2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00

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// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using Gvr.Internal;
/// Represents a controller's current connection state.
/// All values and semantics below (except for Error) are
/// from gvr_types.h in the GVR C API.
public enum GvrConnectionState {
/// Indicates that an error has occurred.
Error = -1,
/// Indicates a controller is disconnected.
Disconnected = 0,
/// Indicates that the device is scanning for controllers.
Scanning = 1,
/// Indicates that the device is connecting to a controller.
Connecting = 2,
/// Indicates that the device is connected to a controller.
Connected = 3,
/// Represents the status of the controller API.
/// Values and semantics from gvr_types.h in the GVR C API.
public enum GvrControllerApiStatus {
/// A Unity-localized error occurred.
/// This is the only value that isn't in gvr_types.h.
Error = -1,
/// API is happy and healthy. This doesn't mean any controllers are
/// connected, it just means that the underlying service is working
/// properly.
Ok = 0,
/// Any other status represents a permanent failure that requires
/// external action to fix:
/// API failed because this device does not support controllers (API is too
/// low, or other required feature not present).
Unsupported = 1,
/// This app was not authorized to use the service (e.g., missing permissions,
/// the app is blacklisted by the underlying service, etc).
NotAuthorized = 2,
/// The underlying VR service is not present.
Unavailable = 3,
/// The underlying VR service is too old, needs upgrade.
ApiServiceObsolete = 4,
/// The underlying VR service is too new, is incompatible with current client.
ApiClientObsolete = 5,
/// The underlying VR service is malfunctioning. Try again later.
ApiMalfunction = 6,
/// Represents a controller's current battery level.
/// Values and semantics from gvr_types.h in the GVR C API.
public enum GvrControllerBatteryLevel {
/// A Unity-localized error occurred.
/// This is the only value that isn't in gvr_types.h.
Error = -1,
/// The battery state is currently unreported.
Unknown = 0,
/// Equivalent to 1 out of 5 bars on the battery indicator.
CriticalLow = 1,
/// Equivalent to 2 out of 5 bars on the battery indicator.
Low = 2,
/// Equivalent to 3 out of 5 bars on the battery indicator.
Medium = 3,
/// Equivalent to 4 out of 5 bars on the battery indicator.
AlmostFull = 4,
/// Equivalent to 5 out of 5 bars on the battery indicator.
Full = 5,
/// Represents controller buttons.
/// Values 0-9 from gvr_types.h in the GVR C API.
/// Value 31 not represented in the C API.
public enum GvrControllerButton {
/// Button under the touch pad. Formerly known as Click.
TouchPadButton = 1 << 1,
/// Touch pad touching indicator.
TouchPadTouch = 1 << 31,
/// General application button.
App = 1 << 3,
/// System button. Formerly known as Home.
System = 1 << 2,
/// Buttons reserved for future use. Subject to name change.
Reserved0 = 1 << 6,
Reserved1 = 1 << 7,
Reserved2 = 1 << 8,
/// Represents controller handedness.
public enum GvrControllerHand {
Dominant, // Alias for dominant hand as specified by `GvrSettings.Handedness`.
NonDominant, // Alias for non-dominant hand.
/// Main entry point for the Daydream controller API.
/// To use this API, add this script to a game object in your scene, or use the
/// **GvrControllerMain** prefab.
/// This is a singleton object. There can only be one object with this script in your scene.
/// To access a controller's state, get a device from `GvrControllerInput.GetDevice` then
/// query it for state. For example, to the dominant controller's current orientation, use
/// `GvrControllerInput.GetDevice(GvrControllerHand.Dominant).Orientation`.
public class GvrControllerInput : MonoBehaviour {
private static GvrControllerInputDevice[] instances = new GvrControllerInputDevice[0];
private static IControllerProvider controllerProvider;
private static GvrSettings.UserPrefsHandedness handedness;
private static Action onDevicesChangedInternal;
/// Event handler for receiving button, touchpad, and IMU updates from the controllers.
/// Use this handler to update app state based on controller input.
public static event Action OnControllerInputUpdated;
/// Event handler for receiving a second notification callback, after all
/// `OnControllerInputUpdated` events have fired.
public static event Action OnPostControllerInputUpdated;
/// Event handler for when the connection state of a controller changes.
public delegate void OnStateChangedEvent(GvrConnectionState state, GvrConnectionState oldState);
/// Event handler for when controller devices have changed. Any code that stores a
/// `GvrControllerInputDevice` should get a new device instance from `GetDevice`.
