2018-10-14 23:33:23 -04:00

220 lines
10 KiB

using System;
using Oculus.Avatar;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class OvrAvatarAssetMesh : OvrAvatarAsset
public Mesh mesh;
private ovrAvatarSkinnedMeshPose skinnedBindPose;
public string[] jointNames;
public OvrAvatarAssetMesh(UInt64 _assetId, IntPtr asset, ovrAvatarAssetType meshType)
assetID = _assetId;
mesh = new Mesh(); = "Procedural Geometry for asset " + _assetId;
switch (meshType)
case ovrAvatarAssetType.Mesh:
ovrAvatarMeshAssetData meshAssetData = CAPI.ovrAvatarAsset_GetMeshData(asset);
"OvrAvatarAssetMesh: "
+ _assetId
+ " "
+ meshType.ToString()
+ " VertexCount:"
+ meshAssetData.vertexCount);
long vertexCount = (long)meshAssetData.vertexCount;
Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[vertexCount];
Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[vertexCount];
Vector4[] tangents = new Vector4[vertexCount];
Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[vertexCount];
Color[] colors = new Color[vertexCount];
BoneWeight[] boneWeights = new BoneWeight[vertexCount];
long vertexSize = (long)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ovrAvatarMeshVertex));
long vertexBufferStart = meshAssetData.vertexBuffer.ToInt64();
for (long i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
long offset = vertexSize * i;
ovrAvatarMeshVertex vertex = (ovrAvatarMeshVertex)Marshal.PtrToStructure(new IntPtr(vertexBufferStart + offset), typeof(ovrAvatarMeshVertex));
vertices[i] = new Vector3(vertex.x, vertex.y, -vertex.z);
normals[i] = new Vector3(vertex.nx, vertex.ny,;
tangents[i] = new Vector4(vertex.tx, vertex.ty,,;
uv[i] = new Vector2(vertex.u, vertex.v);
colors[i] = new Color(0, 0, 0, 1);
boneWeights[i].boneIndex0 = vertex.blendIndices[0];
boneWeights[i].boneIndex1 = vertex.blendIndices[1];
boneWeights[i].boneIndex2 = vertex.blendIndices[2];
boneWeights[i].boneIndex3 = vertex.blendIndices[3];
boneWeights[i].weight0 = vertex.blendWeights[0];
boneWeights[i].weight1 = vertex.blendWeights[1];
boneWeights[i].weight2 = vertex.blendWeights[2];
boneWeights[i].weight3 = vertex.blendWeights[3];
mesh.vertices = vertices;
mesh.normals = normals;
mesh.uv = uv;
mesh.tangents = tangents;
mesh.boneWeights = boneWeights;
mesh.colors = colors;
skinnedBindPose = meshAssetData.skinnedBindPose;
ulong indexCount = meshAssetData.indexCount;
Int16[] indices = new Int16[indexCount];
IntPtr indexBufferPtr = meshAssetData.indexBuffer;
Marshal.Copy(indexBufferPtr, indices, 0, (int)indexCount);
Int32[] triangles = new Int32[indexCount];
for (ulong i = 0; i < indexCount; i += 3)
triangles[i + 2] = (Int32)indices[i];
triangles[i + 1] = (Int32)indices[i + 1];
triangles[i] = (Int32)indices[i + 2];
mesh.triangles = triangles;
UInt32 jointCount = skinnedBindPose.jointCount;
jointNames = new string[jointCount];
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < jointCount; i++)
jointNames[i] = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(skinnedBindPose.jointNames[i]);
case ovrAvatarAssetType.CombinedMesh:
ovrAvatarMeshAssetDataV2 meshAssetData = CAPI.ovrAvatarAsset_GetCombinedMeshData(asset);
"OvrAvatarAssetMesh: "
+ _assetId
+ " "
+ meshType.ToString()
+ " VertexCount:"
+ meshAssetData.vertexCount);
long vertexCount = (long)meshAssetData.vertexCount;
Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[vertexCount];
Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[vertexCount];
Vector4[] tangents = new Vector4[vertexCount];
Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[vertexCount];
Color[] colors = new Color[vertexCount];
