2018-10-08 23:54:11 -04:00

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// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// The controller is not available for versions of Unity without the
// GVR native integration.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
/// Provides visual feedback for the daydream controller.
public class GvrControllerVisual : MonoBehaviour, IGvrArmModelReceiver, IGvrControllerInputDeviceReceiver {
public struct ControllerDisplayState {
public GvrControllerBatteryLevel batteryLevel;
public bool batteryCharging;
public bool clickButton;
public bool appButton;
public bool homeButton;
public bool touching;
public Vector2 touchPos;
/// An array of prefabs that will be instantiated and added as children
/// of the controller visual when the controller is created. Used to
/// attach tooltips or other additional visual elements to the control dynamically.
private GameObject[] attachmentPrefabs;
[SerializeField] private Color touchPadColor =
new Color(200f / 255f, 200f / 255f, 200f / 255f, 1);
[SerializeField] private Color appButtonColor =
new Color(200f / 255f, 200f / 255f, 200f / 255f, 1);
[SerializeField] private Color systemButtonColor =
new Color(20f / 255f, 20f / 255f, 20f / 255f, 1);
/// Determines if the displayState is set from GvrControllerInputDevice.
[Tooltip("Determines if the displayState is set from GvrControllerInputDevice.")]
public bool readControllerState = true;
/// Used to set the display state of the controller visual.
/// This can be used for tutorials that visualize the controller or other use-cases that require
/// displaying the controller visual without the state being determined by controller input.
/// Additionally, it can be used to preview the controller visual in the editor.
/// NOTE: readControllerState must be disabled to set the display state.
public ControllerDisplayState displayState;
/// This is the preferred, maximum alpha value the object should have
/// when it is a comfortable distance from the head.
[Range(0.0f, 1.0f)]
public float maximumAlpha = 1.0f;
public GvrBaseArmModel ArmModel { get; set; }
public GvrControllerInputDevice ControllerInputDevice { get; set; }
public float PreferredAlpha{
return ArmModel != null ? maximumAlpha * ArmModel.PreferredAlpha : maximumAlpha;
public Color TouchPadColor {
get {
return touchPadColor;
set {
touchPadColor = value;
if(materialPropertyBlock != null) {
materialPropertyBlock.SetColor(touchPadId, touchPadColor);
public Color AppButtonColor {
get {
return appButtonColor;
set {
appButtonColor = value;
if(materialPropertyBlock != null){
materialPropertyBlock.SetColor(appButtonId, appButtonColor);
public Color SystemButtonColor {
get {
return systemButtonColor;
set {
systemButtonColor = value;
if(materialPropertyBlock != null) {
materialPropertyBlock.SetColor(systemButtonId, systemButtonColor);
private Renderer controllerRenderer;
private MaterialPropertyBlock materialPropertyBlock;
private int alphaId;
private int touchId;
private int touchPadId;
private int appButtonId;
private int systemButtonId;
private int batteryColorId;
private bool wasTouching;
private float touchTime;
// Data passed to shader, (xy) touch position, (z) touch duration, (w) battery state.
private Vector4 controllerShaderData;
// Data passed to shader, (x) overall alpha, (y) touchpad click duration,
// (z) app button click duration, (w) system button click duration.
private Vector4 controllerShaderData2;
private Color currentBatteryColor;
// These values control animation times for the controller buttons
public const float APP_BUTTON_ACTIVE_DURATION_SECONDS = 0.111f;
public const float APP_BUTTON_RELEASE_DURATION_SECONDS = 0.0909f;
public const float SYSTEM_BUTTON_ACTIVE_DURATION_SECONDS = 0.111f;
public const float SYSTEM_BUTTON_RELEASE_DURATION_SECONDS = 0.0909f;
public const float TOUCHPAD_CLICK_DURATION_SECONDS = 0.111f;
public const float TOUCHPAD_RELEASE_DURATION_SECONDS = 0.0909f;
public const float TOUCHPAD_CLICK_SCALE_DURATION_SECONDS = 0.075f;
// These values are used by the shader to control battery display
// Only modify these values if you are also modifying the shader.
private const float BATTERY_FULL = 0;
private const float BATTERY_ALMOST_FULL = .125f;
private const float BATTERY_MEDIUM = .225f;
private const float BATTERY_LOW = .325f;
private const float BATTERY_CRITICAL = .425f;
private const float BATTERY_HIDDEN = .525f;
private readonly Color GVR_BATTERY_CRITICAL_COLOR = new Color(1,0,0,1);
private readonly Color GVR_BATTERY_LOW_COLOR = new Color(1,0.6823f,0,1);
private readonly Color GVR_BATTERY_MED_COLOR = new Color(0,1,0.588f,1);
private readonly Color GVR_BATTERY_FULL_COLOR = new Color(0,1,0.588f,1);
// How much time to use as an 'immediate update'.
