2018-10-14 23:33:23 -04:00

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Filename : OVRVoiceModContext.cs
Content : Interface to Oculus Lip-Sync engine
Created : December 14th, 2015
Copyright : Copyright 2015 Oculus VR, Inc. All Rights reserved.
Licensed under the Oculus VR Rift SDK License Version 3.1 (the "License");
you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License,
which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
// ***** OVRVoiceModContext
/// <summary>
/// OVRVoiceModContext interfaces into VoiceMod engine.
/// Includes preset bank.
/// This component should be added into the scene once for each Audio Source.
/// </summary>
public class OVRVoiceModContext : MonoBehaviour
// Enum for various voice mod parameters (lines up with native context, OVRVoiceModContext.h)
public enum ovrVoiceModParams
MixInputAudio, // 0.0->1.0
PitchInputAudio, // 0.5->2.0
SetBands, // 1 -> 128
FormantCorrection, // 0 = off, 1 = on
Carrier1_TrackPitch, // 0 = off, 1 = om
Carrier1_Type, // Carrier type: 0 = Noise, 1 = CycledNoise, 2 = SawUp, 3 = Pulse
Carrier1_Gain, // Linear multiplier (0.0 -> 1.0)
Carrier1_Frequency, // Frequency of carrier (used by SawUp and Pulse) 0.0 -> Sample Rate
Carrier1_Note, // Translates to frequency (0-127)
Carrier1_PulseWidth, // Used by Pulse carrier (0.0 -> 1.0)
Carrier1_CycledNoiseSize, // Number of samples in cycled noise carrier: 1 - 1024
Carrier2_TrackPitch, // Same as Carrier 1
Carrier2_Type, //
Carrier2_Gain, //
Carrier2_Frequency, //
Carrier2_Note, //
Carrier2_PulseWidth, //
Carrier2_CycledNoiseSize, //
// * * * * * * * * * * * * *
// Public members
public AudioSource audioSource = null;
public float gain = 1.0f;
public bool audioMute = true;
public KeyCode loopback = KeyCode.L;
// Voice Mod Preset
public struct VMPreset
public string info;
public Color color;
public float mix;
public float pitch;
public int bands;
public int formant;
public int c1PTrack;
public int c1Type;
public float c1Gain;
public float c1Freq;
public int c1Note;
public float c1PW;
public int c1CNS;
public int c2PTrack;
public int c2Type;
public float c2Gain;
public float c2Freq;
public int c2Note;
public float c2PW;
public int c2CNS;
private VMPreset [] VMPresets = new VMPreset[]
new VMPreset{info="-INIT-\nNo pitch shift, no vocode",
color = Color.gray,
mix = 1.0f, pitch = 1.0f, bands = 32, formant = 0,
c1PTrack = 0, c1Type = 0, c1Gain = 0.0f, c1Freq = 440.0f, c1Note = -1, c1PW = 0.5f, c1CNS = 512,
c2PTrack = 0, c2Type = 0, c2Gain = 0.0f, c2Freq = 440.0f, c2Note = -1, c2PW = 0.5f, c2CNS = 512,},
new VMPreset{info="FULL VOCODE\nCarrier 1: Full noise",
color = Color.white,
mix = 0.0f, pitch = 1.0f, bands = 32, formant = 0,
c1PTrack = 0, c1Type = 0, c1Gain = 1.0f, c1Freq = 440.0f, c1Note = -1, c1PW = 0.5f, c1CNS = 512,
c2PTrack = 0, c2Type = 0, c2Gain = 0.0f, c2Freq = 440.0f, c2Note = -1, c2PW = 0.5f, c2CNS = 512,},
new VMPreset{info="FULL VOCODE\nCarrier 1: Cycled noise 512",
color =,
mix = 0.0f, pitch = 1.0f, bands = 32, formant = 0,
c1PTrack = 0, c1Type = 1, c1Gain = 1.0f, c1Freq = 440.0f, c1Note = -1, c1PW = 0.5f, c1CNS = 512,
c2PTrack = 0, c2Type = 0, c2Gain = 0.0f, c2Freq = 440.0f, c2Note = -1, c2PW = 0.5f, c2CNS = 512,},
new VMPreset{info="FULL VOCODE\nCarrier 1: Saw Up, Freq 220",
color = Color.magenta,
mix = 0.0f, pitch = 1.0f, bands = 32, formant = 0,
