// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0(the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #if UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; // Requests dangerous permissions at runtime [HelpURL("https://developers.google.com/vr/unity/reference/class/GvrPermissionsRequester")] public class GvrPermissionsRequester { // Permissions are requested via an Android Activity Fragment java object. private AndroidJavaObject permissionsFragment = null; // Constants used via JNI to access the permissions fragment. private const string FRAGMENT_CLASSNAME = "com.google.gvr.permissionsupport.PermissionsFragment"; private const string CALLBACK_CLASSNAME = FRAGMENT_CLASSNAME + "$PermissionsCallback"; // Singleton instance. private static GvrPermissionsRequester theInstance; /// The singleton instance of the PermissionsRequester class, /// lazily instanciated. public static GvrPermissionsRequester Instance { get { if (theInstance == null) { theInstance = new GvrPermissionsRequester(); if (!theInstance.InitializeFragment()) { Debug.LogError("Cannot initialize fragment!"); theInstance = null; } } return theInstance; } } /// <summary> /// Initializes the fragment via JNI. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if fragment was initialized.</returns> protected bool InitializeFragment() { #if !UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_EDITOR Debug.LogWarning("GvrPermissionsRequester requires the Android runtime environment"); return false; #else AndroidJavaClass ajc = new AndroidJavaClass(FRAGMENT_CLASSNAME); if (ajc != null) { // Get the PermissionsRequesterFragment object permissionsFragment = ajc.CallStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("getInstance", GvrActivityHelper.GetActivity()); } return permissionsFragment != null && permissionsFragment.GetRawObject() != IntPtr.Zero; #endif // !UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_EDITOR } public bool IsPermissionGranted(string permission) { return permissionsFragment.Call<bool>("hasPermission", permission); } public bool[] HasPermissionsGranted(string[] permissions) { Debug.Log("Calling HasPermissionsGranted: " + permissions); object[] args = { permissions }; AndroidJavaObject resultArr = permissionsFragment.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("hasPermissions", args); if (resultArr.GetRawObject() != IntPtr.Zero) { return AndroidJNIHelper.ConvertFromJNIArray<bool[]>( resultArr.GetRawObject()); } else { return new bool[0]; } } public bool ShouldShowRational(string permission) { Debug.Log("GvrPermissionsRequester.ShouldShowRational()"); return permissionsFragment.Call<bool>("shouldShowRational", permission); } public void RequestPermissions(string[] permissionArray, Action<PermissionStatus[]> callback) { PermissionsCallback cb = new PermissionsCallback(permissionArray, callback); permissionsFragment.Call("requestPermission", permissionArray, cb); Debug.Log("Calling requestPermission"); } public class PermissionStatus { public PermissionStatus(string name, bool granted) { Name = name; Granted = granted; } public string Name { get; set; } public bool Granted { get; set; } } /// <summary> /// Permissions callback implementation. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Instances of this class are passed to the java fragment and then /// invoked once the request process is completed by the user. /// </remarks> class PermissionsCallback : AndroidJavaProxy { // permissions being requested. private string[] permissionNames; private Action<PermissionStatus[]> callback; internal PermissionsCallback(string[] requestedPermissions, Action<PermissionStatus[]> callback) : base(CALLBACK_CLASSNAME) { permissionNames = requestedPermissions; this.callback = callback; } /// <summary> /// Called when then permission request flow is completed. /// </summary> /// <param name="allPermissionsGranted"> /// True if all permissions granted.</param> void onRequestPermissionResult(bool allPermissionsGranted) { List<PermissionStatus> permissionStatusList = new List<PermissionStatus>(); if (allPermissionsGranted) { Debug.Log("onRequestPermissionResult(): all permissions granted"); foreach (string p in permissionNames) { permissionStatusList.Add(new PermissionStatus(p, true)); } } else { Debug.Log("onRequestPermissionResult(): some permissions denied"); bool[] grantResults = Instance.HasPermissionsGranted(permissionNames); Debug.Log("onRequestPermissionResult(): checking " + grantResults); int size = grantResults.Length; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { // get the grant result string name = permissionNames[i]; bool grantResult = grantResults[i]; permissionStatusList.Add(new PermissionStatus(name, grantResult)); } } callback(permissionStatusList.ToArray()); } } } #endif // UNITY_ANDROID