/// Existing `GvrControllerInputDevice`s will be marked invalid and will log errors
/// when used. Event handlers are called immediately when added.
public static event Action OnDevicesChanged {
add {
onDevicesChangedInternal += value;
remove {
onDevicesChangedInternal -= value;
/// Event handler for when the connection state of the dominant controller changes.
[System.Obsolete("Replaced by GvrControllerInputDevice.OnStateChangedEvent.")]
public static event OnStateChangedEvent OnStateChanged {
add {
if (instances.Length > 0) {
instances[0].OnStateChanged += value;
} else {
Debug.LogError("GvrControllerInput: Adding OnStateChanged event before instance created.");
remove {
if (instances.Length > 0) {
instances[0].OnStateChanged -= value;
} else {
Debug.LogError("GvrControllerInput: Removing OnStateChanged event before instance created.");
public enum EmulatorConnectionMode {
/// Indicates how we connect to the controller emulator.
[GvrInfo("Hold Shift to use the Mouse as the dominant controller.\n\n" +
"Controls: Shift +\n" +
" • Move Mouse = Change Orientation\n" +
" • Left Mouse Button = ClickButton\n" +
" • Right Mouse Button = AppButton\n" +
" • Middle Mouse Button = HomeButton/Recenter\n" +
" • Ctrl = IsTouching\n" +
" • Ctrl + Move Mouse = Change TouchPos", 8)]
[Tooltip("How to connect to the emulator: USB cable (recommended) or WIFI.")]
public EmulatorConnectionMode emulatorConnectionMode = EmulatorConnectionMode.USB;
/// Returns a controller device for the specified hand.
public static GvrControllerInputDevice GetDevice(GvrControllerHand hand) {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return null;
// Remap Right and Left to Dominant or NonDominant according to settings handedness.
if (hand == GvrControllerHand.Left || hand == GvrControllerHand.Right) {
if ((int)hand != (int)handedness) {
hand = GvrControllerHand.NonDominant;
} else {
hand = GvrControllerHand.Dominant;
if (hand == GvrControllerHand.NonDominant) {
return instances[1];
} else {
// Dominant is always controller 0.
return instances[0];
/// Returns the dominant controller's current connection state. Returns
/// `GvrConnectionState.Error` if `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized.
[System.Obsolete("Replaced by GvrControllerInputDevice.State.")]
public static GvrConnectionState State {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return GvrConnectionState.Error;
return instances[0].State;
/// Returns the status of the controller API. Returns
/// `GvrControllerApiStatus.Error` if `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized.
public static GvrControllerApiStatus ApiStatus {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return GvrControllerApiStatus.Error;
return instances[0].ApiStatus;
/// Returns true if battery status is supported. Returns false if
/// `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized.
public static bool SupportsBatteryStatus {
get {
if (controllerProvider == null) {
return false;
return controllerProvider.SupportsBatteryStatus;
/// Returns the dominant controller's current orientation in space, as a quaternion.
/// Returns `Quaternion.identity` if `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized.
/// The rotation is provided in 'orientation space' which means the rotation is given relative
/// to the last time the user recentered their controllers. To make a game object in your scene
/// have the same orientation as the dominant controller, simply assign this quaternion to the
/// object's `transform.rotation`. To match the relative rotation, use `transform.localRotation`
/// instead.
[System.Obsolete("Replaced by GvrControllerInputDevice.Orientation.")]
public static Quaternion Orientation {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return Quaternion.identity;
return instances[0].Orientation;
/// Returns the dominant controller's current angular speed in radians per second, using the right-hand
/// rule (positive means a right-hand rotation about the given axis), as measured by the
/// controller's gyroscope. Returns `` if `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized.
/// The controller's axes are:
/// - X points to the right,
/// - Y points perpendicularly up from the controller's top surface
/// - Z lies along the controller's body, pointing towards the front
[System.Obsolete("Replaced by GvrControllerInputDevice.Gyro.")]
public static Vector3 Gyro {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return instances[0].Gyro;
/// Returns the dominant controller's current acceleration in meters per second squared.
/// Returns `` if `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized.
/// The controller's axes are:
/// - X points to the right,
/// - Y points perpendicularly up from the controller's top surface
/// - Z lies along the controller's body, pointing towards the front
/// Note that gravity is indistinguishable from acceleration, so when the controller is resting
/// on a surface, expect to measure an acceleration of 9.8 m/s^2 on the Y axis. The accelerometer
/// reading will be zero on all three axes only if the controller is in free fall, or if the user
/// is in a zero gravity environment like a space station.
[System.Obsolete("Replaced by GvrControllerInputDevice.Accel.")]
public static Vector3 Accel {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return instances[0].Accel;
/// Returns true while the user is touching the dominant controller's touchpad. Returns
/// false if `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized.