BoneWeight[] boneWeights = new BoneWeight[vertexCount];
long vertexSize = (long)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ovrAvatarMeshVertexV2));
long vertexBufferStart = meshAssetData.vertexBuffer.ToInt64();
for (long i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
long offset = vertexSize * i;
ovrAvatarMeshVertexV2 vertex = (ovrAvatarMeshVertexV2)Marshal.PtrToStructure(new IntPtr(vertexBufferStart + offset), typeof(ovrAvatarMeshVertexV2));
vertices[i] = new Vector3(vertex.x, vertex.y, -vertex.z);
normals[i] = new Vector3(vertex.nx, vertex.ny,;
tangents[i] = new Vector4(vertex.tx, vertex.ty,,;
uv[i] = new Vector2(vertex.u, vertex.v);
colors[i] = new Color(vertex.r, vertex.g, vertex.b, vertex.a);
boneWeights[i].boneIndex0 = vertex.blendIndices[0];
boneWeights[i].boneIndex1 = vertex.blendIndices[1];
boneWeights[i].boneIndex2 = vertex.blendIndices[2];
boneWeights[i].boneIndex3 = vertex.blendIndices[3];
boneWeights[i].weight0 = vertex.blendWeights[0];
boneWeights[i].weight1 = vertex.blendWeights[1];
boneWeights[i].weight2 = vertex.blendWeights[2];
boneWeights[i].weight3 = vertex.blendWeights[3];
mesh.vertices = vertices;
mesh.normals = normals;
mesh.uv = uv;
mesh.tangents = tangents;
mesh.boneWeights = boneWeights;
mesh.colors = colors;
skinnedBindPose = meshAssetData.skinnedBindPose;
ulong indexCount = meshAssetData.indexCount;
Int16[] indices = new Int16[indexCount];
IntPtr indexBufferPtr = meshAssetData.indexBuffer;
Marshal.Copy(indexBufferPtr, indices, 0, (int)indexCount);
Int32[] triangles = new Int32[indexCount];
for (ulong i = 0; i < indexCount; i += 3)
triangles[i + 2] = (Int32)indices[i];
triangles[i + 1] = (Int32)indices[i + 1];
triangles[i] = (Int32)indices[i + 2];
mesh.triangles = triangles;
UInt32 jointCount = skinnedBindPose.jointCount;
jointNames = new string[jointCount];
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < jointCount; i++)
jointNames[i] = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(skinnedBindPose.jointNames[i]);
throw new Exception("Bad Mesh Asset Type");
public SkinnedMeshRenderer CreateSkinnedMeshRendererOnObject(GameObject target)
SkinnedMeshRenderer skinnedMeshRenderer = target.AddComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMesh = mesh; = "AvatarMesh_" + assetID;
UInt32 jointCount = skinnedBindPose.jointCount;
GameObject[] bones = new GameObject[jointCount];
Transform[] boneTransforms = new Transform[jointCount];
Matrix4x4[] bindPoses = new Matrix4x4[jointCount];
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < jointCount; i++)
bones[i] = new GameObject();
boneTransforms[i] = bones[i].transform;
bones[i].name = jointNames[i];
int parentIndex = skinnedBindPose.jointParents[i];
if (parentIndex == -1)
bones[i].transform.parent = skinnedMeshRenderer.transform;
skinnedMeshRenderer.rootBone = bones[i].transform;
bones[i].transform.parent = bones[parentIndex].transform;
// Set the position relative to the parent
Vector3 position = skinnedBindPose.jointTransform[i].position;
position.z = -position.z;
bones[i].transform.localPosition = position;
Quaternion orientation = skinnedBindPose.jointTransform[i].orientation;
orientation.x = -orientation.x;
orientation.y = -orientation.y;
bones[i].transform.localRotation = orientation;
bones[i].transform.localScale = skinnedBindPose.jointTransform[i].scale;
bindPoses[i] = bones[i].transform.worldToLocalMatrix * skinnedMeshRenderer.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
skinnedMeshRenderer.bones = boneTransforms;
mesh.bindposes = bindPoses;
return skinnedMeshRenderer;