovr_Notification_MarkAsRead(notificationID)); } return null; } } public static partial class Parties { /// Load the party the current user is in. /// public static Request<Models.Party> GetCurrent() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.Party>(CAPI.ovr_Party_GetCurrent()); } return null; } } public static partial class Rooms { /// DEPRECATED. Use CreateAndJoinPrivate2. /// \param joinPolicy Specifies who can join the room without an invite. /// \param maxUsers The maximum number of users allowed in the room, including the creator. /// \param subscribeToUpdates If true, sends a message with type MessageType.Notification_Room_RoomUpdate when room data changes, such as when users join or leave. /// public static Request<Models.Room> CreateAndJoinPrivate(RoomJoinPolicy joinPolicy, uint maxUsers, bool subscribeToUpdates = false) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.Room>(CAPI.ovr_Room_CreateAndJoinPrivate(joinPolicy, maxUsers, subscribeToUpdates)); } return null; } /// Creates a new private (client controlled) room and adds the caller to it. /// This type of room is good for matches where the user wants to play with /// friends, as they're primarially discoverable by examining which rooms your /// friends are in. /// \param joinPolicy Specifies who can join the room without an invite. /// \param maxUsers The maximum number of users allowed in the room, including the creator. /// \param roomOptions Additional room configuration for this request. Optional. /// public static Request<Models.Room> CreateAndJoinPrivate2(RoomJoinPolicy joinPolicy, uint maxUsers, RoomOptions roomOptions) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.Room>(CAPI.ovr_Room_CreateAndJoinPrivate2(joinPolicy, maxUsers, (IntPtr)roomOptions)); } return null; } /// Allows arbitrary rooms for the application to be loaded. /// \param roomID The room to load. /// public static Request<Models.Room> Get(UInt64 roomID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.Room>(CAPI.ovr_Room_Get(roomID)); } return null; } /// Easy loading of the room you're currently in. If you don't want live /// updates on your current room (by using subscribeToUpdates), you can use /// this to refresh the data. /// public static Request<Models.Room> GetCurrent() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.Room>(CAPI.ovr_Room_GetCurrent()); } return null; } /// Allows the current room for a given user to be loaded. Remember that the /// user's privacy settings may not allow their room to be loaded. Because of /// this, it's often possible to load the users in a room, but not to take /// those users and load their room. /// \param userID ID of the user for which to load the room. /// public static Request<Models.Room> GetCurrentForUser(UInt64 userID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.Room>(CAPI.ovr_Room_GetCurrentForUser(userID)); } return null; } /// DEPRECATED. Use GetInvitableUsers2. /// public static Request<Models.UserList> GetInvitableUsers() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.UserList>(CAPI.ovr_Room_GetInvitableUsers()); } return null; } /// Loads a list of users you can invite to a room. These are pulled from your /// friends list and recently met lists and filtered for relevance and /// interest. If the room cannot be joined, this list will be empty. By /// default, the invitable users returned will be for the user's current room. /// /// If your application grouping was created after September 9 2017, recently /// met users will be included by default. If your application grouping was /// created before then, you can go to edit the setting in the "Rooms and /// Matchmaking" section of Platform Services at dashboard.oculus.com /// /// Customization can be done via RoomOptions. Create this object with /// RoomOptions(). The params that could be used are: /// /// 1. RoomOptions.SetRoomId()- will return the invitable users for this room /// (instead of the current room). /// /// 2. RoomOptions.SetOrdering() - returns the list of users in the provided /// ordering (see UserOrdering enum). /// /// 3. RoomOptions.SetRecentlyMetTimeWindow() - how long long ago should we /// include users you've recently met in the results? /// /// 4. RoomOptions.SetMaxUserResults() - we will limit the number of results /// returned. By default, the number is unlimited, but the server may choose to /// limit results for performance reasons. /// /// 5. RoomOptions.SetExcludeRecentlyMet() - Don't include users recently in /// rooms with this user in the result. Also, see the above comment. /// /// Example custom C++ usage: /// /// auto roomOptions = ovr_RoomOptions_Create(); /// ovr_RoomOptions_SetOrdering(roomOptions, ovrUserOrdering_PresenceAlphabetical); /// ovr_RoomOptions_SetRoomId(roomOptions, roomID); /// ovr_Room_GetInvitableUsers2(roomOptions); /// ovr_RoomOptions_Destroy(roomOptions); /// \param roomOptions Additional configuration for this request. Optional. /// public static Request<Models.UserList> GetInvitableUsers2(RoomOptions roomOptions = null) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.UserList>(CAPI.ovr_Room_GetInvitableUsers2((IntPtr)roomOptions)); } return null; } /// Fetches the list of moderated rooms created for the application. /// public static Request<Models.RoomList> GetModeratedRooms() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.RoomList>(CAPI.ovr_Room_GetModeratedRooms()); } return null; } /// Invites a user to the specified room. They will receive a notification via /// MessageType.Notification_Room_InviteReceived if they are in your game, /// and/or they can poll for room invites using /// Notification.GetRoomInviteNotifications(). /// \param roomID The ID of your current room. /// \param inviteToken A user's invite token, returned by Room.GetInvitableUsers(). /// /// <b>Error codes</b> /// - \b 100: The invite token has expired, the user will need to be reinvited to the room. /// - \b 100: The target user cannot join you in your current experience /// - \b 100: You cannot send an invite to a room you are not in /// public static Request<Models.Room> InviteUser(UInt64 roomID, string inviteToken) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.Room>(CAPI.ovr_Room_InviteUser(roomID, inviteToken)); } return null; } /// Joins the target room (leaving the one you're currently in). /// \param roomID The room to join. /// \param subscribeToUpdates If true, sends a message with type MessageType.Notification_Room_RoomUpdate when room data changes, such as when users join or leave. /// /// <b>Error codes</b> /// - \b 10: The room you're attempting to join is currently locked. Please try again later. /// - \b 10: You don't have permission to enter this room. You may need to be invited first. /// - \b 100: Invalid room_id: {room_id}. Either the ID is not a valid room or the user does not have permission to see or act on the room. /// - \b 100: The room you're attempting to join is full. Please try again later. /// - \b 100: This game isn't available. If it already started or was canceled, you can host a new game at any point. /// public static Request<Models.Room> Join(UInt64 roomID, bool subscribeToUpdates = false) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.Room>(CAPI.ovr_Room_Join(roomID, subscribeToUpdates)); } return null; } /// Joins the target room (leaving the one you're currently in). /// \param roomID The room to join. /// \param roomOptions Additional room configuration for this request. Optional. /// /// <b>Error codes</b> /// - \b 10: The room you're attempting to join is currently locked. Please try again later. /// - \b 10: You don't have permission to enter this room. You may need to be invited first. /// - \b 100: Invalid room_id: {room_id}. Either the ID is not a valid room or the user does not have permission to see or act on the room. /// - \b 100: The room you're attempting to join is full. Please try again later. /// - \b 100: This game isn't available. If it already started or was canceled, you can host a new game at any point. /// public static Request<Models.Room> Join2(UInt64 roomID, RoomOptions roomOptions) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.Room>(CAPI.ovr_Room_Join2(roomID, (IntPtr)roomOptions)); } return null; } /// Allows the room owner to kick a user out of the current room. /// \param roomID The room that you currently own (check Room.GetOwner()). /// \param userID The user to be kicked (cannot be yourself). /// \param kickDurationSeconds Length of the ban, in seconds. /// /// <b>Error codes</b> /// - \b 10: Room {room_id}: The user does not have permission to {cannot_action} because the user is not in the room (or any room). Perhaps they already left, or they stopped heartbeating. If this is a test environment, make sure you are not using the deprecated initialization methods ovr_PlatformInitializeStandaloneAccessToken (C++)/StandalonePlatform.Initialize(accessToken) (C#). /// - \b 10: Room {room_id}: The user does not have permission to {cannot_action} because the user is not the owner of the room. /// - \b 100: You cannot remove yourself from room {room_id} /// public static Request<Models.Room> KickUser(UInt64 roomID, UInt64 userID, int kickDurationSeconds) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.Room>(CAPI.ovr_Room_KickUser(roomID, userID, kickDurationSeconds)); } return