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// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
#pragma warning disable 0618 // Ignore GvrAudio* deprecation
/// A custom editor for properties on the GvrAudioSource script. This appears in the Inspector
/// window of a GvrAudioSource object.
public class GvrAudioSourceEditor : Editor {
private SerializedProperty clip = null;
private SerializedProperty loop = null;
private SerializedProperty mute = null;
private SerializedProperty pitch = null;
private SerializedProperty playOnAwake = null;
private SerializedProperty priority = null;
private SerializedProperty spatialBlend = null;
private SerializedProperty volume = null;
private SerializedProperty dopplerLevel = null;
private SerializedProperty spread = null;
private SerializedProperty rolloffMode = null;
private SerializedProperty maxDistance = null;
private SerializedProperty minDistance = null;
private SerializedProperty bypassRoomEffects = null;
private SerializedProperty directivityAlpha = null;
private SerializedProperty directivitySharpness = null;
private SerializedProperty listenerDirectivityAlpha = null;
private SerializedProperty listenerDirectivitySharpness = null;
private Texture2D directivityTexture = null;
private SerializedProperty gainDb = null;
private SerializedProperty hrtfEnabled = null;
private SerializedProperty occlusionEnabled = null;
private GUIContent clipLabel = new GUIContent("AudioClip",
"The AudioClip asset played by the GvrAudioSource.");
private GUIContent loopLabel = new GUIContent("Loop",
"Sets the source to loop.");
private GUIContent muteLabel = new GUIContent("Mute",
"Mutes the sound.");
private GUIContent pitchLabel = new GUIContent("Pitch",
"Sets the frequency of the sound. Use this to slow down or speed up the sound.");
private GUIContent priorityLabel = new GUIContent("Priority",
"Sets the priority of the source. Note that a sound with a larger priority value will more " +
"likely be stolen by sounds with smaller priority values.");
private GUIContent spatialBlendLabel = new GUIContent("Spatial Blend",
"Sets how much this source is treated as a 3D source. Setting this value to 0 will ignore " +
"distance attenuation and doppler effects. However, it does not affect panning the sound " +
"around the listener.");
private GUIContent volumeLabel = new GUIContent("Volume",
"Sets the overall volume of the sound.");
private GUIContent dopplerLevelLabel = new GUIContent("Doppler Level",
"Specifies how much the pitch is changed based on the relative velocity between the source " +
"and the listener.");
private GUIContent spreadLabel = new GUIContent("Spread",
"Source spread in degrees.");
private GUIContent rolloffModeLabel = new GUIContent("Volume Rolloff",
"Which type of rolloff curve to use.");
private GUIContent maxDistanceLabel = new GUIContent("Max Distance",
"Max distance is the distance a sound stops attenuating at.");
private GUIContent minDistanceLabel = new GUIContent("Min Distance",
"Within the min distance, the volume will stay at the loudest possible. " +
"Outside this min distance it will begin to attenuate.");
private GUIContent playOnAwakeLabel = new GUIContent("Play On Awake",
"Play the sound when the scene loads.");
private GUIContent bypassRoomEffectsLabel = new GUIContent("Bypass Room Effects",
"Sets whether the room effects for the source should be bypassed.");
private GUIContent directivityLabel = new GUIContent("Directivity",
"Controls the pattern of sound emission of the source. This can change the perceived " +
"loudness of the source depending on which way it is facing relative to the listener. " +
"Patterns are aligned to the 'forward' direction of the parent object.");
private GUIContent directivityAlphaLabel = new GUIContent("Alpha",
"Controls the balance between dipole pattern and omnidirectional pattern for source " +
"emission. By varying this value, differing directivity patterns can be formed.");
private GUIContent directivitySharpnessLabel = new GUIContent("Sharpness",
"Sets the sharpness of the directivity pattern. Higher values will result in increased " +
private GUIContent listenerDirectivityLabel = new GUIContent("Listener Directivity",
"Controls the pattern of sound sensitivity of the listener for the source. This can " +
"change the perceived loudness of the source depending on which way the listener is facing " +
"relative to the source. Patterns are aligned to the 'forward' direction of the listener.");
private GUIContent listenerDirectivityAlphaLabel = new GUIContent("Alpha",
"Controls the balance between dipole pattern and omnidirectional pattern for listener " +
"sensitivity. By varying this value, differing directivity patterns can be formed.");
private GUIContent listenerDirectivitySharpnessLabel = new GUIContent("Sharpness",
"Sets the sharpness of the listener directivity pattern. Higher values will result in " +
"increased directivity.");
private GUIContent gainLabel = new GUIContent("Gain (dB)",
"Applies a gain to the source for adjustment of relative loudness.");
private GUIContent hrtfEnabledLabel = new GUIContent("Enable HRTF",
"Sets HRTF binaural rendering for the source. Note that this setting has no effect when " +
"stereo quality mode is selected globally.");