c1PTrack = 0, c1Type = 2, c1Gain = 1.0f, c1Freq = 220.0f, c1Note = -1, c1PW = 0.5f, c1CNS = 512,
c2PTrack = 0, c2Type = 0, c2Gain = 0.0f, c2Freq = 440.0f, c2Note = -1, c2PW = 0.5f, c2CNS = 512,},
new VMPreset{info="FULL VOCODE\nCarrier 1: Saw Up, Pitch tracked\n",
color = Color.cyan,
mix = 0.0f, pitch = 1.0f, bands = 32, formant = 0,
c1PTrack = 1, c1Type = 2, c1Gain = 0.34f, c1Freq = 440.0f, c1Note = -1, c1PW = 0.1f, c1CNS = 512,
c2PTrack = 0, c2Type = 0, c2Gain = 0.0f, c2Freq = 440.0f, c2Note = -1, c2PW = 0.5f, c2CNS = 512,},
new VMPreset{info="INPUT PLUS VOCODE\nInput 50%, Vocode 50%\nPitch 1.0\nCarrier 1: Full Noise,\nCarrier 2: Cycled Noise 512",
color =,
mix = 0.5f, pitch = 1.0f, bands = 32, formant = 0,
c1PTrack = 0, c1Type = 0, c1Gain = 0.5f, c1Freq = 440.0f, c1Note = 57, c1PW = 0.5f, c1CNS = 512,
c2PTrack = 0, c2Type = 1, c2Gain = 0.5f, c2Freq = 440.0f, c2Note = 45, c2PW = 0.25f, c2CNS = 512,},
new VMPreset{info="INPUT PLUS VOCODE PLUS PITCH DOWN\nInput 50%, Vocode 50%\nPitch 0.75\nCarrier 1: Cycled Noise 512\nCarrier 2: Cycled Noise 768",
color =,
mix = 0.5f, pitch = 0.75f, bands = 32, formant = 0,
c1PTrack = 0, c1Type = 1, c1Gain = 0.6f, c1Freq = 440.0f, c1Note = 57, c1PW = 0.5f, c1CNS = 512,
c2PTrack = 0, c2Type = 3, c2Gain = 0.2f, c2Freq = 440.0f, c2Note = 40, c2PW = 0.25f, c2CNS = 768,},
new VMPreset{info="PITCH ONLY\nPitch 1.25 (Formant correction)",
color =,
mix = 1.0f, pitch = 1.25f, bands = 32, formant = 1,
c1PTrack = 0, c1Type = 1, c1Gain = 1.0f, c1Freq = 440.0f, c1Note = 57, c1PW = 0.5f, c1CNS = 400,
c2PTrack = 0, c2Type = 3, c2Gain = 0.0f, c2Freq = 440.0f, c2Note = 52, c2PW = 0.5f, c2CNS = 512,},
new VMPreset{info="PITCH ONLY\nPitch 0.5 (Formant correction)",
color =,
mix = 1.0f, pitch = 0.5f, bands = 32, formant = 1,
c1PTrack = 0, c1Type = 1, c1Gain = 1.0f, c1Freq = 440.0f, c1Note = 57, c1PW = 0.5f, c1CNS = 400,
c2PTrack = 0, c2Type = 3, c2Gain = 0.0f, c2Freq = 440.0f, c2Note = 52, c2PW = 0.5f, c2CNS = 512,},
new VMPreset{info="PITCH ONLY\nPitch 2.0 (Formant correction)",
color = Color.yellow,
mix = 1.0f, pitch = 2.0f, bands = 32, formant = 1,
c1PTrack = 0, c1Type = 1, c1Gain = 1.0f, c1Freq = 440.0f, c1Note = 57, c1PW = 0.5f, c1CNS = 400,
c2PTrack = 0, c2Type = 3, c2Gain = 0.0f, c2Freq = 440.0f, c2Note = 52, c2PW = 0.5f, c2CNS = 512,},
// Current VoiceMod values (visible in inspector without writing a editor helper class)
public float VM_MixAudio = 1.0f;
public float VM_Pitch = 1.0f;
public int VM_Bands = 32;
public int VM_FormantCorrect = 0;
// Carrier 1
public int VM_C1_TrackPitch = 0;
public int VM_C1_Type = 0;
public float VM_C1_Gain = 0.5f;
public float VM_C1_Freq = 440.0f;
public int VM_C1_Note = 67;
public float VM_C1_PulseWidth = 0.5f;
public int VM_C1_CycledNoiseSize = 512;
// Carrier 2
public int VM_C2_TrackPitch = 0;
public int VM_C2_Type = 0;
public float VM_C2_Gain = 0.5f;
public float VM_C2_Freq = 440.0f;
public int VM_C2_Note = 67;
public float VM_C2_PulseWidth = 0.5f;
public int VM_C2_CycledNoiseSize = 512;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * *
// Private members
private uint context = 0; // 0 is no context
private float prevVol = 0.0f; // used for smoothing avg volume
// * * * * * * * * * * * * *
// Static members
// * * * * * * * * * * * * *
// MonoBehaviour overrides
/// <summary>
/// Awake this instance.