// Any value large enough to instantly update all visual animations.
private const float IMMEDIATE_UPDATE_TIME = 10f;
void Awake() {
void OnEnable() {
GvrControllerInput.OnPostControllerInputUpdated += OnPostControllerInputUpdated;
void OnDisable() {
GvrControllerInput.OnPostControllerInputUpdated -= OnPostControllerInputUpdated;
void OnValidate() {
if (!Application.isPlaying) {
private void OnPostControllerInputUpdated() {
private void CreateAttachments() {
if (attachmentPrefabs == null) {
for (int i = 0; i < attachmentPrefabs.Length; i++) {
GameObject prefab = attachmentPrefabs[i];
GameObject attachment = Instantiate(prefab);
attachment.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
private void Initialize() {
if(controllerRenderer == null) {
controllerRenderer = GetComponent<Renderer>();
if(materialPropertyBlock == null) {
materialPropertyBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
alphaId = Shader.PropertyToID("_GvrControllerAlpha");
touchId = Shader.PropertyToID("_GvrTouchInfo");
touchPadId = Shader.PropertyToID("_GvrTouchPadColor");
appButtonId = Shader.PropertyToID("_GvrAppButtonColor");
systemButtonId = Shader.PropertyToID("_GvrSystemButtonColor");
batteryColorId = Shader.PropertyToID("_GvrBatteryColor");
materialPropertyBlock.SetColor(appButtonId, appButtonColor);
materialPropertyBlock.SetColor(systemButtonId, systemButtonColor);
materialPropertyBlock.SetColor(touchPadId, touchPadColor);
private void UpdateControllerState() {
// Return early when the application isn't playing to ensure that the serialized displayState
// is used to preview the controller visual instead of the default GvrControllerInputDevice
// values.
if (!Application.isPlaying) {
if(ControllerInputDevice != null) {
displayState.batteryLevel = ControllerInputDevice.BatteryLevel;
displayState.batteryCharging = ControllerInputDevice.IsCharging;
displayState.clickButton = ControllerInputDevice.GetButton(GvrControllerButton.TouchPadButton);
displayState.appButton = ControllerInputDevice.GetButton(GvrControllerButton.App);
displayState.homeButton = ControllerInputDevice.GetButton(GvrControllerButton.System);
displayState.touching = ControllerInputDevice.GetButton(GvrControllerButton.TouchPadTouch);
displayState.touchPos = ControllerInputDevice.TouchPos;
private void OnVisualUpdate(bool updateImmediately = false) {
// Update the visual display based on the controller state
if(readControllerState) {
float deltaTime = Time.deltaTime;
// If flagged to update immediately, set deltaTime to an arbitrarily large value
// This is particularly useful in editor, but also for resetting state quickly
if(updateImmediately) {
if (displayState.clickButton) {
controllerShaderData2.y = Mathf.Min(1, controllerShaderData2.y + deltaTime / TOUCHPAD_CLICK_DURATION_SECONDS);
} else{
controllerShaderData2.y = Mathf.Max(0, controllerShaderData2.y - deltaTime / TOUCHPAD_RELEASE_DURATION_SECONDS);
if (displayState.appButton) {
controllerShaderData2.z = Mathf.Min(1, controllerShaderData2.z + deltaTime / APP_BUTTON_ACTIVE_DURATION_SECONDS);
} else{
controllerShaderData2.z = Mathf.Max(0, controllerShaderData2.z - deltaTime / APP_BUTTON_RELEASE_DURATION_SECONDS);
if (displayState.homeButton) {
controllerShaderData2.w = Mathf.Min(1, controllerShaderData2.w + deltaTime / SYSTEM_BUTTON_ACTIVE_DURATION_SECONDS);
} else {
controllerShaderData2.w = Mathf.Max(0, controllerShaderData2.w - deltaTime / SYSTEM_BUTTON_RELEASE_DURATION_SECONDS);
// Set the material's alpha to the multiplied preferred alpha.
controllerShaderData2.x = PreferredAlpha;
materialPropertyBlock.SetVector(alphaId, controllerShaderData2);
controllerShaderData.x = displayState.touchPos.x;
controllerShaderData.y = displayState.touchPos.y;
if (displayState.touching || displayState.clickButton) {
if (!wasTouching) {
wasTouching = true;
if(touchTime < 1) {
touchTime = Mathf.Min(touchTime + deltaTime / TOUCHPAD_POINT_SCALE_DURATION_SECONDS, 1);
} else {
wasTouching = false;
if(touchTime > 0) {
touchTime = Mathf.Max(touchTime - deltaTime / TOUCHPAD_POINT_SCALE_DURATION_SECONDS, 0);
controllerShaderData.z = touchTime;
materialPropertyBlock.SetVector(touchId, controllerShaderData);
materialPropertyBlock.SetColor(batteryColorId, currentBatteryColor);
// Update the renderer
private void UpdateBatteryIndicator() {
GvrControllerBatteryLevel level = displayState.batteryLevel;
bool charging = displayState.batteryCharging;
switch (level) {
case GvrControllerBatteryLevel.Full:
controllerShaderData.w = BATTERY_FULL;
currentBatteryColor = GVR_BATTERY_FULL_COLOR;
case GvrControllerBatteryLevel.AlmostFull:
controllerShaderData.w = BATTERY_ALMOST_FULL;
currentBatteryColor = GVR_BATTERY_FULL_COLOR;
case GvrControllerBatteryLevel.Medium:
controllerShaderData.w = BATTERY_MEDIUM;
currentBatteryColor = GVR_BATTERY_MED_COLOR;
case GvrControllerBatteryLevel.Low:
controllerShaderData.w = BATTERY_LOW;
currentBatteryColor = GVR_BATTERY_LOW_COLOR;
case GvrControllerBatteryLevel.CriticalLow:
controllerShaderData.w = BATTERY_CRITICAL;
controllerShaderData.w = BATTERY_HIDDEN;
currentBatteryColor.a = 0;
if (charging) {
controllerShaderData.w = -controllerShaderData.w;
currentBatteryColor = GVR_BATTERY_FULL_COLOR;
public void SetControllerTexture(Texture newTexture) {
controllerRenderer.material.mainTexture = newTexture;