null; } /// Launch the invitable user flow to invite to the logged in user's current /// room. This is intended to be a nice shortcut for developers not wanting to /// build out their own Invite UI although it has the same rules as if you /// build it yourself. /// public static Request LaunchInvitableUserFlow(UInt64 roomID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request(CAPI.ovr_Room_LaunchInvitableUserFlow(roomID)); } return null; } /// Removes you from your current room. Returns the solo room you are now in if /// it succeeds /// \param roomID The room you're currently in. /// public static Request<Models.Room> Leave(UInt64 roomID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.Room>(CAPI.ovr_Room_Leave(roomID)); } return null; } /// Allows the room owner to set the description of their room. /// \param roomID The room that you currently own (check Room.GetOwner()). /// \param description The new name of the room. /// /// <b>Error codes</b> /// - \b 10: Room {room_id}: The user does not have permission to {cannot_action} because the user is currently in another room (perhaps on another device), and thus is no longer in this room. Users can only be in one room at a time. If they are active on two different devices at once, there will be undefined behavior. /// - \b 10: Room {room_id}: The user does not have permission to {cannot_action} because the user is not in the room (or any room). Perhaps they already left, or they stopped heartbeating. If this is a test environment, make sure you are not using the deprecated initialization methods ovr_PlatformInitializeStandaloneAccessToken (C++)/StandalonePlatform.Initialize(accessToken) (C#). /// - \b 10: Room {room_id}: The user does not have permission to {cannot_action} because the user is not the owner of the room. /// public static Request<Models.Room> SetDescription(UInt64 roomID, string description) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.Room>(CAPI.ovr_Room_SetDescription(roomID, description)); } return null; } /// Disallow new members from being able to join the room. This will prevent /// joins from Room.Join(), invites, 'Join From Home', etc. Users that are in /// the room at the time of lockdown WILL be able to rejoin. /// \param roomID The room whose membership you want to lock or unlock. /// \param membershipLockStatus The new LockStatus for the room /// /// <b>Error codes</b> /// - \b 10: Room {room_id}: The user does not have permission to {cannot_action} because the user is currently in another room (perhaps on another device), and thus is no longer in this room. Users can only be in one room at a time. If they are active on two different devices at once, there will be undefined behavior. /// - \b 10: Room {room_id}: The user does not have permission to {cannot_action} because the user is not in the room (or any room). Perhaps they already left, or they stopped heartbeating. If this is a test environment, make sure you are not using the deprecated initialization methods ovr_PlatformInitializeStandaloneAccessToken (C++)/StandalonePlatform.Initialize(accessToken) (C#). /// - \b 10: Room {room_id}: The user does not have permission to {cannot_action} because the user is not the owner of the room. /// public static Request<Models.Room> UpdateMembershipLockStatus(UInt64 roomID, RoomMembershipLockStatus membershipLockStatus) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.Room>(CAPI.ovr_Room_UpdateMembershipLockStatus(roomID, membershipLockStatus)); } return null; } /// Allows the room owner to transfer ownership to someone else. /// \param roomID The room that the user owns (check Room.GetOwner()). /// \param userID The new user to make an owner; the user must be in the room. /// public static Request UpdateOwner(UInt64 roomID, UInt64 userID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request(CAPI.ovr_Room_UpdateOwner(roomID, userID)); } return null; } /// Sets the join policy of the user's private room. /// \param roomID The room ID that the user owns (check Room.GetOwner()). /// \param newJoinPolicy The new join policy for the room. /// public static Request<Models.Room> UpdatePrivateRoomJoinPolicy(UInt64 roomID, RoomJoinPolicy newJoinPolicy) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.Room>(CAPI.ovr_Room_UpdatePrivateRoomJoinPolicy(roomID, newJoinPolicy)); } return null; } } public static partial class Users { /// Retrieve the user with the given ID. This might fail if the ID is invalid /// or the user is blocked. /// /// NOTE: Users will have a unique ID per application. /// \param userID User ID retrieved with this application. /// public