/// </summary>
void Awake ()
// Cache the audio source we are going to be using to pump data to the SR
if (!audioSource) audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
if (!audioSource) return;
/// <summary>
/// Start this instance.
/// Note: make sure to always have a Start function for classes that have editor scripts.
/// </summary>
void Start()
// Create the context that we will feed into the audio buffer
if(context == 0)
if(OVRVoiceMod.CreateContext(ref context) != OVRVoiceMod.ovrVoiceModSuccess)
Debug.Log ("OVRVoiceModContext.Start ERROR: Could not create VoiceMod context.");
// Add a listener to the OVRMessenger for touch events
OVRMessenger.AddListener<OVRTouchpad.TouchEvent>("Touchpad", LocalTouchEventCallback);
// VoiceMod: Set the current state of the voice mod as set in the inspector
/// <summary>
/// Run processes that need to be updated in our game thread
/// </summary>
void Update()
// Turn loopback on/off
if (Input.GetKeyDown(loopback))
audioMute = !audioMute;
else if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow))
gain -= 0.1f;
if(gain < 0.5f) gain = 0.5f;
string g = "LINEAR GAIN: ";
g += gain;
else if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow))
gain += 0.1f;
if(gain > 3.0f)
gain = 3.0f;
string g = "LINEAR GAIN: ";
g += gain;
/// <summary>
/// Raises the destroy event.
/// </summary>
void OnDestroy()
// Create the context that we will feed into the audio buffer
if(context != 0)
if(OVRVoiceMod.DestroyContext(context) != OVRVoiceMod.ovrVoiceModSuccess)
Debug.Log ("OVRVoiceModContext.OnDestroy ERROR: Could not delete VoiceMod context.");
/// <summary>
/// Raises the audio filter read event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Data.</param>
/// <param name="channels">Channels.</param>
void OnAudioFilterRead(float[] data, int channels)
// Do not spatialize if we are not initialized, or if there is no
// audio source attached to game object
if ((OVRVoiceMod.IsInitialized() != OVRVoiceMod.ovrVoiceModSuccess) || audioSource == null)
// increase the gain of the input to get a better signal input
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i)
data[i] = data[i] * gain;
// Send data into VoiceMod context for processing (if context is not 0)
if(context != 0)
OVRVoiceMod.ProcessFrameInterleaved(context, data);
// Turn off output (so that we don't get feedback from a mic too close to speakers)
if(audioMute == true)
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i)
data[i] = data[i] * 0.0f;
// * * * * * * * * * * * * *
// Public Functions
/// <summary>
/// Sends the parameter.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The parameter.</returns>
/// <param name="parameter">Parameter.</param>
/// <param name="value">Value.</param>
public int SendParameter(ovrVoiceModParams parameter, int value)
if(OVRVoiceMod.IsInitialized() != OVRVoiceMod.ovrVoiceModSuccess)
return (int)OVRVoiceMod.ovrVoiceModError.Unknown;
return OVRVoiceMod.SendParameter(context, (int)parameter, value);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the preset.
/// </summary>
/// <returns><c>true</c>, if preset was set, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
/// <param name="preset">Preset.</param>
public bool SetPreset(int preset)
if(preset < 0 || preset >= VMPresets.Length)
return false;
VM_MixAudio = VMPresets[preset].mix;
VM_Pitch = VMPresets[preset].pitch;
VM_Bands = VMPresets[preset].bands;
VM_FormantCorrect = VMPresets[preset].formant;
VM_C1_TrackPitch = VMPresets[preset].c1PTrack;
VM_C1_Type = VMPresets[preset].c1Type;
VM_C1_Gain = VMPresets[preset].c1Gain;
VM_C1_Freq = VMPresets[preset].c1Freq;
VM_C1_Note = VMPresets[preset].c1Note;
VM_C1_PulseWidth = VMPresets[preset].c1PW;
VM_C1_CycledNoiseSize = VMPresets[preset].c1CNS;
VM_C2_TrackPitch = VMPresets[preset].c2PTrack;
VM_C2_Type = VMPresets[preset].c2Type;
VM_C2_Gain = VMPresets[preset].c2Gain;
VM_C2_Freq = VMPresets[preset].c2Freq;
VM_C2_Note = VMPresets[preset].c2Note;