[System.Obsolete("Replaced by GvrControllerInputDevice.GetButton(GvrControllerButton.TouchPadTouch).")]
public static bool IsTouching {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return false;
return instances[0].GetButton(GvrControllerButton.TouchPadTouch);
/// Returns true in the frame the user starts touching the dominant controller's touchpad.
/// Returns false if `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized.
/// Every TouchDown event is guaranteed to be followed by exactly one TouchUp event in a
/// later frame. Also, TouchDown and TouchUp will never both be true in the same frame.
[System.Obsolete("Replaced by GvrControllerInputDevice.GetButtonDown(GvrControllerButton.TouchPadTouch).")]
public static bool TouchDown {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return false;
return instances[0].GetButtonDown(GvrControllerButton.TouchPadTouch);
/// Returns true the frame after the user stops touching the dominant controller's touchpad.
/// Returns false if `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized.
/// Every TouchUp event is guaranteed to be preceded by exactly one TouchDown event in an
/// earlier frame. Also, TouchDown and TouchUp will never both be true in the same frame.
[System.Obsolete("Replaced by GvrControllerInputDevice.GetButtonUp(GvrControllerButton.TouchPadTouch).")]
public static bool TouchUp {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return false;
return instances[0].GetButtonUp(GvrControllerButton.TouchPadTouch);
/// Position of the dominant controller's current touch, if touching the touchpad.
/// Returns `Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)` if `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized.
/// If not touching, this is the position of the last touch (when the finger left the touchpad).
/// The X and Y range is from 0 to 1.
/// (0, 0) is the top left of the touchpad and (1, 1) is the bottom right of the touchpad.
[System.Obsolete("Obsolete. Migrate to the center-relative GvrControllerInputDevice.TouchPos.")]
public static Vector2 TouchPos {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return new Vector2(0.5f,0.5f);
Vector2 touchPos = instances[0].TouchPos;
touchPos.x = (touchPos.x / 2.0f) + 0.5f;
touchPos.y = (-touchPos.y / 2.0f) + 0.5f;
return touchPos;
/// Position of the dominant controller's current touch, if touching the touchpad.
/// Returns `` if `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized.
/// If not touching, this is the position of the last touch (when the finger left the touchpad).
/// The X and Y range is from -1 to 1. (-.707,-.707) is bottom left, (.707,.707) is upper right.
/// (0, 0) is the center of the touchpad.
/// The magnitude of the touch vector is guaranteed to be <= 1.
[System.Obsolete("Replaced by GvrControllerInputDevice.TouchPos.")]
public static Vector2 TouchPosCentered {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return instances[0].TouchPos;
[System.Obsolete("Use Recentered to detect when user has completed the recenter gesture.")]
public static bool Recentering {
get {
return false;
/// Returns true if the user just completed the recenter gesture. Returns false if
/// `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized. The headset and the dominant controller's
/// orientation are now being reported in the new recentered coordinate system. This
/// is an event flag (it is true for only one frame after the event happens, then
/// reverts to false).
public static bool Recentered {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return false;
return instances[0].Recentered;
/// Returns true while the user holds down the dominant controller's touchpad button.
/// Returns false if `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized.
[System.Obsolete("Replaced by GvrControllerInputDevice.GetButton(GvrControllerButton.TouchPadButton).")]
public static bool ClickButton {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return false;
return instances[0].GetButton(GvrControllerButton.TouchPadButton);
/// Returns true in the frame the user starts pressing down the dominant controller's
/// touchpad button. Returns false if `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized. Every
/// ClickButtonDown event is guaranteed to be followed by exactly one ClickButtonUp
/// event in a later frame. Also, ClickButtonDown and ClickButtonUp will never both be
/// true in the same frame.
[System.Obsolete("Replaced by GvrControllerInputDevice.GetButtonDown(GvrControllerButton.TouchPadButton).")]
public static bool ClickButtonDown {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return false;
return instances[0].GetButtonDown(GvrControllerButton.TouchPadButton);
/// Returns true the frame after the user stops pressing down the dominant controller's
/// touchpad button. Returns false if `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized. Every
/// ClickButtonUp event is guaranteed to be preceded by exactly one ClickButtonDown
/// event in an earlier frame. Also, ClickButtonDown and ClickButtonUp will never both
/// be true in the same frame.
[System.Obsolete("Replaced by GvrControllerInputDevice.GetButtonUp(GvrControllerButton.TouchPadButton).")]
public static bool ClickButtonUp {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return false;
return instances[0].GetButtonUp(GvrControllerButton.TouchPadButton);
/// Returns true while the user holds down the dominant controller's app button. Returns
/// false if `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized.