static Request<Models.User> Get(UInt64 userID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.User>(CAPI.ovr_User_Get(userID)); } return null; } /// Return an access token for this user, suitable for making REST calls /// against graph.oculus.com. /// public static Request<string> GetAccessToken() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<string>(CAPI.ovr_User_GetAccessToken()); } return null; } /// Retrieve the currently signed in user. This call is available offline. /// /// NOTE: This will not return the user's presence as it should always be /// 'online' in your application. /// /// NOTE: Users will have a unique ID per application. /// public static Request<Models.User> GetLoggedInUser() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.User>(CAPI.ovr_User_GetLoggedInUser()); } return null; } /// Retrieve a list of the logged in user's friends. /// public static Request<Models.UserList> GetLoggedInUserFriends() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.UserList>(CAPI.ovr_User_GetLoggedInUserFriends()); } return null; } /// Retrieve a list of the logged in user's friends and any rooms they might be /// in. /// public static Request<Models.UserAndRoomList> GetLoggedInUserFriendsAndRooms() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.UserAndRoomList>(CAPI.ovr_User_GetLoggedInUserFriendsAndRooms()); } return null; } /// Returns a list of users that the logged in user was in a room with /// recently, sorted by relevance, along with any rooms they might be in. All /// you need to do to use this method is to use our Rooms API, and we will /// track the number of times users are together, their most recent encounter, /// and the amount of time they spend together. /// /// Customization can be done via UserOptions. Create this object with /// UserOptions(). The params that could be used are: /// /// 1. UserOptions.SetTimeWindow() - how recently should the users have played? /// The default is TimeWindow.ThirtyDays. /// /// 2. UserOptions.SetMaxUsers() - we will limit the number of results /// returned. By default, the number is unlimited, but the server may choose to /// limit results for performance reasons. /// \param userOptions Additional configuration for this request. Optional. /// public static Request<Models.UserAndRoomList> GetLoggedInUserRecentlyMetUsersAndRooms(UserOptions userOptions = null) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.UserAndRoomList>(CAPI.ovr_User_GetLoggedInUserRecentlyMetUsersAndRooms((IntPtr)userOptions)); } return null; } /// returns an ovrID which is unique per org. allows different apps within the /// same org to identify the user. /// \param userID to load the org scoped id of /// public static Request<Models.OrgScopedID> GetOrgScopedID(UInt64 userID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.OrgScopedID>(CAPI.ovr_User_GetOrgScopedID(userID)); } return null; } /// Returns all accounts belonging to this user. Accounts are the Oculus user /// and x-users that are linked to this user. /// public static Request<Models.SdkAccountList> GetSdkAccounts() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.SdkAccountList>(CAPI.ovr_User_GetSdkAccounts()); } return null; } /// Part of the scheme to confirm the identity of a particular user in your /// backend. You can pass the result of User.GetUserProof() and a user ID from /// User.Get() to your your backend. Your server can then use our api to verify /// identity. 'https://graph.oculus.com/user_nonce_validate?nonce=USER_PROOF&us /// er_id=USER_ID&access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN' /// /// NOTE: The nonce is only good for one check and then it is invalidated. /// public static Request<Models.UserProof> GetUserProof() { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.UserProof>(CAPI.ovr_User_GetUserProof()); } return null; } /// Launch the flow for sending a friend request to a user. /// \param userID User ID of user to send a friend request to /// public static Request<Models.LaunchFriendRequestFlowResult> LaunchFriendRequestFlow(UInt64 userID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.LaunchFriendRequestFlowResult>(CAPI.ovr_User_LaunchFriendRequestFlow(userID)); } return null; } /// Launch the profile of the given user. The profile surfaces information /// about the user and supports relevant actions that the viewer may take on /// that user, e.g. sending a friend request. /// \param userID User ID for profile being viewed /// public static Request LaunchProfile(UInt64 userID) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request(CAPI.ovr_User_LaunchProfile(userID)); } return null; } } public