VM_C2_PulseWidth = VMPresets[preset].c2PW;
VM_C2_CycledNoiseSize = VMPresets[preset].c2CNS;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the number presets.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The number presets.</returns>
public int GetNumPresets()
return VMPresets.Length;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the color of the preset.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The preset color.</returns>
/// <param name="preset">Preset.</param>
public Color GetPresetColor(int preset)
if(preset < 0 || preset >= VMPresets.Length)
return VMPresets[preset].color;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the average abs volume.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The average abs volume.</returns>
public float GetAverageAbsVolume()
if(context == 0)
return 0.0f;
float V = prevVol * 0.8f + OVRVoiceMod.GetAverageAbsVolume(context) * 0.2f;
prevVol = V;
return V;
// LocalTouchEventCallback
// NOTE: We will not worry about gain on Android, since it will be
// more important to switch presets. We will keep gain available on
// Desktop
void LocalTouchEventCallback(OVRTouchpad.TouchEvent touchEvent)
audioMute = !audioMute;
// Update directly from current state in inspector
void UpdateVoiceModUpdate()
// Send directly from inspector
// Sends the current state of voice mod values
void SendVoiceModUpdate()
VM_MixAudio = Mathf.Clamp(VM_MixAudio, 0.0f, 1.0f);
VM_Pitch = Mathf.Clamp(VM_Pitch, 0.5f, 2.0f);
VM_Bands = Mathf.Clamp(VM_Bands, 1, 128);
VM_FormantCorrect = Mathf.Clamp(VM_FormantCorrect, 0, 1);
VM_C1_TrackPitch = Mathf.Clamp(VM_C1_TrackPitch, 0, 1);
VM_C1_Type = Mathf.Clamp(VM_C1_Type, 0, 3);
VM_C1_Gain = Mathf.Clamp(VM_C1_Gain, 0.0f, 1.0f);
VM_C1_Freq = Mathf.Clamp(VM_C1_Freq, 0.0f, 96000.0f);
VM_C1_Note = Mathf.Clamp(VM_C1_Note, -1, 127);
VM_C1_PulseWidth = Mathf.Clamp(VM_C1_PulseWidth, 0.0f, 1.0f);
VM_C1_CycledNoiseSize = Mathf.Clamp(VM_C1_CycledNoiseSize, 0, 1024);
VM_C2_TrackPitch = Mathf.Clamp(VM_C2_TrackPitch, 0, 1);
VM_C2_Type = Mathf.Clamp(VM_C2_Type, 0, 3);
VM_C2_Gain = Mathf.Clamp(VM_C2_Gain, 0.0f, 1.0f);
VM_C2_Freq = Mathf.Clamp(VM_C2_Freq, 0.0f, 96000.0f);
VM_C2_Note = Mathf.Clamp(VM_C2_Note, -1, 127);
VM_C2_PulseWidth = Mathf.Clamp(VM_C2_PulseWidth, 0.0f, 1.0f);
VM_C2_CycledNoiseSize = Mathf.Clamp(VM_C2_CycledNoiseSize, 0, 1024);
// We will send these in as Int and use 100 as a scale
// Might go to 1000 :)
// VoiceMod and Vocoder values
SendParameter(ovrVoiceModParams.MixInputAudio, (int)(100.0f * VM_MixAudio));
SendParameter(ovrVoiceModParams.PitchInputAudio,(int)(100.0f * VM_Pitch));
SendParameter(ovrVoiceModParams.SetBands, (int)VM_Bands);
SendParameter(ovrVoiceModParams.FormantCorrection, (int)VM_FormantCorrect);
// Carrier 1
SendParameter(ovrVoiceModParams.Carrier1_TrackPitch, (int)VM_C1_TrackPitch);
SendParameter(ovrVoiceModParams.Carrier1_Type, (int)VM_C1_Type);
SendParameter(ovrVoiceModParams.Carrier1_Gain, (int)(100.0f * VM_C1_Gain));
// Note overrides Frequency if valid range
if(VM_C1_Note == -1)
SendParameter(ovrVoiceModParams.Carrier1_Frequency, (int)(100.0f * VM_C1_Freq));
SendParameter(ovrVoiceModParams.Carrier1_Note, (int)VM_C1_Note);
SendParameter(ovrVoiceModParams.Carrier1_PulseWidth, (int)(100.0f * VM_C1_PulseWidth));
SendParameter(ovrVoiceModParams.Carrier1_CycledNoiseSize, (int)VM_C1_CycledNoiseSize);
// Carrier 2
SendParameter(ovrVoiceModParams.Carrier2_TrackPitch, (int)VM_C2_TrackPitch);
SendParameter(ovrVoiceModParams.Carrier2_Type, (int)VM_C2_Type);
SendParameter(ovrVoiceModParams.Carrier2_Gain, (int)(100.0f * VM_C2_Gain));
// Note overrides Frequency if valid range
if(VM_C2_Note == -1)
SendParameter(ovrVoiceModParams.Carrier2_Frequency, (int)(100.0f * VM_C2_Freq));
SendParameter(ovrVoiceModParams.Carrier2_Note, (int)VM_C2_Note);
SendParameter(ovrVoiceModParams.Carrier2_PulseWidth, (int)(100.0f * VM_C2_PulseWidth));
SendParameter(ovrVoiceModParams.Carrier2_CycledNoiseSize, (int)VM_C1_CycledNoiseSize);