using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Audio; using System.Collections; /* ----------------------- SoundEmitter() ----------------------- */ public class SoundEmitter : MonoBehaviour { public enum FadeState { Null, FadingIn, FadingOut, Ducking, } // OPTIMIZE public float volume { get { return audioSource.volume; } set { audioSource.volume = value; } } public float pitch { get { return audioSource.pitch; } set { audioSource.pitch = value; } } public AudioClip clip { get { return audioSource.clip; } set { audioSource.clip = value; } } public float time { get { return audioSource.time; } set { audioSource.time = value; } } public float length { get { return ( audioSource.clip != null ) ? audioSource.clip.length : 0.0f; } } public bool loop { get { return audioSource.loop; } set { audioSource.loop = value; } } public bool mute { get { return audioSource.mute; } set { audioSource.mute = value; } } public AudioVelocityUpdateMode velocityUpdateMode { get { return audioSource.velocityUpdateMode; } set { audioSource.velocityUpdateMode = value; } } public bool isPlaying { get { return audioSource.isPlaying; } } public EmitterChannel channel = EmitterChannel.Reserved; public bool disableSpatialization = false; private FadeState state = FadeState.Null; [System.NonSerialized] [HideInInspector] public AudioSource audioSource = null; [System.NonSerialized] [HideInInspector] public SoundPriority priority = SoundPriority.Default; [System.NonSerialized] [HideInInspector] public ONSPAudioSource osp = null; [System.NonSerialized] [HideInInspector] public float endPlayTime = 0.0f; private Transform lastParentTransform = null; [System.NonSerialized] [HideInInspector] public float defaultVolume = 1.0f; [System.NonSerialized] [HideInInspector] public Transform defaultParent = null; [System.NonSerialized] [HideInInspector] public int originalIdx = -1; [System.NonSerialized] [HideInInspector] public System.Action onFinished = null; [System.NonSerialized] [HideInInspector] public System.Action<object> onFinishedObject = null; [System.NonSerialized] [HideInInspector] public object onFinishedParam; [System.NonSerialized] [HideInInspector] public SoundGroup playingSoundGroup = null; /* ----------------------- Awake() ----------------------- */ void Awake() { // unity defaults to 'playOnAwake = true' audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>(); if ( audioSource == null ) { audioSource = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>(); } // is the spatialized audio enabled? if ( AudioManager.enableSpatialization && !disableSpatialization ) { osp = GetComponent<ONSPAudioSource>(); if ( osp == null ) { osp = gameObject.AddComponent<ONSPAudioSource>(); } } audioSource.playOnAwake = false; audioSource.Stop(); } /* ----------------------- SetPlayingSoundGroup() ----------------------- */ public void SetPlayingSoundGroup( SoundGroup soundGroup ) { playingSoundGroup = soundGroup; if ( soundGroup != null ) { soundGroup.IncrementPlayCount(); } } /* ----------------------- SetOnFinished() ----------------------- */ public void SetOnFinished( System.Action onFinished ) { this.onFinished = onFinished; } /* ----------------------- SetOnFinished() ----------------------- */ public void SetOnFinished( System.Action<object> onFinished, object obj ) { onFinishedObject = onFinished; onFinishedParam = obj; } /* ----------------------- SetChannel() ----------------------- */ public void SetChannel( int _channel ) { channel = (EmitterChannel)_channel; } /* ----------------------- SetDefaultParent() ----------------------- */ public void SetDefaultParent( Transform parent ) { defaultParent = parent; } /* ----------------------- SetAudioMixer() ----------------------- */ public void SetAudioMixer( AudioMixerGroup _mixer ) { if ( audioSource != null ) { audioSource.outputAudioMixerGroup = _mixer; } } /* ----------------------- IsPlaying() ----------------------- */ public bool IsPlaying() { if ( loop && audioSource.isPlaying ) { return true; } return endPlayTime > Time.time; } /* ----------------------- Play() ----------------------- */ public void Play() { // overrides everything state = FadeState.Null; endPlayTime = Time.time + length; StopAllCoroutines(); audioSource.Play(); } /* ----------------------- Pause() ----------------------- */ public void Pause() { // overrides everything state = FadeState.Null; StopAllCoroutines(); audioSource.Pause(); } /* ----------------------- Stop() ----------------------- */ public void Stop() { // overrides everything state = FadeState.Null; StopAllCoroutines(); if ( audioSource != null ) { audioSource.Stop(); } if ( onFinished != null ) { onFinished(); onFinished = null; } if ( onFinishedObject != null ) { onFinishedObject( onFinishedParam ); onFinishedObject = null; } if ( playingSoundGroup != null ) { playingSoundGroup.DecrementPlayCount(); playingSoundGroup = null; } } /* ----------------------- GetSampleTime() ----------------------- */ int GetSampleTime() { return audioSource.clip.samples - audioSource.timeSamples; } /* ----------------------- ParentTo() ----------------------- */ public void ParentTo( Transform parent ) { if ( lastParentTransform != null ) { Debug.LogError( "[SoundEmitter] You must detach the sound emitter before parenting to another object!" ); return; } lastParentTransform = transform.parent; transform.parent = parent; } /* ----------------------- DetachFromParent() ----------------------- */ public void DetachFromParent() { if ( lastParentTransform == null ) { transform.parent = defaultParent; return; } transform.parent = lastParentTransform; lastParentTransform = null; } /* ----------------------- ResetParent() ----------------------- */ public void ResetParent( Transform parent ) { transform.parent = parent; lastParentTransform = null; } /* ----------------------- SyncTo() ----------------------- */ public void SyncTo( SoundEmitter other, float fadeTime, float toVolume ) { StartCoroutine( DelayedSyncTo( other, fadeTime, toVolume ) ); } /* ----------------------- DelayedSyncTo() have to wait until the end of frame to do proper sync'ing ----------------------- */ IEnumerator DelayedSyncTo( SoundEmitter other, float fadeTime, float toVolume ) { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); //audio.timeSamples = other.GetSampleTime(); //audio.time = Mathf.Min( Mathf.Max( 0.0f, other.time - other.length ), other.time ); audioSource.time = other.time; audioSource.Play(); FadeTo( fadeTime, toVolume ); } /* ----------------------- FadeTo() ----------------------- */ public void FadeTo( float fadeTime, float toVolume ) { //Log.Print( ">>> FADE TO: " + channel ); // don't override a fade out if ( state == FadeState.FadingOut ) { //Log.Print( " ....ABORTED" ); return; } state = FadeState.Ducking; StopAllCoroutines(); StartCoroutine( FadeSoundChannelTo( fadeTime, toVolume ) ); } /* ----------------------- FadeIn() ----------------------- */ public void FadeIn( float fadeTime, float defaultVolume ) { //Log.Print( ">>> FADE IN: " + channel ); audioSource.volume = 0.0f; state = FadeState.FadingIn; StopAllCoroutines(); StartCoroutine( FadeSoundChannel( 0.0f, fadeTime, Fade.In, defaultVolume ) ); } /* ----------------------- FadeIn() ----------------------- */ public void FadeIn( float fadeTime ) { //Log.Print( ">>> FADE IN: " + channel ); audioSource.volume = 0.0f; state = FadeState.FadingIn; StopAllCoroutines(); StartCoroutine( FadeSoundChannel( 0.0f, fadeTime, Fade.In, defaultVolume ) ); } /* ----------------------- FadeOut() ----------------------- */ public void FadeOut( float fadeTime ) { //Log.Print( ">>> FADE OUT: " + channel ); if ( !audioSource.isPlaying ) { //Log.Print( " ... SKIPPING" ); return; } state = FadeState.FadingOut; StopAllCoroutines(); StartCoroutine( FadeSoundChannel( 0.0f, fadeTime, Fade.Out, audioSource.volume ) ); } /* ----------------------- FadeOutDelayed() ----------------------- */ public void FadeOutDelayed( float delayedSecs, float fadeTime ) { //Log.Print( ">>> FADE OUT DELAYED: " + channel ); if ( !audioSource.isPlaying ) { //Log.Print( " ... SKIPPING" ); return; } state = FadeState.FadingOut; StopAllCoroutines(); StartCoroutine( FadeSoundChannel( delayedSecs, fadeTime, Fade.Out, audioSource.volume ) ); } /* ----------------------- FadeSoundChannelTo() ----------------------- */ IEnumerator FadeSoundChannelTo( float fadeTime, float toVolume ) { float start = audioSource.volume; float end = toVolume; float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; float elapsedTime = 0.0f; while ( elapsedTime < fadeTime ) { elapsedTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime; float t = elapsedTime / fadeTime; audioSource.volume = Mathf.Lerp( start, end, t ); yield return 0; } state = FadeState.Null; } /* ----------------------- FadeSoundChannel() ----------------------- */ IEnumerator FadeSoundChannel( float delaySecs, float fadeTime, Fade fadeType, float defaultVolume ) { if ( delaySecs > 0.0f ) { yield return new WaitForSeconds( delaySecs ); } float start = ( fadeType == Fade.In ) ? 0.0f : defaultVolume; float end = ( fadeType == Fade.In ) ? defaultVolume : 0.0f; bool restartPlay = false; if ( fadeType == Fade.In ) { if ( Time.time == 0.0f ) { restartPlay = true; } audioSource.volume = 0.0f; audioSource.Play(); } float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; float elapsedTime = 0.0f; while ( elapsedTime < fadeTime ) { elapsedTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime; float t = elapsedTime / fadeTime; audioSource.volume = Mathf.Lerp( start, end, t ); yield return 0; if ( restartPlay && ( Time.time > 0.0f ) ) { audioSource.Play(); restartPlay = false; } if ( !audioSource.isPlaying ) { break; } } if ( fadeType == Fade.Out ) { Stop(); } state = FadeState.Null; } }