[System.Obsolete("Replaced by GvrControllerInputDevice.GetButton(GvrControllerButton.App).")]
public static bool AppButton {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return false;
return instances[0].GetButton(GvrControllerButton.App);
/// Returns true in the frame the user starts pressing down the dominant controller's app button.
/// Returns false if `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized. Every AppButtonDown event is
/// guaranteed to be followed by exactly one AppButtonUp event in a later frame.
/// Also, AppButtonDown and AppButtonUp will never both be true in the same frame.
[System.Obsolete("Replaced by GvrControllerInputDevice.GetButtonDown(GvrControllerButton.App).")]
public static bool AppButtonDown {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return false;
return instances[0].GetButtonDown(GvrControllerButton.App);
/// Returns true the frame after the user stops pressing down the dominant controller's app button.
/// Returns false if `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized. Every AppButtonUp event is guaranteed
/// to be preceded by exactly one AppButtonDown event in an earlier frame. Also, AppButtonDown
/// and AppButtonUp will never both be true in the same frame.
[System.Obsolete("Replaced by GvrControllerInputDevice.GetButtonUp(GvrControllerButton.App).")]
public static bool AppButtonUp {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return false;
return instances[0].GetButtonUp(GvrControllerButton.App);
/// Returns true in the frame the user starts pressing down the dominant controller's system button.
/// Returns false if `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized.
[System.Obsolete("Replaced by GvrControllerInputDevice.GetButtonDown(GvrControllerButton.System).")]
public static bool HomeButtonDown {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return false;
return instances[0].GetButtonDown(GvrControllerButton.System);
/// Returns true while the user holds down the dominant controller's system button.
/// Returns false if `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized.
[System.Obsolete("Replaced by GvrControllerInputDevice.GetButton(GvrControllerButton.System).")]
public static bool HomeButtonState {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return false;
return instances[0].GetButton(GvrControllerButton.System);
/// If the dominant controller's state == GvrConnectionState.Error, this contains details about
/// the error. If `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized this returns an error string describing
/// the uninitialized state.
[System.Obsolete("Replaced by GvrControllerInputDevice.ErrorDetails.")]
public static string ErrorDetails {
get {
if (instances.Length > 0) {
return instances[0].ErrorDetails;
} else {
return "No GvrControllerInput initialized instance found in scene. It may be missing, or it might "
+ "not have initialized yet.";
/// Returns the GVR C library controller state pointer (gvr_controller_state*) for the dominant
/// controller. Returns `IntPtr.Zero` if `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized.
[System.Obsolete("Replaced by GvrControllerInputDevice.StatePtr.")]
public static IntPtr StatePtr {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return IntPtr.Zero;
return instances[0].StatePtr;
/// Returns true if the dominant controller is currently being charged. Returns false if
/// `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized.
[System.Obsolete("Replaced by GvrControllerInputDevice.IsCharging.")]
public static bool IsCharging {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return false;
return instances[0].IsCharging;
/// Returns the dominant controller's current battery charge level. Returns
/// `GvrControllerBatteryLevel.Error` if `GvrControllerInput` is uninitialized.
[System.Obsolete("Replaced by GvrControllerInputDevice.BatteryLevel.")]
public static GvrControllerBatteryLevel BatteryLevel {
get {
if (instances.Length == 0) {
return GvrControllerBatteryLevel.Error;
return instances[0].BatteryLevel;
void Awake() {
if (instances.Length > 0) {
Debug.LogError("More than one active GvrControllerInput instance was found in your scene. "
+ "Ensure that there is only one GvrControllerInput.");
this.enabled = false;
if (controllerProvider == null) {
controllerProvider = ControllerProviderFactory.CreateControllerProvider(this);
handedness = GvrSettings.Handedness;
int controllerCount = 2;
instances = new GvrControllerInputDevice[controllerCount];
for (int i=0; i<controllerCount; i++) {
instances[i] = new GvrControllerInputDevice(controllerProvider, i);
if (onDevicesChangedInternal != null) {
// Keep screen on here, since GvrControllerInput must be in any GVR scene in order to enable
// controller capabilities.
Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep;
void Update() {
foreach (var instance in instances) {
if (instance != null) {
if (OnControllerInputUpdated != null) {
if (OnPostControllerInputUpdated != null) {
void OnDestroy() {
foreach (var instance in instances) {
// Ensure this device will error if used again.
instances = new GvrControllerInputDevice[0];
if (onDevicesChangedInternal != null) {
void OnApplicationPause(bool paused) {
if (null == controllerProvider) return;
if (paused) {
} else {
handedness = GvrSettings.Handedness;