static partial class Voip { /// Sets whether SystemVoip should be suppressed so that this app's Voip can /// use the mic and play incoming Voip audio. /// public static Request<Models.SystemVoipState> SetSystemVoipSuppressed(bool suppressed) { if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.SystemVoipState>(CAPI.ovr_Voip_SetSystemVoipSuppressed(suppressed)); } return null; } } public static partial class Achievements { public static Request<Models.AchievementDefinitionList> GetNextAchievementDefinitionListPage(Models.AchievementDefinitionList list) { if (!list.HasNextPage) { Debug.LogWarning("Oculus.Platform.GetNextAchievementDefinitionListPage: List has no next page"); return null; } if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AchievementDefinitionList>( CAPI.ovr_HTTP_GetWithMessageType( list.NextUrl, (int)Message.MessageType.Achievements_GetNextAchievementDefinitionArrayPage ) ); } return null; } public static Request<Models.AchievementProgressList> GetNextAchievementProgressListPage(Models.AchievementProgressList list) { if (!list.HasNextPage) { Debug.LogWarning("Oculus.Platform.GetNextAchievementProgressListPage: List has no next page"); return null; } if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.AchievementProgressList>( CAPI.ovr_HTTP_GetWithMessageType( list.NextUrl, (int)Message.MessageType.Achievements_GetNextAchievementProgressArrayPage ) ); } return null; } } public static partial class CloudStorage { public static Request<Models.CloudStorageMetadataList> GetNextCloudStorageMetadataListPage(Models.CloudStorageMetadataList list) { if (!list.HasNextPage) { Debug.LogWarning("Oculus.Platform.GetNextCloudStorageMetadataListPage: List has no next page"); return null; } if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.CloudStorageMetadataList>( CAPI.ovr_HTTP_GetWithMessageType( list.NextUrl, (int)Message.MessageType.CloudStorage_GetNextCloudStorageMetadataArrayPage ) ); } return null; } } public static partial class IAP { public static Request<Models.ProductList> GetNextProductListPage(Models.ProductList list) { if (!list.HasNextPage) { Debug.LogWarning("Oculus.Platform.GetNextProductListPage: List has no next page"); return null; } if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.ProductList>( CAPI.ovr_HTTP_GetWithMessageType( list.NextUrl, (int)Message.MessageType.IAP_GetNextProductArrayPage ) ); } return null; } public static Request<Models.PurchaseList> GetNextPurchaseListPage(Models.PurchaseList list) { if (!list.HasNextPage) { Debug.LogWarning("Oculus.Platform.GetNextPurchaseListPage: List has no next page"); return null; } if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.PurchaseList>( CAPI.ovr_HTTP_GetWithMessageType( list.NextUrl, (int)Message.MessageType.IAP_GetNextPurchaseArrayPage ) ); } return null; } } public static partial class Notifications { public static Request<Models.RoomInviteNotificationList> GetNextRoomInviteNotificationListPage(Models.RoomInviteNotificationList list) { if (!list.HasNextPage) { Debug.LogWarning("Oculus.Platform.GetNextRoomInviteNotificationListPage: List has no next page"); return null; } if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.RoomInviteNotificationList>( CAPI.ovr_HTTP_GetWithMessageType( list.NextUrl, (int)Message.MessageType.Notification_GetNextRoomInviteNotificationArrayPage ) ); } return null; } } public static partial class Rooms { public static Request<Models.RoomList> GetNextRoomListPage(Models.RoomList list) { if (!list.HasNextPage) { Debug.LogWarning("Oculus.Platform.GetNextRoomListPage: List has no next page"); return null; } if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.RoomList>( CAPI.ovr_HTTP_GetWithMessageType( list.NextUrl, (int)Message.MessageType.Room_GetNextRoomArrayPage ) ); } return null; } } public static partial class Users { public static Request<Models.UserAndRoomList> GetNextUserAndRoomListPage(Models.UserAndRoomList list) { if (!list.HasNextPage) { Debug.LogWarning("Oculus.Platform.GetNextUserAndRoomListPage: List has no next page"); return null; } if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.UserAndRoomList>( CAPI.ovr_HTTP_GetWithMessageType( list.NextUrl, (int)Message.MessageType.User_GetNextUserAndRoomArrayPage ) ); } return null; } public static Request<Models.UserList> GetNextUserListPage(Models.UserList list) { if (!list.HasNextPage) { Debug.LogWarning("Oculus.Platform.GetNextUserListPage: List has no next page"); return null; } if (Core.IsInitialized()) { return new Request<Models.UserList>( CAPI.ovr_HTTP_GetWithMessageType( list.NextUrl, (int)Message.MessageType.User_GetNextUserArrayPage ) ); } return null; } } }