private GUIContent occlusionLabel = new GUIContent("Enable Occlusion",
"Sets whether the sound of the source should be occluded when there are other objects " +
"between the source and the listener.");
void OnEnable () {
clip = serializedObject.FindProperty("sourceClip");
loop = serializedObject.FindProperty("sourceLoop");
mute = serializedObject.FindProperty("sourceMute");
pitch = serializedObject.FindProperty("sourcePitch");
playOnAwake = serializedObject.FindProperty("playOnAwake");
priority = serializedObject.FindProperty("sourcePriority");
spatialBlend = serializedObject.FindProperty("sourceSpatialBlend");
volume = serializedObject.FindProperty("sourceVolume");
dopplerLevel = serializedObject.FindProperty("sourceDopplerLevel");
spread = serializedObject.FindProperty("sourceSpread");
rolloffMode = serializedObject.FindProperty("sourceRolloffMode");
maxDistance = serializedObject.FindProperty("sourceMaxDistance");
minDistance = serializedObject.FindProperty("sourceMinDistance");
bypassRoomEffects = serializedObject.FindProperty("bypassRoomEffects");
directivityAlpha = serializedObject.FindProperty("directivityAlpha");
directivitySharpness = serializedObject.FindProperty("directivitySharpness");
listenerDirectivityAlpha = serializedObject.FindProperty("listenerDirectivityAlpha");
listenerDirectivitySharpness = serializedObject.FindProperty("listenerDirectivitySharpness");
directivityTexture = Texture2D.blackTexture;
gainDb = serializedObject.FindProperty("gainDb");
hrtfEnabled = serializedObject.FindProperty("hrtfEnabled");
occlusionEnabled = serializedObject.FindProperty("occlusionEnabled");
/// @cond
public override void OnInspectorGUI () {
// Add clickable script field, as would have been provided by DrawDefaultInspector()
MonoScript script = MonoScript.FromMonoBehaviour (target as MonoBehaviour);
EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup (true);
EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("Script", script, typeof(MonoScript), false);
EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup ();
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(clip, clipLabel);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(mute, muteLabel);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(bypassRoomEffects, bypassRoomEffectsLabel);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(playOnAwake, playOnAwakeLabel);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(loop, loopLabel);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(priority, priorityLabel);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(volume, volumeLabel);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(pitch, pitchLabel);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(spatialBlend, spatialBlendLabel);
EditorGUILayout.Slider(gainDb, GvrAudio.minGainDb, GvrAudio.maxGainDb, gainLabel);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(dopplerLevel, dopplerLevelLabel);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(spread, spreadLabel);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(rolloffMode, rolloffModeLabel);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(minDistance, minDistanceLabel);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(maxDistance, maxDistanceLabel);
if (rolloffMode.enumValueIndex == (int)AudioRolloffMode.Custom) {
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Custom rolloff mode is not supported, no distance attenuation " +
"will be applied.", MessageType.Warning);
// Draw the listener directivity properties.
EditorGUILayout.Slider(listenerDirectivityAlpha, 0.0f, 1.0f, listenerDirectivityAlphaLabel);
EditorGUILayout.Slider(listenerDirectivitySharpness, 1.0f, 10.0f,
(int)(3.0f * EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight));
// Draw the source directivity properties.
EditorGUILayout.Slider(directivityAlpha, 0.0f, 1.0f, directivityAlphaLabel);
EditorGUILayout.Slider(directivitySharpness, 1.0f, 10.0f, directivitySharpnessLabel);
DrawDirectivityPattern(directivityAlpha.floatValue, directivitySharpness.floatValue,
(int)(3.0f * EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(occlusionEnabled, occlusionLabel);
// HRTF toggle can only be modified through the Inspector in Edit mode.
EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup (EditorApplication.isPlaying);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(hrtfEnabled, hrtfEnabledLabel);
EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup ();
/// @endcond
private void DrawDirectivityPattern (float alpha, float sharpness, Color color, int size) {
directivityTexture.Resize(size, size);
// Draw the axes.
Color axisColor = color.a *;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
directivityTexture.SetPixel(i, size / 2, axisColor);
directivityTexture.SetPixel(size / 2, i, axisColor);
// Draw the 2D polar directivity pattern.
float offset = 0.5f * size;
float cardioidSize = 0.45f * size;
Vector2[] vertices = GvrAudio.Generate2dPolarPattern(alpha, sharpness, 180);
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; ++i) {
directivityTexture.SetPixel((int)(offset + cardioidSize * vertices[i].x),
(int)(offset + cardioidSize * vertices[i].y), color);
// Show the texture.
#pragma warning restore 0618 // Restore warnings